Puerto - Bola Si - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Puerto - Bola Si

Bola Si
The Ball If
Bola si tá, ktorá dnes neni tu,
The ball if it's here, the one that's no longer here,
Bol som ten, ktorý sa nevráti,
I was the one who won't return,
Na novú šancu neni čas, neni chuť,
There's no time or desire for a new chance,
Bohužiaľ na to nemáme páky.
Unfortunately, we no longer have the leverage for that.
Láska je široký pojem, neverím vzťahom, čo začali v dobe,
Love is a broad concept, I don't believe in relationships that started in times,
Kedy je ego na najvyššej hore,
When the ego is at its peak,
Každý chce horeť, no nikto nezhoreť, oh.
Everyone wants to burn, but no one wants to burn out, oh.
Obetoval som pre ňu všetko, no nie
I sacrificed everything for her, but not
Preto aby som sa chválil,
To brag about it,
No preto aby som si uvedomil, že nijak
But to realize that there was no way
Sa nedal zvrátiť zánik.
To reverse the demise.
Všetci chcú najkrajšiu verziu, maj svoju
Everyone wants the most beautiful version, have your own
Pravdu, kľudne ber si ju,
Truth, feel free to take it,
O mňa sa nestaraj, ver mi ja si poriešim tie svoje stavy sám.
Don't worry about me, trust me, I'll deal with my own states myself.
Taká láska, akú nikdy asi
Such a love, which I will probably never
Inde nenájdem,
Find anywhere else,
Zaspávam, zas sám, čo bolo malo byť
I fall asleep, alone again, what was supposed to be
A je to správne.
And it's right.
Neprepadnem jej kráse, ani
I won't succumb to her beauty, nor
Myšlienka na našu minulosť, yeah,
The thought of our past, yeah,
Lebo chápem, že márne, netreba naháňať to čo uplynulo.
Because I understand that they are futile, no need to chase what has passed.
Ver tomu, že predvídam,
Believe that I already foresee,
čo bolo, neni,
What was, is not,
som väčší pán, yeah oh.
I'm a bigger man now, yeah oh.
Povedz jak sa máš, doteraz
Tell me how you are, so far
Občas na nás myslím, mám veľký plán,
I still think about us sometimes, I have a big plan,
Stretnúť sa nadišiel čas.
It's time to meet.
Je o štvrť na dvanásť, škoda že to
It's a quarter to twelve, it's a pity that
Zas chcem len ja.
I want it again.
Lebo tie kurvy nevedia čo si ty vedela,
Because those bitches don't know what you knew,
Aký bol som kým som bol.
What I was like before I was.
Obyčajný stav, bola si s ním, cítil som sa
Ordinary state, you were with him, I felt
Jak s jej výsosťou, s kráľovnou.
Like with her highness, with the queen.
Nejde mi to neporovnávať, čo si mi ty dala a čo iná vzala.
I can't help but compare what you gave me and what another took.
Jednej vyznávam, druhú nepriznávam,
I confess to one, I don't confess to the other,
Ale prisahám, že.
But I swear that.
Taká láska, akú nikdy asi inde nenájdem,
Such a love, which I will probably never find anywhere else,
Zaspávam, zas sám, čo bolo malo byť
I fall asleep, alone again, what was supposed to be
A je to správne.
And it's right.
Neprepadnem jej kráse, ani
I won't succumb to her beauty, nor
Myšlienka na našu minulosť, yeah,
The thought of our past, yeah,
Lebo chápem, že márne,
Because I understand that they are futile,
Netreba naháňať to čo uplynulo.
No need to chase what has passed.
Bola si pri mne dobu, od čias kedy som kotvu dvíhal.
You were with me for a while, since the days when I was lifting the anchor.
Ma nevolala Puerto môj drahý,
She didn't call me Puerto my dear,
Nevidela rapera, no partnera navždy.
She didn't see a rapper, but a partner forever.
Jebala všetky čo počuli, leteli sme dlho
Fucked everyone who heard, we flew for a long time
Spolu k výškam
Together to the heights
A naše sny roky odviali a teraz vidia
And our dreams have been blown away for years and now they see
Len partnera v daždi.
Only a partner in the rain.
A vlastne neni deň,
And actually there is no day,
čo nemyslím na nás dvoch, jak to premyslím, či vzdam to,
That I don't think about the two of us, how I think it over, whether I give it up,
či nechať to tak, že si vyhrala to.
Whether to leave it at that, that you won it.
Že nemusíš trpieť môj umelecký svet,
That you don't have to suffer my artistic world,
A možno budeme aj čistá radosť.
And maybe we will even be pure joy.
Či len prajem ti radosť, a
Or just wish you joy, and
K praješ ho ty mne a naše kamarátstvo je čistá radosť.
Whether you wish it to me and our friendship is pure joy.
Taká láska, akú nikdy asi
Such a love, which I will probably never
Inde nenájdem,
Find anywhere else,
Zaspávam, zas sám, čo bolo malo byť
I fall asleep, alone again, what was supposed to be
A je to správne.
And it's right.
Neprepadnem jej kráse, ani
I won't succumb to her beauty, nor
Myšlienka na našu minulosť, yeah,
The thought of our past, yeah,
Lebo chápem, že márne,
Because I understand that they are futile,
Netreba naháňať to čo uplynulo.
No need to chase what has passed.

Writer(s): Stanislav Hudec

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