Pragoholik - Hypebeast Diss - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pragoholik - Hypebeast Diss

Hypebeast Diss
Hypebeast Diss
Yeah, uh
Yeah, uh
Tenhle track je věnovanej všem dětem pozdního kapitalismu
This track is dedicated to all the children of late capitalism
Produkce Maxipejsek
Production Maxipejsek
Huh, huh
Huh, huh
Všichni kolem nosej sračky (Fuj)
Everyone around is wearing shit (Ew)
Nahajpený značky (Cha)
Hyped brands (Cha)
Voblíkli do nich slavný lidi
Famous people wear them
Aby to koupili všichni ty zmrdi (Hypebeast)
So that all the jerks buy them (Hypebeast)
Sráči, sundej ten Trasher (Hned, hned)
You little shit, take off that Trasher (Right away, right away)
Za tátovy keše (Pow)
With your dad's cash (Pow)
A laskavě sundej ten Supreme (Prosim)
And please take off that Supreme (Pretty please)
Než se ti vyseru na klín (Hrrrgh)
Before I shit on your lap (Hrrrgh)
Máš na sobě mikinu Bape (Co?)
You're wearing a Bape hoodie (What?)
Vypadá jak pyžamo, co jsem měl jako malej
Looks like the pajamas I wore as a little kid
Nosíš jednodílný dupačky (Buzno!)
You're wearing one-piece overalls (Fag!)
Zaplatils za čtyři klacky (Do huby)
You paid four grand for them (In the face)
Nosíte hovna, to vám ego hladí (Cha)
You wear shit, it rubs your ego (Cha)
to utratim za cestování (Big Spender)
I spend it on traveling (Big Spender)
Ty si kup Supreme a Palace (Skrr)
You buy Supreme and Palace (Skrr)
Potom žer měsíc ananas (Jeden)
Then eat pineapple for a month (One)
Machruješ přede mnou, že jsi starší nebo mladší a tvoje hadry dražší (No a co?)
You show off in front of me, that you're older or younger and your clothes are more expensive (So what?)
Jenže mám tolik zkušeností
But I have so much experience
Že ty kecy si můžu vodpustit, víš?
That I can do without that crap, you know?
Hraješ si na Kanyeho Westa
You're pretending to be Kanye West
Pochybný Yeezy a džínová vesta (Smeták)
Dubious Yeezy and denim vest (Sweeper)
Mám víc holek než ty peněz na kontě
I have more girls than you have money in your account
Tak kdo je baller teď, kdo je baller teď? (Kdo?!)
So who's the baller now, who's the baller now? (Who?!)
PENÜS nebo Pragoholik (Whoo)
PENÜS or Pragoholik (Whoo)
Mám v píči, nebudu péra hulit (Fakt ne)
I don't care, I'm not going to smoke pens (No way)
Seru na Gucci i Louis Vuittony (Prcat)
I shit on Gucci and Louis Vuitton (Fuck)
I vostatní trendy kokotiny
And other trendy bullshit
I kdybych byl bohatej jak Schweiz (Franky)
Even if I was as rich as Schweiz (Franky)
Budu nosit Adidas, Nike (Yeah)
I'll wear Adidas, Nike (Yeah)
Možná Tommy, nějakej Ralph
Maybe Tommy, some Ralph
Ale ne vyjebanej hype (Fakt ne)
But not fucking hype (No way)
Některý hadry mám z H&M (Oh yes)
I have some clothes from H&M (Oh yeah)
Stejně chce tvoje frajerka (Chce sex)
Your girlfriend wants me anyway (Wants sex)
Chce sundat trencle z C&A (Whoo whoo)
She wants to take off my C&A panties (Whoo whoo)
A vyvalit na svý Déčka (Dudy, oh shit)
And show me her boobs (Dudes, oh shit)
Dost bylo těch maškarád
Enough of these masquerades
Seš ovce, stejně tak tvůj kamarád (Seš koště)
You're a sheep, and so is your friend (You're a broom)
A místa, kde fellíte, nemám rád (Ne, ne, ne)
And I hate the places where you fellate (No, no, no)
Do Palládka chodim jen srát a žrát
I go to Palladium only to eat and shit
A z vašeho slangu fakt chčiju (Chčiju)
And I really piss on your slang (I piss)
Kupuješ XS, řikáš "to fitnu" (Cha)
You buy XS, you say "it's fit" (Cha)
Ptáš se, jestli boty jsou fufu (Co?)
You ask me if my shoes are fugazy (What?)
Co to do píči kecáš, ty kluku?! (Jsi kokot)
What the fuck are you talking about, boy? (You're an idiot)
budem na smrtelný posteli
When we're on our deathbed
Budu vzpomínat na zážitky
I'll remember the experiences
A ty jak sis půjčil na Gucci věci
And you how you borrowed money for Gucci things
Kvůli kterejm's žral suchou rejži (Fakt super)
Because of which you ate dry rice (That's great)
Cha, debile, vzbuď se
Cha, idiot, wake up
Na co si hraješ, ty koště? (Ovce)
What are you pretending to be, you broom? (Sheep)
Platil to táta a vypadáš hrozně
Your father paid for it and you look terrible
Teploušský kalhoty - 30k, proč ne? (Buzno)
Gay pants - 30k, why not? (Fag)
A v hoodu se tváříš jak sultán
And you act like a sultan in the hood
Ta holka, cos chtěl, je tvoje nultá (Seš panic)
The girl you wanted is your zero (You're a virgin)
Stejně furt flexíš, debile, dyť-ť
You still flex, you idiot, don't you?
Pro značky bys lízal řiť-ť (Buzerant)
You'd lick asshole for brands (Faggot)
Seš kokot, vole, pro Balenciaga píčoviny bys vykouřil kohokoliv
You're an idiot, dude, you'd smoke anyone for Balenciaga shit
Seš jako MCs v Čechách
You're like MCs in the Czech Republic
Akorát horší...
Only worse...
Nemáš z toho prachy, jenom flexíš
You don't make any money from it, you just flex
Je ti to na píču, debile
It's useless to you, you idiot

Writer(s): Lukas Svoboda

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