PROFJAM - Lodi Dodi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction PROFJAM - Lodi Dodi

Lodi Dodi
Lodi Dodi
Pronto eu vou usar essa dica ai caralho
Darling, I'm going to use that tip, damn
Ô, muito bom
Oh, very good
Poê no som pra gente vibrar
Put it on sound for us to vibe
And what we have to ask is
And what we have to ask is
Why is it that God hasn't punished us-
Why is it that God hasn't punished us-
Well first of all God-
Well first of all God-
Enquanto tu fue, quanto tu fue, quanto tu fue
As long as you go, as long as you go, as long as you go
Quanto tu fue, quan, quan, enquanto tu fue
As long as you go, when, when, as long as you go
Vibra ai
Vibe on it
And now the voice you've been waiting-
And now the voice you've been waiting-
O meu puto solta gargalhadas cheio de papa cerelac
My dude cracks up full of baby food
Papá deita tabaco numa capa do Saramago
Dad puts tobacco on Saramago’s cover
Mistura com plantas vindas de um saco
Mixes it with plants from a bag
Oriundas de uma cave trancada à chave
From a cave locked with a key
Fuck um bogatti
Fuck a Bugatti
Eu acordo doente depois da party
I wake up sick after the party
O meu terceiro olho atento tipo illuminati
My third eye is attentive like an Illuminati
Safoda shawty
Wild shawty
Casaste comigo agora é lodi dodi
You married me now it's lodi dodi
Sou mais fresco que o Doug e c'um style de um teletubbie
I'm cooler than Doug and with the style of a Teletubby
Esquivo da esquizo tipo Goku contra Freiza
I dodge the schizophrenic like Goku against Frieza
Mente prega partidas tipo festa de Halloween
My mind plays tricks like a Halloween party
Pensativo ca sativa
Sativa makes me pensive
Kicks na camisa
Kicks on the shirt
Domingos vou à missa sozinho na minha mind
On Sundays, I go to mass alone in my mind
And what we have to ask is
And what we have to ask is
Why is it that God hasn't punished us for-
Why is it that God hasn't punished us for-
O meu templo sou eu mesmo
My own self is my temple
Descalço-me quando entro
I take off my shoes when I enter
Danço a valsa com deuses
I dance the waltz with gods
depois é que os conheço
Only then do I know them
Queimo um incenso
I burn incense
Deito-me direito e esqueço
I lie down straight and forget
O meu ego obeso que devora todo o meu tempo
My obese ego that devours all my time
O meu fundamento é ir ao fundo da mente
My foundation is to go deep into my mind
Desbravando o meu mato seguindo as pegadas de um duende
Exploring my wilderness, following the footprints of an elf
Espero um momento
I’ll wait a moment
Murmuro para mim mesmo
I mumble to myself
"O muro no meu templo derrubo-o com o meu dedo"
"I'll knock down the wall in my temple with my finger"
E agora tou em contacto com o mundo sem divisórias
And now I'm in contact with the world without partitions
Se tu não entendes olha pra o que ignoras!
If you don't understand, look at what you ignore!

Writer(s): Kumiko Koda, James Wong, Michael Taylor

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