Pope feat. Slim - Nascar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Pope feat. Slim - Nascar

No es personal pero a la hora de la verdad
It's not personal but when the truth comes out
Ninguno pone la mano en el fuego no ganan el juego
None of them put their hand in the fire they don't win the game
Solo lo hace papa
Only the Pope does
Wawa corre ponlo a derrapar
Baby run drift it
Yaya driftin por sus piernas
Baby drifting by your legs
Mas gass ya no nos pueden parar
More gas, they can't stop us
Run run voy mas alla de Nascar
Run run, I go beyond Nascar
Nos quieren pillar
They want to catch us
Solo de lejos nos pueden mirar
They can only watch us from afar
Ninguno nos va a llega a la suela las air force
None of them will reach the sole of the Air Force
Mi casio dice que su hora de chillar
My Casio says it's time for them to scream
Es su hora de chillar
It's their time to scream
No pueden brillar no pueden brillar
They can't shine, they can't shine
Ni ver mas alla opaco el cristal
Nor see beyond the opaque crystal
Lo parto sin mas contra su big ass
I break it without more against its big ass
Me la como entera parece un Big Mac
I eat it whole, it looks like a Big Mac
Contacto directo a su was
Direct contact to your was
Lo clavo perfecto Durant
I hit it perfectly, Durant
Es dulce sugar
It's sweet sugar
Y lo que digan ya me va a sudar
And what they say won't make me sweat anymore
Porque yo estoy primero ellos sexto lugar
Because I'm first, they're sixth
Fuego al quinto rulo el sexto
Fire up the fifth roll, the sixth
Del sillon me eyecto ya me siento lento
I eject from the armchair, I feel slow
Sintiendo el infarto cuando parte el pecho
Feeling the heart attack when it breaks the chest
Pero igual disparo y par de headshots
But I still shoot and two headshots
Wawa corre ponlo a derrapar
Baby run drift it
Yaya driftin por sus piernas
Baby drifting by your legs
Mas gass ya no nos pueden parar
More gas, they can't stop us
Run run voy mas alla de Nascar
Run run, I go beyond Nascar
Shutup bitch let me plase start up
Shutup bitch let me please start up
Badass cant see u runnin faster
Badass can't see you running faster
Cant stand Cos Now gotta run back
Can't stand 'cos now gotta run back
Last lap the pole is mine bitch high class
Last lap the pole is mine bitch high class
Wawa corre ponlo a derrapar
Baby run drift it
Yaya driftin por sus piernas
Baby drifting by your legs
Mas gass ya no nos pueden parar
More gas, they can't stop us
Run run voy mas alla de Nascar
Run run, I go beyond Nascar
Shutup bitch let me plase start up
Shutup bitch let me please start up
Badass cant see u runnin faster
Badass can't see you running faster
Cant stand Cos Now gotta run back
Can't stand 'cos now gotta run back
Last lap the pole is mine im high class
Last lap the pole is mine I'm high class
No escama en mi piel
No snakes on my skin
Que escarba en mi ser
That dig at my being
Con alcohol sin sed
With alcohol without thirst
Nos van a temer
They will fear us
Una y otra vez
Again and again
Ver ceniza caer
Watching ashes fall
Voy a enloquecer
I'm going crazy
Si te vuelvo a ver
If I see you again
Aclaro la mente fumanome un choco
I clear my mind by smoking a choco
Me pega muy fuerte pero me hago otro
It hits me hard but I make another
Me siento demente no entro al psicólogo
I feel crazy I don't go to the psychologist
Junto a mi gente rodeado de narcóticos
Together with my people surrounded by narcotics
No entro de frente no pego con tópicos
I don't enter from the front I don't hit with topics
Con yerba potente proviene del trópico
With potent weed it comes from the tropics
No uso mi mente no juego a lo lógico
I don't use my mind I don't play logically
Piso tu frente si reduzco a lo atómico
I stomp on your forehead if I reduce it to an atom
Y va
And go
Sustancia al paladar
Substance to the palate
PA dentro y sin masticar
To the inside and without chewing
No metes por más tirar bien
You don't go in for more throwing well
Ojo de sharingan ve
The sharingan eye sees
Tu muerte supuesto final que
Your supposed death finale that
Te arrastra al delirio mental de
It drags you into the mental delirium of
Malos pensamiento podrán asustar te
Evil thoughts can scare you
Echa el freno
Hit the brake
Deja paso con el boli trazo un temazo en entero
Let go with the pen I draw a whole tune in one go
Dame veneneno
Give me the poison
Llama al Carlos que no veo dos pasos pasale el canelo
Call Carlos because I can't see two steps pass him the cinnamon
Y dale fuego
And light it
Fumo a cachos de un peí a pachas y no rulan mechero
I smoke on the sly from one leaf to another and they don't pass me the lighter
Que desprecio
What contempt
Hoy me siento el anfitrion en mi trono de hierro
Today I feel like the host on my iron throne

Writer(s): Carlos álvarez

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