Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Sentat t'espere a mi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Sentat t'espere a mi

Sentat t'espere a mi
Waiting for You Sitting Down
Rosegar l'asfalt i rentar-se les dents
Chewing up the asphalt and brushing your teeth
Arrapa un mur i escriu el que sents
Grabbing a wall and writing what you feel
Mossegar l'asfalt i rentar-se les dents
Biting into the asphalt and brushing your teeth
I resar content, un futur decent
And praying with contentment for a decent future
I somiar que se sent el soroll del vent
And dreaming that the sound of the wind can be felt
I somiar que el ball no s'ature mai
And dreaming that the dance will never stop
Tot el que tinc ho he guanyat
I've earned everything I have
Que visca el mercat
Long live the market
Qui passa fam s'ho ha buscat ell sol
Anyone who goes hungry has only themselves to blame
No saps tornar al teu carrer sense taxi (Sentat t'espere)
You don't know how to get back to your street without a taxi (Waiting for you sitting down)
No saps d'on ve la carn envasada al buit (Sentat t'espere)
You don't know where the vacuum-packed meat comes from (Waiting for you sitting down)
I ara la vida et mamprén i a tu: galtà! (Sentat t'espere)
And now life has got you by the balls and to you: sucker! (Waiting for you sitting down)
Estava abans el bosc que els estadis de futbol (Sentat t'espere a mi)
The forest was there before the soccer stadiums (Waiting for me sitting down)
El mando de la play, el millor amic
The play remote control, your best friend
La botiga de roba és on sóc feliç
The clothing store is where I'm happy
El banc sempre és just amb mi
The bank is always fair to me
I a la farmàcia no venen verí
And they don't sell poison at the pharmacy
Si no et portes a l'escola
If you don't behave well at school
No vull que t'ajuntes amb el meu fill
I don't want you hanging out with my son
Perquè estàs serril, no tens classe ni estil
Because you're rough, have no class or style
Tenies les mateixes oportunitats
You had the same opportunities
Però ara eres un puto pobre
But now you're a bloody pauper
Tot el que tinc ho he guanyat
I've earned everything I have
Que visca el mercat
Long live the market
Qui passa fam s'ho ha buscat ell sol
Anyone who goes hungry has only themselves to blame
Tot el que tinc ho he guanyat
I've earned everything I have
Tot el que tinc ho he guanyat
I've earned everything I have
Tot, tot, tot-
Everything, everything, everything-
No saps tornar al teu carrer sense taxi (Sentat t'espere)
You don't know how to get back to your street without a taxi (Waiting for you sitting down)
No saps d'on ve la carn envasada al buit (Sentat t'espere)
You don't know where the vacuum-packed meat comes from (Waiting for you sitting down)
I ara la vida et mamprén i a tu: galtà! (Sentat t'espere)
And now life has got you by the balls and to you: sucker! (Waiting for you sitting down)
Estava abans el bosc que els estadis de futbol (Sentat t'espere a mi)
The forest was there before the soccer stadiums (Waiting for me sitting down)
Estàs farta de l'home amb qui et gites
You're sick of the man you sleep with
El teu millor amic s'alegra quan tu suspens
Your best friend is happy when you fail
I ara ja no tens ungles, ni dit, ni braç
And now you have no fingernails, no finger, no arm
Anar a missa ja no compensa la teua immensa maldat
Going to church no longer compensates for your immense wickedness
No tens vergonya ni la coneixes (Sentat t'espere)
You have no shame and you don't even know it (Waiting for you sitting down)
Votaves demòcrata i ara vius baix d'un pont (Sentat t'espere)
You used to vote Democrat and now you live under a bridge (Waiting for you sitting down)
I ara la banca et mamprén, pel cul t'ho fa (Sentat t'espere)
And now the bank has got you by the balls, it's doing it to you (Waiting for you sitting down)
Estava abans la terra que la teua cartera (Sentat t'espere a mi)
The earth was there before your wallet (Waiting for me sitting down)

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