Project Pop - Lumpia VS Bakpia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Project Pop - Lumpia VS Bakpia

Lumpia VS Bakpia
Lumpia VS Bakpia
Lumpia basah, lumpia basah
Lumpia basah, lumpia basah
Bakpia patok, bakpia patok toroktoktok
Bakpia patok, bakpia patok toroktoktok
Apaan sih?! lumpia basah, lumpia basah
What the hell?! lumpia basah, lumpia basah
Bakpia patok, bakpia patok toroktoktok
Bakpia patok, bakpia patok toroktoktok
Apa sih tukang bakpia, ah
What's the matter with you, bakpia seller, huh?
Lumpia, lumpia, lumpia basah
Lumpia, lumpia, lumpia basah
Makanan lezat murah meriah
Tasty and cheap food
Dijual di pasar dan di sekolah
Sold in markets and schools
Sampai rumah ke rumah (diantar)
Delivered to homes
Bakpia, bakpia, bakpia patok
Bakpia, bakpia, bakpia patok
Kue jogja kecil dan mencolok
A small and colorful pastry from Jogja
Sakit encok, sakit gondok, atau gigi bengkok
Cures arthritis, mumps, or toothache
Dijamin sembuh besok (but not promise loh ya)
Guaranteed to work tomorrow (but no promises)
Coba beli lumpia
Try buying lumpia
Beli saja bakpia
Or buy bakpia
Lumpia ini enak
Lumpia is delicious
Bakpia lebih enak
Bakpia is more delicious
Kalo beli lumpia
If you buy lumpia
Atau beli bakpia
Or bakpia
Pasti dapat hadiah
You'll get a prize
Kalo beli bakpia dapat tv berwarna
If you buy bakpia, you'll get a color TV
Beli lumpia ini mendapat mesin cuci
If you buy this lumpia, you'll get a washing machine
Bakpia bikin puas
Bakpia satisfies
Lumpia punya kelas
Lumpia is classy
Yang penting laku keras
The important thing is that it sells well
Lumpia basah, lumpia basah lumpia basah
Lumpia basah, lumpia basah, lumpia basah
Tolong diam ya tukang lumpia
Would you please be quiet, lumpia seller?
Kamu tahu ga anak - anak komplek disini semua langgananku
Do you know that all the kids in this neighborhood are my customers?
Eh... anak komplek disini yang pake blue jeans item adalah langganan saya
Uh, the kids in this neighborhood who wear black blue jeans are my customers
Blue jeans kok item, dimana - mana blue jeans itu warnanya merah, kuning, sama hijau
Blue jeans are black? Everywhere else, blue jeans are red, yellow, and green
Oh yaa?
Oh, really?
Bakpia, bakpia, bakpia patok
Bakpia, bakpia, bakpia patok
Makan satu badan menjadi montok
Eat one and your body will be plump
Kacang ijo, telor ceplok disemen dalam tembok (plok)
Green beans, fried egg, and cement in the wall (splat)
Jadi bakpia patok
That's bakpia patok
Heuhh ngagetin ah
Whoa, you scared me
Lumpia, lumpia, yang tetap basah
Lumpia, lumpia, still wet
Istimewa isi daging rusa
Special, filled with venison
Gurihnya, nikmatnya, mmh berjuta rasa
Savory, delicious, a million flavors
Aduh lumpia basah
Oh, wet lumpia
Coba beli lumpia
Try buying lumpia
Beli saja bakpia
Or buy bakpia
Lumpia ini enak
Lumpia is delicious
Bakpia lebih enak
Bakpia is more delicious
Kalo beli lumpia
If you buy lumpia
Atau beli bakpia
Or bakpia
Pasti dapat hadiah
You'll get a prize
Beli lumpia ini dapat tiket ke bali
If you buy this lumpia, you'll get a ticket to Bali
Ah masa sih kalo beli bakpia heuuh bisa ke singapura
Oh, really? If you buy bakpia, you'll get to Singapore?
Lumpia punya kelas
Lumpia is classy
Bakpia bikin puas
Bakpia satisfies
Yang penting laku keras
The important thing is that it sells well
Bakpia patok, bakpia patok toroktoktok
Bakpia patok, bakpia patok toroktoktok
Lumpia basah, lumpia basah
Lumpia basah, lumpia basah
Jangan dengarkan tukang lumpia basah ini, nanti becek, nanti becek
Don't listen to this wet lumpia seller, it'll get you wet
Eh, ini sebenernya kita mau berdagang atau berkelahi
Hey, are we here to sell or to fight?
Kalo aku berdagang
If I'm here to sell
Yaudah kalo gitu bagaimana kalo kita begabung saja deh
Well, then, what if we just join forces?
Join forces?
Hmmh!! setuju!!
Hmm! I agree!!
Setuju! kira - kira namanya apa ya?
Agreed! But what should we call it?
Namanya kira - kira, gimana kalau GALUMBACIPTULUMDANTUBA
Artinya, gabungan lumpia bakpia ciptaan tukang lumpia sama tukang bakpia iya toh?
It's a combination of lumpia, bakpia, and the lumpia seller and the bakpia seller, right?
Terus cara menjajakannya gimana?
And how would we sell it?
Wahh bener (iya toh!) pinter banget Ba Ba... kamu heuuhh
Wow, that's right (right?!) You're so smart, my dear
Lum lum wuilehh
You're welcome
Bakpao bakpao. barade bakpao yeuh
Bakpao, bakpao. My fellow bakpao
Kang, mas punten boleh ikut bergabung jualan disini?
Excuse me, sir. May I join you in selling here?
Wah ndak bisa (gak boleh) ini sudah menjadi gabungan tukang lumpia dan tukang bakpia (tak mungkin)
No, you can't. This is a joint venture between the lumpia seller and the bakpia seller, so no.
Nah, kalo gitu gimana kalo saya ikut gabung dalam ini, dagang disini. iya.
If that's the case, how about I join this joint venture and sell here? Yes.
Wah susah masa jadi namanya jadi GALUMBACIPTULUMDANTUBA (males) bablas weisss (gak banget.)
That would be difficult. We'd have to change the name to GALUMBACIPTULUMDANTUBA (boring) and that's a mouthful (no way).

Writer(s): Herman Josis Mokalu, Iszur Muchtar, Hilman

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