Puya feat. Bibanu' - Muzica De Camera - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Puya feat. Bibanu' - Muzica De Camera

Muzica De Camera
Muzica De Camera
Nu ne plac fetele cuminti
I don't like the good girls
Nu ne plac sticlele fierbinti
I don't like hot bottles
Dar e ceva ce ne place rau
But there's something I really like
O sa facem show
We're going to make a show
Nu ne plac fetele cuminti
I don't like the good girls
Nu ne plac sticlele fierbinti
I don't like hot bottles
Dar e ceva ce ne place rau
But there's something I really like
O sa facem show
We're going to make a show
O sa facem show
We're going to make a show
Frate sticla pot sa zic ca-mi place
Brother, I can say I like the bottle
Doctorii imi povestesc cat de rau imi face
The doctors tell me how bad it is for me
Gica petrescu le-ar explica
Gica Petrescu would explain to them
Toata viata a baut
He drank his whole life
Si a murit de altceva
And died from something else
Stii ca fara berea mea sunt mort
You know, without my beer, I'm dead
Eu nu beau, ce fac eu se numeste sport
I don't drink, what I do is called sport
Oricat de vlabios as incerca sa fiu
No matter how much I try to be a wimp
Enoriasele din Salajan deja ma stiu
The women from Salajan already know me
Dupa o feteasca-s terminat
After a Feteasca, I'm done
Mai rau decat bateriile Rombat
Worse than Rombat batteries
O iubesc ca-n prima zi, cand bagabotii
I love it like on the first day, when the hooligans
O vad stand ca pe niste copii
See it standing like children
Bara la bara merg din bar in bar
Bar to bar, we go from bar to bar
Nu sunt ametit
I'm not drunk
Da cre-ca par
Yeah, I guess I look like it
Etichetele sunt pasiunea mea
Labels are my passion
Si cat citesc eu poate sa va spuna Puya
And how much I read, Puya can tell you
Bem, Bem, cat mai putem bem
Drink, drink, as much as we can drink
Toti banii ii bem, ce ne mai place sa bem
We drink all the money, how much we like to drink
Bem, Bem, cat mai putem bem
Drink, drink, as much as we can drink
Toti banii ii bem, ce ne mai place sa bem
We drink all the money, how much we like to drink
Frate niciodata nu o sa ciocnim
Brother, we'll never clink glasses
Cu oamenii care pun apa in vin
With people who put water in wine
Niciodata nu voi putea intelege
I'll never be able to understand
Cum dracu poti sa bei berea daca nu e rece?
How the hell can you drink beer if it's not cold?
Hai sa va explic cum e la mine
Let me explain how it is with me
Eu consum doar atat cat sa fie bine
I only consume enough to be good
E jenant sa iti intrebi prietena
It's embarrassing to ask your girlfriend
Frate cine dracu invarte camera?
Brother, who the hell is spinning the room?
Fara vrajala taria e belea
Without pranks, the strength is a problem
Eu trei sapatamani am crezut ca e ziua mea
I thought it was my birthday for three weeks
Dar e ceva ce ne place tare
But there's something we really like
Romanu' cauta tot timpul sarbatoare
The Romanian always looks for a celebration
Unii apreciaza bautura nu?
Some people appreciate the drink, don't they?
Eu apreciez fata care casca gura
I appreciate the girl who opens her mouth
Cu chef de viata pana dimineata
With a zest for life until morning
Bagabontii toti vor sa iti faca fata
The vagrants all want to make you face
Nu ne plac fetele cuminti
I don't like the good girls
Nu ne plac sticlele fierbinti
I don't like hot bottles
Dar e ceva ce ne place rau
But there's something I really like
O sa facem show
We're going to make a show
Bem, bem cat mai putem bem
Drink, drink, as much as we can drink
Toti banii ii bem, ce ne mai place sa bem
We drink all the money, how much we like to drink
Bem, bem cat mai putem bem
Drink, drink, as much as we can drink
Toti banii ii bem, ce ne mai place sa bem
We drink all the money, how much we like to drink
Ce nasol e la sapte dimineata beat
How shitty it is to be drunk at seven in the morning
Lumea pleaca la munca tu esti trotilat
People go to work, you're a moron
Ei sunt rupti de somn in statie
They are sleep-deprived in the station
Tu te tii de o minora plina de gratie
You're holding onto a minor full of grace
Nu vorbi mie de M
Don't talk to me about M
Aici la noi se bea vinu doar cu cana
Here we drink wine only with a mug
Capu ma doare ce-o sa zica mama?
My head hurts, what will mom say?
Cand vede cum conduc o apuca teama
When she sees how I drive, she's going to be scared
Ca dupa ce iau ceva la bord
Because after I take something on board
Ca la formula unu o turez la stop
Like Formula One, I rev it up at the stop
Un pahar de vin pe zi medicament
A glass of wine a day is medicine
Eu fac supradoza de tratament
I'm overdosing on treatment
Beau, patru, cinci, sase sticle
I drink, four, five, six bottles
F doua sau chiar trei tipe
F two or even three chicks
Vinu' e rosu se simte
The wine is red, you can feel it
Cand fata incepe sa tipe
When the girl starts to scream
Bem, bem cat mai putem sa bem
Drink, drink, as much as we can drink
Toti banii ii bem, ce mai place sa bem
We drink all the money, how much we like to drink
Bem, bem cat mai putem bem
Drink, drink, as much as we can drink
Toti banii ii bem, ce me mai place sa bem
We drink all the money, how much we like to drink

Writer(s): Dragos Gardescu

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