Pooh - Tu vivrai - traduction des paroles en anglais

Tu vivrai - Poohtraduction en anglais

Tu vivrai
You Will Live
Se sei nato già vincente
If you were born a winner
Ma sai essere alla buona
But you know how to be humble
Se ti fidi della gente
If you trust people
Ma non credi alla befana
But you don't believe in fairy tales
Se non dai la colpa agli altri
If you don't blame others
Degli sbagli che tu fai
For the mistakes that you make
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Se sei forte quando serve
If you're strong when you need to be
Ma sai chiedere anche scusa
But you also know how to apologize
Se vai piano in certe curve
If you go slow on certain curves
Ma sai vincere in ripresa
But you know how to win in recovery
Se sai mettere d'accordo
If you can bring together
Chi non c'è riuscito mai
Those who have never succeeded
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Se non ti stanchi mai
If you never tire
Di addormentarti stanco
Of falling asleep tired
Se c'è un bambino in te
If there's a child in you
E te lo porti a fianco
And you keep him by your side
Se non ti prendi mai
If you never take yourself
Troppo sul serio
Too seriously
Comunque tu vivrai
However you will live
Vivrai davvero
You will truly live
Se ti sai svegliare presto
If you know how to wake up early
Quando vai a letto tardi
When you go to bed late
Se rimani quasi onesto
If you remain almost honest
In un giro di miliardi
In a world of billions
Se sai piangere di gioia
If you know how to cry with joy
Senza vergognarti mai
Without ever being ashamed
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Se non ti stanchi mai
If you never tire
Di cose da imparare
Of things to learn
Se non disprezzi mai
If you never despise
Quel che non puoi avere
What you cannot have
Nessuno riuscirà a manovrarti
No one will be able to control you
Saprai di cosa e chi innamorarti
You will know what and who to fall in love with
E se sai perdere e cadere
And if you know how to lose and fall
Senza mai toccare il fondo
Without ever hitting rock bottom
Se sai toglierti dal cuore
If you know how to remove from your heart
Chi ti stava derubando
Those who were robbing you
Se sai dare tanto amore
If you know how to give as much love
Quanto ne riceverai
As you will receive
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai, tu vivrai, tu vivrai
You will live, you will live, you will live
Tu vivrai
You will live

Writer(s): Valerio Negrini, Roby Facchinetti

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