Puya - Aaaa!!! Nu vezi nimic (Aaaa!!! You don't see anything) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Puya - Aaaa!!! Nu vezi nimic (Aaaa!!! You don't see anything)

Aaaa!!! Nu vezi nimic (Aaaa!!! You don't see anything)
Aaaa!!! Nu vezi nimic (Aaaa!!! You don't see anything)
O melodie care datorita interpretari
A song that thanks to the interpretation
A cucerit inimile multor tineri...
Has conquered the hearts of many young people...
Da da... Merci Marius, salutal pa Horea
Yes yes... Thanks Marius, greetings to Horea
Pa toti baieti, pa toti comunisti astia din brigada veche
To all the boys, to all these communists from the old brigade
Aaaaa... nici nu credeati in pu*a mea ca o sa scoatem albume ha?
Aaaa... you didn't think for a damn minute that we would release albums, huh?
Pai nu vedeti ca v'ati prostit?
Don't you see that you've been fooled, baby?
Dependenti de STAR si CLICK
Addicted to STAR and CLICK
E mare, mare inghesuiala, chiar de ziua noastra nationala
It's a big, big crush, even on our national day
Sa vedeti o instalatie cu becuri
To see an installation with lights
Expusa'n centru'n capitala
Displayed in the center of the capital
Ochi stau sa va iasa afara
Your eyes are about to pop out
Simona Senzual apare goala
Simona Sensual appears naked
Alina Plugaru' se intoarce
Alina Plugaru' is back
O pun capra ii dau doua capace
I make her a goat, I give her two caps
Venerati prostituate, nu pot sa'nteleg cum da sau poate
You worship prostitutes, I can't understand how it's possible
Sunteti manipulati mintiti
You are manipulated, lied to
Voi nu stiti ce va doriti
You don't know what you want
Tot ce vine voi haliti
You eat everything that comes
In pu*a mea, sunteti tampiti?
For f*ck's sake, are you stupid?
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Televiziunea nu informeaza
Television does not inform
Manipuleaza controleaza
Manipulates, controls
Mintea voastra este varza
Your mind is mush
Ati cazut cu toti'n plasa
You all fell into the trap
Daca maine bunica'mea e in jurnale
If tomorrow my grandmother is in the newspapers
Si alte reviste principale
And other mainstream magazines
O cheama la "Dansez pentru tine"
They call her to "Dance for you"
O fac star, sti asta prea bine
I make her a star, you know that very well
O sa vreti autografe, poze
You'll want autographs, pictures
Ati suferit multe screloze
You've suffered a lot of sclerosis
Oare crezi ca e normal?
Do you think it's normal?
Crezi ca e ceva banal?
Do you think it's something banal?
Ei se pisa des pa tine
They often piss on you
Tu ii pupi in fund, e bine?
You kiss their ass, is it good?
Au televiziuni, publicatii
They have televisions, publications
Voi aveti doar complicatii
You only have complications
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Mai dai ba'n sz de roboti
You still talk about robots, baby
Ca vad ca acceptati, senin sa fiti roti
Because I see that you accept, serene to be wheels
A reunit un sistem condus tot de hoti
A system has been reunited, led by thieves
Gaboti care ne vor morti pe toti
Gabots who want us all dead
Accepta ca suntem doar simple jetoane
Accept that we are just simple chips
Iti chioraie matele, abtinete coae
Your buddies are whining, your girlfriends abstain
Sau casa ochi la TV
Or house eyes on TV
Ca cine stie? poate'ti va tine de foame
Because who knows? maybe it will keep you from starving
Ca presa scrie de fite si toane
Because the press writes about whims and tantrums
Nu scrie de smecheri si nici de sifoane
It doesn't write about crooks or siphons
Nu zice neam de ce oameni ajung sa
It doesn't say why people get to
Dea in cap doar pentru cateva buriane
Get high just for a few weeds
Tine frecventa deschisa ca si tu poti fi urmatorul pe lista
Keep the frequency open because you could be the next on the list
Sau altfel zis,
Or in other words,
Rezista sau plangi in batista ca ce'a mai penala muista
Resist or cry in your handkerchief like the most criminal chick
Citind o revista, sa uite ca exista
Reading a magazine, to forget that there is
Orice altceva risca sa o faca mai trista
Anything else risks making her sadder
Dai o pu*a de supa
Give a f*ck of soup
Leii grei ca'i c'am tot ce'i trebuie la ta ca sa o doara la pi*da
The heavy lions like us have everything we need to hurt you baby, just to hurt her in the c*nt
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Aaaa in pu*a mea nu vezi nimic, nuuuu...
Aaaa for f*ck's sake you don't see anything, nooo...
In pu*a mea nu vezi nimic? nuuuu...
For f*ck's sake you don't see anything? nooo...
Baga'mias pu*a'n morti vostri sa'mi bag de zdrente naibii zdrente
Shove my d*ck in your dead to shove my shreds damn shreds
Scrieti naibi ce vreti voi, nu vedeti ca ma lupt cu voi?
Write whatever the hell you want, don't you see I'm fighting you?
Voi aveti televiziune si io ma lupt fara nimic...
You have television and I'm fighting with nothing...

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Dragos Gardescu

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