Puf - Un Frankfurt Freestyle 2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Puf - Un Frankfurt Freestyle 2

Un Frankfurt Freestyle 2
Un Frankfurt Freestyle 2
Si n-am încredere-n nimeni
I don't trust anyone, baby
Poți sa-mi spui ce vrei
You can tell me anything you want
Poa' sa fie random pe strada
It could be some random person on the street
Sau frații mei
Or my brothers, you see
oamenii mei
'Cause my people
Sunt oamenii altuia
Are someone else's people, girl
Omorât de altruism
Killed by altruism, it's a cruel world
Spuneau ce îi trebuie ăstuia
They'd say what this guy needs, always concerned
De detalii
By details
Și de ego
And by ego, yeah
Ajut, da nu aștepta vreodată un prego
I help, but don't ever expect a reward, no way
Vezi bro
See, girl
sunt mai mult decât arat
I'm more than I appear, much more
Da n-am nevoie sa ma afișez
But I don't need to show off
cum fac astea de așteaptă voie
Like these girls who wait for permission, unsure
Am învățat ca nu pot cert cu voi
I've learned I can't argue with you, my dear
Altfel mi-se duce superioritatea băi
Otherwise, my superiority disappears, I fear
Ce dacă
What if
Cor sa se certe pentru păreri
A choir argues over opinions, so vain?
Trage mânerul
Pull the handle
Tine-mi umbrela
Hold my umbrella, protect me from the rain
Vezi, asta e ma șmenul
See, this is the real deal, this is the game
Treaba mea crește pe zi ce trece
My business grows every day, it's insane
Și vorbesc mai mult decât followeri pe insta
And I talk more than followers on Insta, it's true
Sau un Yama număr 10
Or a Yama number 10, a real breakthrough
Timpul trece
Time passes
D-asta nu mai stau să-l pierd
That's why I don't waste it anymore, not a chance
Sunt pe hustle de la 14
I've been hustling since I was 14, a constant dance
Și în vacanță eu muncesc
And I work even on vacation, a determined stance
altfel nu putem fi diferiți
'Cause otherwise we can't be different, you and I
Altfel încă as fi jos
Otherwise I'd still be down, under the sky
Și as arde-o cu aceeași plebi prăjiți
And I'd be hanging out with the same fried plebs, passing by
Poate ca tu nu o simți
Maybe you don't feel it
Dar unii nu mai sunt frații mei
But some are not my brothers anymore, it's a shift
Pentru au avut altceva de prins
Because they had something else to catch, a different gift
Poate tu nu o simiți
Maybe you don't feel it, baby
Dar dacă vreau ceva
But if I want something, I crave
Dau triplu
I give triple
Și o înmulțesc cu doi
And multiply it by two, I behave
Fără ca tu măcar o simți
Without you even feeling it, it's a wave
Dar poate tu nu te prinzi
But maybe you don't get it, it's a maze
Poate fie cald afara
It could be hot outside, sunny and bright
Dacă mi se zice plouă
If I'm told it's raining, I take heed, day or night
Îmi iau ceva cu gluga când ies din scara
I grab something with a hood when I leave the stairs, alright?
Da tu nu ai cum sa o simți
But you can't feel it, it's out of sight
la 15 aveam probleme de oameni mari
'Cause at 15 I had grown-up problems, a heavy fight
Fară părinți
Without parents, guiding my light
Da tu nu știi cum sa o simți
But you don't know how to feel it, it's not right
În goana după maturitate prematură
In the pursuit of premature maturity, a blinding light
Nimic nu mai simți
You don't feel anything, lost in the night
Nu mi vorbii de ambiții
Don't talk to me about ambitions, don't you dare
Nu îmi zi de hustle
Don't tell me about hustle, it's everywhere
O fac de când eram mic
I've been doing it since I was little, I swear
Și sa mor de nu se simte o viata
And I swear to God, it feels like a lifetime, a constant prayer
Împarte cărțile
Deal the cards
Acum le dam pe față
Now let's lay them on the table, bare
Dacă nu știi cum merge treaba
If you don't know how it works, how things fare
Uita-te și învață
Watch and learn, show some care
Mi-am luat pumni in coaste n parți
I've taken punches in the ribs in many parts
Cuțite in spate
Knives in the back, leaving their marks
Dar merg în față
But I move forward, restarting the sparks
Știi vorba aia
You know the saying, so smart
Avem doar o viata
We only have one life, a work of art
Stau pe balcon
I sit on the balcony, taking in the view
Cafeaua de dimineața
Morning coffee, just me and you
Nu mai stau cu paiu in gura
I don't keep a straw in my mouth anymore, it's through
eram doar cu ochii in ceata
'Cause I was just foggy-eyed, couldn't see what's true
Asculta-mi teorema
Listen to my theorem, listen close
Și nu rimez cu Pitagora
And I don't rhyme with Pythagoras, suppose
Rimez cu aura
I rhyme with aura, a radiant glow
pe asta ma bazez mereu
'Cause that's what I always rely on, you know
Lumea mi scrie ca sunt tare
People write to me that I'm awesome, they say
Și le place vibe-ul meu
And they like my vibe, in every way
Și știi ce e mai tare frate?
And you know what's coolest, girl, what do you say?
E ca sunt eu
It's that I'm me, come what may
They underestimate me, it's their loss
Dar n-am nevoie de estimarea lor
But I don't need their estimation, no cause
O ma caute
They'll look for me
Și o sa ma asculte
And they'll listen to me, because
Dar ii las in tripul lor
But I'll leave them in their trip, no pause
Și timpul lor e pe ceas
And their time is on the clock, ticking with flaws
Ascultă-mă ce zic
Listen to what I say, listen well
Nu ne putem compara
We can't compare, it's a different spell
Pentru eu nu sunt ca tine
Because I'm not like you, I excel
Un nimic
A nobody, farewell

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