Pooh - Lei e Lei - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pooh - Lei e Lei

Lei e Lei
You and Her
Lei era amica anche mia
She was also my friend
Sapeva cosa dirti quando tu
She knew what to say when you
Senza ragione eri contro di me.
For no reason you were against me.
No, non nascondo che io
No, I do not hide that I
A volte ero turbato un po′ da lei
At times I was a bit troubled by her
Forse la desiderai.
Perhaps I wanted her.
Ma c'eri tu nella vita mia
But you were in my life
Senza riserve avevo scelto te
Without reservations I had chosen you
La tua trasparente e ostinata ingenuità
Your transparent and obstinate naivety
L′incoscienza dell'età.
The recklessness of youth.
Ma immaginai che guardando lei
But I imagined that by looking at her
Temendo fosse il suo confronto in te
Fearing that it was her comparison in you
Potesse svegliarsi la donna che tu sei
It could awaken the woman that you are
Ciò che mi piaceva in lei
What I liked about her
Io sperai fluisse in te.
I hoped would flow into you.
Sai, fu l'abisso per me
You know, it was the abyss for me
La sera che dicesti "vattene"
The evening you said "go away"
En calma più che mai.
As calm as ever.
Ma ciò che poi mi ferì di più
But what hurt me the most
Fu quando chiesi: "Ma perché, per chi?".
Was when I asked: "But why, for whom?".
Guardai dietro a te in un sorriso c′era lei
I looked behind you and there she was in a smile
In silenzio vi guardai
In silence I watched you
Ciò che vuoi, ma questo mai.
Whatever you want, but never this.

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