Polemic - Viera - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Polemic - Viera

La la la la la ...
La la la la la ...
to neutajím pred svetom,
I can't hide it from the world anymore,
že som našiel to čo hľadal som
that I've found what I've been looking for
Kde je viera, tam sa začnú veci hýbať správnym smerom
Where there is faith, things start moving in the right direction
A to niečo znamená
And that means something
Kde je viera, tam sa končia spory hlasným smiechom
Where there is faith, quarrels end with a loud laugh
Je blízka aj vzdialená
It is both near and far
Zoslali ju asi nebesá
It was probably sent by heaven
Neviem prečo, ale teším sa
I don't know why, but I'm happy
Kde je viera, tam aj bozky chutia ako niečo vzácne
Where there is faith, even kisses taste like something precious
Zmizli noci bezsenné
Sleepless nights are gone
Kde je viera, tam sa nečaká na hviezdu kedy spadne
Where there is faith, you don't wait for a star to fall
Všetky sny splnené
All dreams are fulfilled
Do nepohody je stvorená
It is made for bad weather
či stojí a či na kolenách
whether standing or on your knees
Kde je viera, tam sa začnú veci hýbať správnym smerom
Where there is faith, things start moving in the right direction
A to niečo znamená
And that means something
Kde je viera, tam sa končia spory hlasným smiechom
Where there is faith, quarrels end with a loud laugh
Je blízka aj vzdialená
It is both near and far
Moja viera, ide na to šikovne to nepopieram
My faith, it goes about it cleverly, I don't deny it
Vie čo s chlapom robí hlad
It knows what hunger does to a man
Moja viera, starú školu uznáva nech vlk je sýty
My faith, it respects the old school, so that the wolf is satisfied
Aby mal silu nosiť ju na rukách
So that it has the strength to carry it in its arms

Writer(s): Peter Opet, Peter Sandor, Michal Novacky, Miroslav Baricic, Branislav Bajza, Andrej Juras, Lubomir Horak, Peter Huraj, Branislav Fejes

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