Puerto feat. Dawe White - Ohne - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Puerto feat. Dawe White - Ohne

Predpokladám, že vonku je teplo
I assume it's hot outside
Toto nie
This isn't the case
Puerto fuego
Puerto fuego
Dawe White
Dawe White
Sushi majster boy
Sushi master boy
Ja a moje druhé ja
Me and my alter ego
Utekáme súrne k vám
We're rushing to you urgently
Volali mi hasiči, že nevedia si rady
The firefighters called me, they're at a loss
či to takto bude furt teraz
Whether it will be like this all the time now
ževraj horí vkuse tam
They say it's constantly burning there
Mladí si to púšťali
The young ones were playing it
Podpálili si suseda
They set fire to their neighbor
Hovorím im: "páni, ešte to len bude hrať"
I tell them: "Guys, it's just getting started"
A ver, že ich neschladí ani sprcha studená
And believe me, not even a cold shower will cool them down
Každý bude rád
Everyone will be happy
ženy budú behať nahé
Women will be running around naked
Bude teplo také, že im zhoria bikini aj uterák
It will be so hot that their bikinis and towels will burn
Kam dôjdeme všade bude fuego
Wherever we go, there will be fuego
Oheň bude končiť pod nebom (?)
The fire will end under the sky (?)
V preklade to znamená nad zemou
In translation, it means above the ground
Hore bude iba tvoje zlo
Up there will be only your evil
Yeah toto je môj štýl chápeš to
Yeah, this is my style, do you understand?
Keď sa vozím nad mestom
When I'm riding above the city
Tvoj rým, nevolaj mi, keď nehorí tvoj beat jak tento
Your rhyme, don't call me if your beat isn't burning like this
Ohne, všade naokolo samé ohne, ohne
Fire, fire everywhere, fire, fire
Ohne, všade naokolo samé ohne, ohne
Fire, fire everywhere, fire, fire
Robím si hudbu a môj štýl
I make my music and my style
Preto idem iba samé bomby
That's why I only drop bombs
Ponaučil som sa tými rokmi
I've learned over the years
Ako to mám na pódiu rozbiť
How to break it down on stage
Boom yabadabadoo hoo boom
Boom yabadabadoo hoo boom
Ruch ideme tam dnu boom boom
Rush, we're going in there boom boom
šum na pódiu humbuk rum
Noise on the stage, hustle and bustle, rum
šup skáčeme jak kung-fu whoo
Whoosh, we're jumping like kung-fu whoo
Ya nik ma nezastaví ayaya
Ya, no one can stop me ayaya
Moje rapy ťažké ako avia-aa
My raps are heavy like avia-aa
Rapy, ktoré nevymyslíš ani raz ya
Raps that you won't come up with even once ya
Idem po to čo mi patrí, počkaj ma
I'm going for what's mine, wait for me
Yeah toto je môj štýl chápeš to
Yeah, this is my style, do you understand?
Keď sa vozím nad mestom
When I'm riding above the city
Tvoj rým, nevolaj mi, keď nehorí tvoj beat jak tento
Your rhyme, don't call me if your beat isn't burning like this
Ohne, všade naokolo samé ohne, ohne
Fire, fire everywhere, fire, fire
Ohne, všade naokolo samé ohne, ohne
Fire, fire everywhere, fire, fire
Poď sem, naši to vedia ale ty si zvedavý
Come here, our people already know, but you're curious
A ja to nemôžem tak nechať, ti to poviem
And I can't just leave it like that, I'll tell you
Hudba bola odjakživa môj sen
Music has always been my dream
čo smiali teraz opakujú po mne
Those who laughed are now repeating after me
Brat odomňa vždy toto chcel
My brother always wanted this from me
Reggaeton čo vyletí mu z okien
Reggaeton that blasts out of his windows
Každého okoloidúceho odjebe
It blows away every passerby
Každá čajka po tomto spraví rozštep
Every chick does the splits after this
Yay scéna sa chce baviť yayay
Yay, the scene wants to have fun yayay
Hovoria tam o nás, je tam panika vraj
They're talking about us there, there's panic they say
Naša hudba páli jak wasabi yayay
Our music burns like wasabi yayay
Ale chutí ako krevetový won ton mňam mňam
But it tastes like shrimp wonton yummy yummy
Ya nik ma nezastaví ayaya
Ya, no one can stop me ayaya
Moje rapy ťažké ako avia-aa
My raps are heavy like avia-aa
Rapy, ktoré nevymyslíš ani raz ya
Raps that you won't come up with even once ya
Idem po to čo mi patrí, počkaj ma
I'm going for what's mine, wait for me
Yeah toto je môj štýl chápeš to
Yeah, this is my style, do you understand?
Keď sa vozím nad mestom
When I'm riding above the city
Tvoj rým, nevolaj mi, keď nehorí tvoj beat jak tento
Your rhyme, don't call me if your beat isn't burning like this
Ohne, všade naokolo samé ohne, ohne
Fire, fire everywhere, fire, fire
Ohne, všade naokolo samé ohne, ohne
Fire, fire everywhere, fire, fire

Writer(s): David Dawe White White, František Puerto Churý, Tomáš Sushiboy Drobňák

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