Que no le diríasi le dirigiera la palabrale diría que no te
What would I not tell her, would I speak to her at all? I would tell her to not
Lastimaraque te amara y te cuidaray que tus días iluminarale diría
Hurt you, to love and take care of you, and to brighten your days. I would tell her
Que eres un ángelsin contar que te marchasteme dejaste triste y solay
That you are an angel, without mentioning that you left me, left me sad and alone
Sin respuestas como doraescenas tan conmovedorasse han quedado en mi
Without answers, like golden, so moving scenes that have stayed in my
Memoriapero todo ya es historiaporque tu ya estas con otrano hay
Memory, but everything is history now, because you are with someone else. There are no
Rencores amor míopero no te diré amigoporque no tiene sentidoes como
Hard feelings, my love, but I won't call you a friend, because it doesn't make sense, it's like
Charlar con el pisosi quieres as caso omisocomo cuando habla el
Talking to the floor, if you want to ignore it, like when the
Vecinopero entiende de repentepueden cambiar los papelesy seccionas
Neighbor speaks, but understand, suddenly the roles can change, and you're
Después de horaste quedas hablando a solaste lo repetí mil vecesy no
Left talking to yourself after hours, I repeated it a thousand times, and
Es porque sea mamonafuiste en mí una bendiciónpero rompiste el
It's not because I'm arrogant, you were a blessing to me, but you broke my
Corazónel día que me dijiste adiósy no encontraba la
Heart the day you said goodbye, and I couldn't find the
Razónadmito que el perdón llegopero el mismo es mi perdición
Reason. I admit that forgiveness came, but it's my downfall
Porque el recuerdo se clavo
Because the memory is stuck
Entre mi pecho y una iluciony hoy que me habita ungran dolor te deseo
Between my chest and an illusion, and today a great pain inhabits me, I wish you
Lo mejorporque fotos en mi cajón hay demasiadaspero como tú no hay
The best, because there are too many photos in my drawer, but there is no one like you
Dossi el amar asi es de locosdisfrute del
If loving like this is crazy, enjoy the
Manicomiolas palabras hablan pococuando no miran tu vos
Asylum, words speak little when they don't look into your voice
Y si miro un día de estos a tu nueva novia
And if one of these days I look at your new girlfriend
Le diré que hace tiempo era mi gran fobia
I'll tell her that it was my biggest fear a while ago
Imaginarte alado de otra
To imagine you next to someone else
Y que te valore porque personas como tu hay muy pocashablare un día
And that she should value you because there are very few people like you. One of these days I'll talk
De estos con tu nueva noviale diré que contigo yo vivía en la
To your new girlfriend, I'll tell her that with you I lived in
Gloriaque me alocabas más que a cualquier coca colaque conmigo fue tu
Glory, that you drove me crazier than any Coca-Cola, that you made history with me, and we created a path. If I spoke to your new girlfriend I would tell her that
Historia y creamos trayectoriasi yo hablara con tu noviale diría que
Your kisses and looks speak
Tus besosy miradas hablanmás que mil palabrasque no encontré ni una
More than a thousand words, that I didn't find a single
Razónpara que me dijeras adióspero hoy no estás en mi lugary no me
Reason for you to say goodbye, but today you're not in my place, and
Queda más que observar cómo me remplazasque fuiste todo un tesorolo
All I have left is to watch how you replace me, that you were a treasure,
Más grande que eh tenidoque mi mayor temores no tenerlo ni como
The biggest one I've ever had, that my biggest fear is not even having you as a
Amigoten cuidado con los celosprocura ser cariñosay darle besos en el
Friend. Be careful with jealousy, try to be affectionate and kiss her on the
Cuelloy no le mientas cuando estés enojadano reclames sus amigasni
Neck, and don't lie to her when you're angry, don't complain about her friends, or
Sus vicios ni dónde andapuede que llegue a decirteque te ve una vez
Her vices or where she goes, she might end up telling you that she sees you once
Al mesque nunca te entenderáconmigo no la supo hacerpero es un sueño
A month, that she will never understand you, she couldn't do it with me, but it's a dream
Quedebería agradecerte por tenerteque no eres tan mandilóny cuando
That I should be grateful to have you, that you're not so spineless, and when
Quieres un romeoque fuiste mi mundoy la persona que más quieroy si
You want romance, that you were my world and the person I love the most. And if
Miro un día de estos a tu nueva noviale diré que hace tiempo era mi
One of these days I look at your new girlfriend, I'll tell her that it was my
Gran fobiaimaginarte alado de otray que te valore porque personas
Biggest fear a while ago, to imagine you next to someone else,
Como tu hay muy pocashablare un día de estos con tu nueva noviale
And that she should value you because there are very few people like you. One of these days I'll talk
Diré que contigo yo vivía en la gloriaque me alocabas más que a
To your new girlfriend, I'll tell her that with you I lived in
Cualquier coca colaque conmigo fue tu historia y creamos trayectoria
Glory, that you drove me crazier than any Coca-Cola, that you made history with me, and we created a path
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