Pupil·les - Gresca - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pupil·les - Gresca

Hora d′esmorzar, tramvia a la Malva-rosa
Time to have breakfast, tram to Malva-rosa
Paper i boli, el bloc de notes
Paper and pen, the notepad
Quedem al Cabanyal cassalletes de matí
We'll meet at Cabanyal morning shacks
Rimes, versos, ritmes, oblits
Rhymes, verses, rhythms, memories
L'art està en la casa, vols que improvisem?
Our art is in the house, shall we improvise?
Anem cap a ses Illes, bull el moviment
Let's head to ses Illes, the movement is in full swing
Les conyes flueixen, parodiem la parodia
Jokes flow, we parody the parody
No hi ha censura, creuem la línia divisòria
There is no censorship, we cross the dividing line
Poesia urbana, lletres d′aturats
Urban poetry, lyrics of the unemployed
Creativitat per pal·liar l'adversitat
Creativity to alleviate adversity
És l'objectiu del nostre rap
This is the purpose of our rap
El dolor es cura quan em pose a rimar
The pain is cured when I start rhyming
Som, un entre tants que foraden la nit
We are one among many who break through the night
Som, un entre tants que foraden els cants
We are one among many who pierce the edges
Som, un entre tants inspirats per Estellés
We are one among many inspired by Estellés
Som, un entre tants a la València que perdem
We are one among many in the Valencia that we lose
El ritme sona no pots evitar ballar, ja saps
The rhythm sounds, you can't help but dance, you know
Queda′t amb mi, farem gresca
Stay with me, we'll make a fuss
Cau la rosà i s′acomiada la nit
The dew falls and the night says goodbye
Carretera i manta, aprofita el matí
Road and blanket, take advantage of the morning
El ritmo sona no pots evitar ballar, ja saps
The rhythm sounds, you can't help but dance, you know
Hui farem llarga la festa
Today we'll party all night long
Guarda els complexes al calaix
Leave your complexes in the drawer
Ningú va a retratar-te de benina al cabanyal
No one is going to portray you as a good girl at the cabanyal
Tenim el tracte, el pacte
We have the deal, the pact
Abrimos el baile
We open the ball
T'oferim l′entreacte sense contracte
We offer you the interlude without a contract
Pupil·les Dilatives, 2016
Dilated Pupils, 2016
Atomic Studio, diu
Atomic Studio, it says
Yo la muevo, la tinta y el tintero
I move it, the ink and the inkwell
Portem l'espectacle, som els titiriteros
We bring the show, we are the puppeteers
Los curanderos, el espíritu nuevo
The healers, the new spirit
Si me llamas nos vemos luego
If you call me, we'll see each other later
Estima els meus dimonis sense traurem de l′infern
Love my demons without taking them out of hell
Sóc com sóc, no canviaré res
I am who I am, I will not change anything
Continuem profanant el paper
We continue to desecrate the paper
Els nostres mal de caps tenen forma de vers
Our headaches are shaped like verses
Els patiments els aniquilem
We annihilate our suffering
Vinyolians, escrivim i ens desfoguem
Vinyolians, we write and we let off steam
Les nostres misèries tenen forma de cançó
Our miseries take the form of a song
Superació canalitzant el dolor
Overcoming by channeling the pain
Si s'ha de patir, patim amb flow
If we have to suffer, let us suffer with flow
Si cal plorar amb la base de fons
If we have to cry with the beat in the background
Combatim el drama, improvisació
We fight the drama, improvisation
Cantando me pongo bien
Singing makes me feel better
Com el Kase O, jo
Like Kase O, me
El ritme sona no pots evitar ballar, ja saps
The rhythm sounds, you can't help but dance, you know
Queda′t amb mi, farem gresca
Stay with me, we'll make a fuss
Cau la rosà i s'acomiada la nit
The dew falls and the night says goodbye
Carretera i manta, aprofita el matí
Road and blanket, take advantage of the morning
El ritmo sona no pots evitar ballar, ja saps
The rhythm sounds, you can't help but dance, you know
Hui farem llarga la festa
Today we'll party all night long
Guarda els complexes al calaix
Leave your complexes in the drawer
Ningú va a retratar-te de benina al cabanyal
No one is going to portray you as a good girl at the cabanyal
El ritme sona no pots evitar ballar, ja saps
The rhythm sounds, you can't help but dance, you know
Queda't amb mi, farem gresca
Stay with me, we'll make a fuss
Cau la rosà i s′acomiada la nit
The dew falls and the night says goodbye
Carretera i manta, aprofita el matí
Road and blanket, take advantage of the morning
El ritmo sona no pots evitar ballar, ja saps
The rhythm sounds, you can't help but dance, you know
Hui farem llarga la festa
Today we'll party all night long
Guarda els complexes al calaix
Leave your complexes in the drawer
Ningú va a retratar-te de benina al cabanyal
No one is going to portray you as a good girl at the cabanyal
El ritme sona no pots evitar ballar, ja saps
The rhythm sounds, you can't help but dance, you know
Carretera i manta, aprofita el matí
Road and blanket, take advantage of the morning
Hui farem llarga la festa
Today we'll party all night long
Guarda els complexes al calaix
Leave your complexes in the drawer
Ningú va a retratar-te de benina al cabanyal
No one is going to portray you as a good girl at the cabanyal

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