Puya feat. Ligia, Vescan & Mahia Beldo - Puya cu Ligia, Vescan si Mahia Beldo - Pagini de Istorie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Puya feat. Ligia, Vescan & Mahia Beldo - Puya cu Ligia, Vescan si Mahia Beldo - Pagini de Istorie

Puya cu Ligia, Vescan si Mahia Beldo - Pagini de Istorie
Puya feat. Ligia, Vescan & Mahia Beldo - Pages of History
Orice lupta ai pierdut, o vezi ca pe-o victorie.
Every battle you've lost, you see as a victory.
Orice greseli ai facut intr-o zi ajung istorie.
Every mistake you've made one day becomes history.
Ai scris pagini de istorie, istorie...
You have written pages of history, history...
Numele tau aduce glorie, ai scris pagini de istorie.
Your name brings glory, you have written pages of history.
Cu rani adanci, scrii pagini de istorie...
With deep wounds, you write pages of history...
Da' tu ai stiut de pustan ca esti altfel pur si simplu'.
But you knew from a young age that you were different, simply.
Ca nu poti sa fii ca restu', azi o demonstreaza timpu'.
That you couldn't be like the rest, today time proves it.
Fara bani, cu ce-ai in suflet ai stiut cat esti de bogat.
Without money, with what you have in your soul, you knew how rich you were.
Ai muncit, ai transpirat, mii de vise in rucsac.
You worked, you sweated, thousands of dreams in your backpack.
Si lumea te intreaba cum ai reusit.
And the world asks you how you managed.
Sa scrii pagini de istorie, pornind de la nimic.
To write pages of history, starting from nothing.
Cica, nu se poate, esti prea mic.
They say, it's not possible, you're too young.
Da' tu-n inima ta ai stiut ca vor aplauda intr-o zi toti nebunia ta.
But in your heart you knew that one day everyone would applaud your madness.
Da, dar a trecut deja ce-a fost mai greu.
Yes, but what was hard is already over.
Ai ajuns pana aici cu incredere in tine si credinta-n Dumnezeu.
You got here with confidence in yourself and faith in God.
Te ridici de cate ori e cazul, stii ca se poate mereu mai bine.
You get up whenever necessary, you know it can always be better.
Iar si iar vorbeste campionul din tine.
Again and again, the champion within you speaks.
Orice lupta ai pierdut, o vezi ca pe-o victorie.
Every battle you've lost, you see as a victory.
Orice greseli ai facut intr-o zi ajung istorie.
Every mistake you've made one day becomes history.
Ai scris pagini de istorieee, istorie...
You have written pages of history, history...
Numele tau aduce glorie, ai scris pagini de istorieee.
Your name brings glory, you have written pages of history.
Cu rani adanci, scrii pagini de istorieee.
With deep wounds, you write pages of history.

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