Porta - Dragon Ball Super Broly Rap - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Porta - Dragon Ball Super Broly Rap

Dragon Ball Super Broly Rap
Dragon Ball Super Broly Rap
¡Yeah!, perdona por hacerte esperar, juro sacarte una sonrisa
Yeah!, forgive me for making you wait, I swear I'll make you smile
Llega una nave nodriza y parece que el ejército de King Cold aterriza
A mothership arrives and it seems that King Cold's army is landing
Nadie discute, traen nuevos scooters, pa' todos los saiyans a los que utiliza
No one argues, they bring new scooters, for all the Saiyans he uses
La mala noticia es que el ejército va a pasar a las manos de Frieza
The bad news is that the army will pass into the hands of Frieza
El rey del planeta Vegeta ahora tiene puesta toda esperanza en su hijo
The king of planet Vegeta now has all his hopes placed on his son
¡Ey!, pero hay un niño llamado Broly su nivel de ki es un prodigio
Hey!, but there's a child named Broly whose ki level is prodigious
Le condenarán al exilio y se le dejará sin prestigio
He will be condemned to exile and left without prestige
Le envidiarán, la excusa que pondrán, es que quizá mañana el niño pierda el juicio
They will envy him, the excuse they will give is that maybe tomorrow the child will lose his mind
Desterrado al planeta Vampa con pocos recursos y trampas
Banished to planet Vampa with few resources and traps
Paragus le sigue, no aguanta, tan sólo se entrenan y acampan
Paragus follows him, he can't take it, they only train and camp
Pasan los años y no hay esperanza, se llenan de odio en busca de venganza
Years pass and there is no hope, they are filled with hatred in search of revenge
Mientras que el emperador trama algo mejor, por eso, en Bardock hay desconfianza
While the emperor is plotting something better, that's why there is distrust in Bardock
Frieza reclama a los saiyans que regresen todos
Frieza demands that all the Saiyans return
Quiere acabar con la raza entera y ha encontrado el modo
He wants to wipe out the entire race and has found a way
Los supervivientes creerán que fue por un meteoro
The survivors will believe it was because of a meteor
Pero, se salvará al Saiyan de clase baja al que se conoce como Kakaroto
But, the low-class Saiyan known as Kakarot will be saved
Tres saiyans, un destino, con distintos objetivos
Three Saiyans, one destiny, with different goals
Y aunque no existen motivos, el único camino es pelear
And although there are no reasons, the only way is to fight
Un poder tan genuino, tras su aspecto primitivo
Such genuine power, behind his primitive appearance
Esconde un collar de castigo con el que se le intenta dominar
Hides a collar of punishment with which they try to control him
Tres saiyans, un destino, con distintos objetivos
Three Saiyans, one destiny, with different goals
Y aunque no existen motivos, el único camino es pelear
And although there are no reasons, the only way is to fight
Un poder tan genuino, tras su aspecto primitivo
Such genuine power, behind his primitive appearance
Esconde un collar de castigo con el que se le intenta dominar
Hides a collar of punishment with which they try to control him
Mientras Son Goku y Vegeta se entrenan
While Son Goku and Vegeta train
Son los secuaces de Freezer los que están robando seis de las esferas
It is Frieza's henchmen who are stealing six of the spheres
Los deseos de Bulma y del emperador, ni de coña te los esperas
The wishes of Bulma and the emperor, you wouldn't even guess them
Son Lemo y Cheelai los encuentran por ahí
Lemo and Cheelai find them out there
A Broly y a Paragus para que al ejército se les unieran
Broly and Paragus to join the army
A Broly se le ve inocente, el problema es un padre exigente
Broly looks innocent, the problem is a demanding father
Lo separó de su único amigo Bah, pa-ra que el Saiyan se concentre
He separated him from his only friend Bah, so that the Saiyan can focus
Le extirpó su cola y así lo controla, con un collar que funciona con corrientes
He removed his tail and thus controls him, with a collar that works with currents
Pero, Cheelai le roba el control remoto y todo va a ser diferente
But, Cheelai steals the remote control and everything is going to be different
Frieza sueña con sacarse a Goku ya de encima
Frieza dreams of getting rid of Goku already
Dan permiso a Broly para que no se reprima
They give Broly permission to not hold back
Uve de Vegeta, la vendetta se aproxima
V for Vegeta, revenge is approaching
Tal vez, te sorprenda el Saiyan si lo subestimas
Perhaps, the Saiyan will surprise you if you underestimate him
Es la primera vez que Broly pelea con alguien de ese nivel
It's the first time Broly fights someone of that level
Pero aprende tras cada movimiento que el príncipe emplea hacia él
But he learns after each movement that the prince uses against him
Le sobra poder, el super Saiyajin se dejará ver, Broly y Paragus se van a sorprender
He has power to spare, the Super Saiyan will show himself, Broly and Paragus will be surprised
Ya no hay quién se defienda, es como en la leyenda en la que solo Freezer debía creer
