Prljavo Kazalište - A Ti Idi (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Prljavo Kazalište - A Ti Idi (Live)

A Ti Idi (Live)
And You Go (Live)
I sljedeća pjesma jedna od novih
And the next song is one of the new ones
Samo mi treba ritam vaših ruku
I only need the rhythm of your hands
A ti idi
And you go
Pa s nekim drugim nađi
And find with someone else
Što sa mnom nisi nikada
What you never had with me
Aha, aha
Aha, aha
Samo idi
Just go
I bar se dobro snađi
And at least manage well
Što sa mnom ne bi nikada
What you would never have with me
Aha, aha
Aha, aha
I nije za me tvoje zlatno ordenje
And your golden medals aren't for me
Jer na tvom putu, ja sam samo kamenje
Because on your path, I'm just stones
Na kraj svijeta vodiš me
You take me to the end of the world
Pa me tamo ostavljaš
And you leave me there
Pa me ostavljaš
And you leave me there
Na kraj svijeta vodiš me
You take me to the end of the world
Pa me tamo ostavljaš
And you leave me there
Zašto me ostavljaš?
Why are you leaving me?
A ti idi
And you go
I tiho noćas siđi
And quietly descend tonight
Po mojim mokrim stubama
Down my wet stairs
Aha, aha
Aha, aha
Bolje idi
Better go
I još jednom mi pokaži
And show me once again
Da tek sam kap u vodama
That I'm just a drop in the waters
Aha, aha
Aha, aha
I nije za me tvoje zlatno ordenje
And your golden medals aren't for me
Jer na tvom putu, ja sam samo kamenje
Because on your path, I'm just stones
Na kraj svijeta vodiš me
You take me to the end of the world
Pa me tamo ostavljaš
And you leave me there
Pa me ostavljaš
And you leave me there
Na kraj svijeta vodiš me
You take me to the end of the world
Pa me tamo ostavljaš
And you leave me there
Zašto me ostavljaš?
Why are you leaving me?
Zašto me ostavljaš
Why are you leaving me
I zaboravljaš?
And forgetting me?
I baš me briga ko te noćas vozi kući
And I don't care who's driving you home tonight
Briga me
I don't care
I ako si i sretna ko što kažeš
And even if you are happy as you say
Mada znam da lažeš
Although I know you're lying
Sve to ubija me
All of that is killing me
U-u-u, grlim hladne jastuke
Ooh, I'm hugging cold pillows
U-u-u, moj bijeli labude
Ooh, my white swan
I briga me što nisi mjesec a ni sunce
And I don't care that you're not the moon or the sun
Briga me
I don't care
Al' nećeš moći preko blatne kaljuže
But you won't be able to cross the muddy puddle
Čista stić do moje postelje
To reach my bed clean
U-u-u, grlim hladne jastuke
Ooh, I'm hugging cold pillows
Da čujem malo vas
Let me hear you a little
Moj bijeli labude
My white swan
Kad me jednom ne bude
When I'm gone one day
Sve će vode, labude
All the waters, swan
Da se razbistre
Will become clear
Moj bijeli labude
My white swan
Kad me jednom ne bude
When I'm gone one day
Sve će vode, labude
All the waters, swan
Da se razbistre
Will become clear
Tu noć kad si se udavala
That night when you got married
Nitko ne zna zašto si plakala
Nobody knows why you were crying
Da li radi tamjana
Was it because of the incense
Ili starih uspomena
Or old memories
Tu noć kad si se udavala
That night when you got married
Nitko ne zna zašto si plakala
Nobody knows why you were crying
Il' ti je kroz glavu prošlo sve
Or did everything go through your head
Postoje neki drugi svjetovi
There are some other worlds
Za nas bi bili rajski cvjetovi
They would be paradise flowers for us
O, samo da si htjela pobjeći
Oh, if only you had wanted to run away
Ovako stisni zube, ne plači
This way, grit your teeth, don't cry
Na badnje veće dok su zvona
On Christmas Eve while the bells
Zvona zvonila
Bells were ringing
Pred katedralom, dušo, ti si stajala
In front of the cathedral, darling, you were standing
I nekim starim šalom kosu si malo pokrila
And you covered your hair a little with an old scarf
Da je ne bi neka pahulja
So that a snowflake wouldn't
Valjda smočila
Probably wet it
Zbog mene ne plači
Don't cry for me
Suza nisam vrijedan
I'm not worth a tear
Kasno je, da se sada mijenjam
It's too late for me to change now
Zbog mene ne plači
Don't cry for me
Suza nisam vrijedan
I'm not worth a tear
Kasno je, da se sada mijenjam
It's too late for me to change now
Jer ti, ti si meni nešto poput korijena
Because you, you are something like roots to me
Neka stara navika
An old habit

Writer(s): Tihomir Files, Jasenko Houra, Ines Prajo, Zlatko Bebek, Mladen Bodalec, Jurica Leikauff

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