Ar dan dobar vece ja bi ode piva ako more. AjDe MaKni se BuDaLo jedna!!!!! pa nemoj še zajebavat ša mnom ješ normalan???!!!!!!!!!! razbit cu te ode ko BuDaLu ma nemoj sto misliš da san ja s tobom frenje jea jel????!!!!!!!!!! u dvorištu.MaJmUnE... BuDaLo... StoKo.???!!!!!
Hey bartender, good evening, I'd like a beer if possible. Get lost you idiot!!!!! Don't mess with me, are you crazy???!!!!!!!!!! I'll smash you here like an idiot, come on, what do you think I'm messing around with you, huh????!!!!!!!!!! In the yard... Monkey... Idiot... Cattle.???!!!!!
Svaki put kad izađen van gledan mlađe i starije.
Every time I go out, I see younger and older people.
Svi seru govna i radu pizdarije...
Everyone's talking shit and doing stupid things...
Jedan doso iz čičarije pa se pravi budala...
One came from the countryside and acts like a fool...
Drugi vice nemoj ga dirat to je samo Šala.
Another yells, don't touch him, it's just a joke.
Kakva šala sad cu vas sve poštrojit.
What a joke, I'm gonna straighten you all out now.
Sve cu vas redom na parove razbrojit...
I'll count you all off in pairs...
Cu vam kosti prebrojit
Count all your bones.
Samnom nema zajebancije...!!!!!!!!!!
There's no messing around with me...!!!!!!!!!!
Pobro ima izlaz iz svake situacije...
Buddy has a way out of every situation...
I ne treba racije kad je PoBrO u kući.
And there's no need for raids when Buddy's in the house.
A budala viče da se oče samnom tuččči...
And the idiot yells that he wants to fight me...
Ko krumpir vruči ga bačim preko šanka
Like a hot potato, I throw him over the bar
I viknem
. ime mi je PoBrO MF .!!!!!!!!
And shout, my name is Buddy MF .!!!!!!!!
Mene znade švaka i švaka mi daje...
Everyone knows me and everyone gives me...
A budala se digo i opet nesto laje...
And the idiot got up and barks again...
Pa se vratim nazad da mu objasnim par stvari
So I go back to explain a few things to him
Jer mislim da i razgovor ima svojih čari.
Because I think conversation has its charms.
NeMoJ nNeMoJ.BuDaLa se digo i opet nesto prijeti.
Don't Don't. The idiot got up and threatens something again.
Nemoj čemo ja i ti porazgovarat.ajde dođe vamo...
Don't don't. Let's you and I have a chat. Come here...
NeMoJ NeMoJ.nemoj nemoj budala se digo i opet nesto prijeti.
Don't Don't. Don't don't the idiot got up and threatens something again.
Dodi dodi vidim da jos nisi ražumia... sa češ vidit.
Come come, I see you still haven't understood... You'll see.
Ima nekih stvari koje negovore se svima.
There are some things you don't tell everyone.
Ali pobro za vas ima jos nekoliko rima.
But buddy has a few more rhymes for you.
Naoko štima.prebio budalu.
It seems to work. Beat up the idiot.
Kad eto druga viče sto mi diraš malu.!!!!!!!!!!
When here comes another one yelling why are you touching my girl.!!!!!!!!!!
Rekoh nisam nikog taka al bi moga tebe.
I said I didn't touch anyone but I could touch you.
A on ce meni NATO... pobro ko te jebe...
And he says to me NATO... buddy who cares...
Nisam čua stani očeš izač vani.
I didn't hear stop, do you want to go outside.
Ako imas brata zovi da te i on brani...
If you have a brother, call him to defend you too...
Zovi oca sto te hrani i organe reda.
Call the father who feeds you and the authorities.
Pa sve cu vas postrojit zato nema beda.
I'll line you all up so there's no problem.
Kaze bas mi se i neda i bas mi je sad krivo.!!!!!!!!!! oprosti pobro oces mozda popit pivo.
He says I really don't want to and I'm really sorry now.!!!!!!!!!! Sorry buddy, maybe you want a beer.
Vidim da je manit i pijan od trave.
I see he's crazy and drunk from weed.
Pa se smirim da ne zavrsim iza brave.
So I calm down so I don't end up behind bars.
Ko u filmu strave krenem na wc-e.
Like in a horror movie, I go to the toilet.
Tamo po obicaju sve puno djece...
There, as usual, all full of kids...
Jedan pada u trans drugi gubi balans.
One falls into a trance, another loses balance.
Treci vice vidi imam nove patike lans.
The third one shouts, look, I have new Lans sneakers.
Ma u materinu mars.necu ovdje pisat.
Oh to hell with Mars. I'm not gonna pee here.
Iden rec dj-u da bi treba glazbu stisat...
I'm gonna tell the DJ to turn down the music...
Aa budala nezna miksat samo sranja pusta.
Ah, the idiot doesn't know how to mix, he just plays crap.
Rekoh mislis da se pobri bas to slusa.
I said, do you think Buddy listens to that.
Ajde makni se da ja pustim nesto majmune jedan neizivljeni
Come on, get out of here so I can play something, you unfulfilled monkey
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