There is no one to defend themselves, it is like in the legend that only Frieza should believe
Llega el turno del super Saiyan Dios
It's the turn of the Super Saiyan God
Broly no puede hacer nada ante esta situación pierde el control
Broly can't do anything in this situation, he loses control
Ahora es un Ozaru pero con forma humana
Now he is an Oozaru but in human form
Su fuerza ya emana, Gokú se prepara
His strength already emanates, Goku prepares
Es hora de ver a estas bestias en una batalla feroz desatada
It's time to see these beasts in a fierce unleashed battle
Tres saiyans, un destino, Broly no está receptivo
Three Saiyans, one destiny, Broly is not receptive
Ahora que no está cautivo, su poder por fin se va a desatar
Now that he is not captive, his power will finally be unleashed
Un aumento repentino y para muchos excesivo
A sudden and for many excessive increase
El combate es decisivo, este enemigo no es como los demás
The fight is decisive, this enemy is not like the others
Tres saiyans, un destino, Broly no está receptivo
Three Saiyans, one destiny, Broly is not receptive
Y ahora que no está cautivo, su poder por fin se va a desatar
And now that he is not captive, his power will finally be unleashed
Un aumento repentino y para muchos excesivo
A sudden and for many excessive increase
El combate es decisivo, este enemigo no es como los demás
The fight is decisive, this enemy is not like the others
Empieza con clase, en su forma base y adopta su pose
He starts with class, in his base form and adopts his pose
Tras varios compases, hay cambio de fase y unos golpes feroces
After several bars, there is a phase change and some fierce blows
Así es como se hace, el próximo pase es el nivel de los dioses
This is how it's done, the next pass is the level of the gods
Aquí te complace y quizá te atenace esa técnica que aún desconoces
Here it pleases you and perhaps it grips you, that technique that you still don't know
Puedo ver todo lo que has sufrido, pero en ti no consigo ver maldad
I can see everything you've suffered, but I can't see evil in you
Siento tu corazón puro, estoy más que seguro que prefieres no luchar
I feel your pure heart, I'm more than sure that you prefer not to fight
Yo contra un adversario tan duro os juro que no cuánto rato más voy a aguantar
Me against such a tough opponent, I swear I don't know how much longer I'm going to last
Piccolo: si no puedo solo, prepárate porque me voy teletransportar
Piccolo: if I can't do it alone, get ready because I'm going to teleport
Va siendo hora de mostrar el Blue en su plenitud, toca dar la talla
It's time to show the Blue in its fullness, it's time to measure up
Pero aquí estás tú, gozándolo en YouTube, mientras con este rap yo narro la batalla
But here you are, enjoying it on YouTube, while with this rap I narrate the battle
Frieza mata a Paragus y así fuerza a Broly a ser un super saiyan
Frieza kills Paragus and thus forces Broly to be a Super Saiyan
Ni Vegeta ni Gokú pueden juntos, ahora que el duelo estalla
Neither Vegeta nor Goku can together, now the duel explodes
Le gastan una mala pasada a Frieza y la retirada hasta parece discreta
They play a trick on Frieza and the retreat even seems discreet
Un, dos, fusión incompleta pero a la tercera aparece Gogeta
One, two, incomplete fusion but on the third Gogeta appears
Su fuerza es tan alta que inquieta, con técnicas que lanzan ki como una metralleta
His strength is so high that it is unsettling, with techniques that launch ki like a machine gun
Con el súper saiyan blue y Broly power full, hasta las dimensiones se agrietan
With Super Saiyan Blue and Broly Power Full, even the dimensions crack
Ahora la diferencia es abismal, aunque aguanta la forma el animal
Now the difference is abysmal, although the animal endures the form
Cada golpe que le da es más letal y más válido, Gogeta es demasiado rápido
Each blow he gives is more lethal and more valid, Gogeta is too fast
Su poder es sobrenatural, llega el super Kame ha final
His power is supernatural, the final Super Kamehameha arrives
Aunque Cheelai le pedirá a Shenlong que envié a Broly a su planeta, salvándolo
Although Cheelai will ask Shenlong to send Broly to his planet, saving him
Tres saiyans, un destino, todos ellos siguen vivos
Three Saiyans, one destiny, all of them are still alive
Frieza se ve inofensivo, por eso le dejarán escapar
Frieza looks harmless, that's why they will let him escape
Ahora Broly está tranquilo, Goku siempre positivo
Now Broly is calm, Goku always positive
Quizá acaben como amigos Kakaroto solo quiere ayudar
Maybe they will end up as friends, Kakarot just wants to help
Tres saiyans, un destino, todos ellos siguen vivos
Three Saiyans, one destiny, all of them are still alive
Frieza se ve inofensivo, por eso le dejarán escapar
Frieza looks harmless, that's why they will let him escape
Ahora Broly está tranquilo, Goku siempre positivo
Now Broly is calm, Goku always positive
Quizá acaben como amigos
Maybe they will end up as friends
Dragon ball siempre conmigo de aquí hasta el final
Dragon Ball always with me from here to the end

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