Ponzoña Musical - A Mi Raza - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ponzoña Musical - A Mi Raza

A Mi Raza
A Mi Raza
Un saludo para toda mi raza de durango
Greetings to all my people from Durango,
And pure venom, my friend.
Yo he sido qreado en el estado de durango
I was born in the state of Durango,
Y x mis venas no corre sangre corriente
And my veins do not run ordinary blood.
Muy orgulloso de mi gante y de mi estado
I am very proud of my people and my state,
X q donde vaya se le atiende cordialmente
Because wherever I go, I am treated with cordiality.
Cuando visiten nuestro estado de durango
When you visit our state of Durango,
Se va a dar cuenta lo q es verdad lo q le digo
You will realize that what I say is true.
X q donde vaya le van a tender la mano
Because wherever you go, they will lend you a helping hand,
Alla no importa como vaya usted vestido
And it doesn't matter how you are dressed.
Los de durango se la rifan donde quiera
The people of Durango do their thing wherever they go,
Ya sea en mi tierra o en los estados unidos
Whether it be in my land or in the United States.
Trabajadores eso ya esta comprobado
They are hard workers, that is proven,
Tambien son bravos si lo buscan de enemigos
And they are also brave if you seek them as enemies.
X restaurantes, fabricas tambien las yagas
In restaurants, factories, and fields they are to be found,
En construciones ylos talleres los han visto
In construction sites and workshops, you have seen them.
No se sorprenda si los ve trabajar duro
Don't be surprised if you see them working hard,
Asi es la gente de durango mis amigos
That's the way the people of Durango are, my friend.
And don't worry my friend, pure poison music first and give it your best.
Si es en chigago o en dember colorado ya sea en florida o en amarillo, texas hay alacranes q tienen pura ponzoña
Whether it's in Chicago or Denver, Colorado, or in Florida or Amarillo, Texas, there are scorpions that carry pure venom.
Son venenosos y a nadie saca la vuelta
They are venomous and don't back down from anyone.
Algunos somo barrachos y mujeriegos
Some of us are drunkards and womanizers,
Otros san bravos como gallos de pelea
Others are brave like fighting cocks.
Los de contentos q pasan muy bien vestidos con buenas botas
Those who are content are well-dressed with good boots,
Y puras troconas nuevas ya me despido muy contento de mi raza
And brand new trucks. I bid you farewell, very happy with my people.
Mando saluda pa mi gente alla en chicago
I send greetings to my people in Chicago,
De california y de calzon no me olvidado
In California and Calexico, I have not forgotten.
Recuerden bien q alla en durango esta su casa
Remember well that Durango is your home.
Los de durango se la rifan donde quiera
The people of Durango do their thing wherever they go,
Ya sea en mi tierra o en los estados unidos
Whether it be in my land or in the United States.
Trabajadores eso ya esta comprobado
They are hard workers, that is proven,
Tambien son brabos si lo buscan de enemigos
And they are also brave if you seek them as enemies.
X restaurantes fabricas tambien la s yagas
In restaurants, factories, and fields they are to be found,
En construcion en los talleres usted los ha visto
In construction sites and workshops, you have seen them.
No se sorprenda si los ve trabajar duro
Don't be surprised if you see them working hard,
Asi es la gente de durango mis amigos
That's the way the people of Durango are, my friend.

Writer(s): lupe limón, lupillo limón

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