Puya - Imbracat la 4 ace (Well dressed) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Puya - Imbracat la 4 ace (Well dressed)

Imbracat la 4 ace (Well dressed)
Dressed to the Nines
Las treningu de-o parte, n-o ardem la cravate
Leaving the tracksuit aside, we're not burning the tie
Cand ies din casa miroase a bani, e bine frate
When I leave the house, it smells like money, it's good, brother
Doamne ce norocos, totul merge frumos
God, how lucky, everything's going beautifully
Ce pacat ca dusmanilor le merge pe dos
What a pity that things are going the opposite way for the enemies
Nu sunt salariat, nici somer, nici bancher
I'm not an employee, nor unemployed, nor a banker
Nu sunt genu' care sa sufere de el
I'm not the type to suffer for himself
Hai vino langa mine c-o sa fie bine bine
Come near me, it's gonna be good, good
Betiile la colt sti ca nu mai sunt de mine
You know those corner boozing sessions are not for me anymore
Vinzi prafuri sau pastile, masini sau poate vile
Selling powders or pills, cars or maybe villas
Lumea tre sa vada atunci cand iti merge bine
The world has to see when you're doing well
Atitudinea conteaza, tre sa-ai stil
Attitude matters, you gotta have style
Degeaba ai bani pe tine daca ai vrajeala de copil
It's no use having money on you if you have childish talk
Ce-mi place, da im. im... imi place
What I like, yes I do... I like it
Tre sa ai motive sa fi imbracat la 4 ace
You gotta have reasons to be dressed to the nines
Nu vreau sa muncesc, sti ca obosesc
I don't wanna work, you know I get tired
O oo banii vin, Doamne-ti multumesc
Oh oh the money comes, thank you Lord
Vreau sa-i cheltuiesc, viata s-o traiesc
I wanna spend it, live life
Fete sa lovesc pana-mbatranesc
Hit on girls until I get old
Nu-mi place sa muncesc frate,
I don't like to work, brother,
E ca un drog frate care-mi da dureri de spate
It's like a drug, brother, that gives me back pain
Din state pana in vama nu e gratis deloc,
From the States to the customs, nothing is free,
Totul e pe bani vor bani chiar si la freeshop
Everything is about money, they want money even at the duty-free
Nu-mi place sa muncesc pentru ca sincer imi e lene
I don't like to work because honestly I'm lazy
Ca zodia gemeni si anturaju-mi lasa semne
Like the Gemini zodiac, and my entourage leaves signs
Prin semne il atentionez pe tovarasul
Through signs I warn my comrade
Care pe semne o sa te arda data viitoare
Who, by signs, is gonna burn you next time
Doare acum daca muncim dupa ce toata viata am
It hurts now if we work after we've been
Stat degeaba, vreau sa stau degeaba toata viata
Idle all our lives, I wanna stay idle all my life
Ce combinatii mai ai, ce bani mai faci,
What other deals you got, what money you make,
Ce treaba, ce pont, zi-ne si noua si o sa tinem cont
What job, what tip, tell us and we'll take note
Banii tai din cont ne trezeste un nou orizont,
Your money in the account awakens a new horizon for us,
Daca iti bagi cardu' unde nu a trebuit, si-n fond
If you put your card where you shouldn't have, and basically
De ce sa ne mintim,
Why should we lie to ourselves,
Toti vrem sa ne-imbogatim,
We all wanna get rich,
Chiar daca unii mai mult sau mai putin muncim
Even if some of us work more or less
Lume cic-are principii da-o arde hippie,
People say they have principles but they act hippie,
Eu vad o adunatura de gay pe blugi cu pete de pipi,
I see a bunch of gays in jeans with pee stains,
Si nu ard tipii cu placa a.
And I don't vibe with those guys with the flat iron.
K vin ei la liber-ty parade isi imprumuta placa de par
K, they come to the pride parade, they borrow the hair straightener
Mie nu-mi plac baietii si nu ard fanii,
I don't like boys and I don't vibe with fans,
Fiind din Ramnicu Valcea cei pe care-i iubesc raman
Being from Ramnicu Valcea, those I love remain
Am bani la punga, fara munca,
I have money in my pocket, without work,
De la 7 pana se-ntuneca si n-am carte de munca, am o carte chiar sub
From 7 until it gets dark and I don't have a work permit, I have a card right under
My sleeve
Si nu stiu daca-i bun soiul,
And I don't know if it's a good kind,
Da jobu' meu e sa-mi fac patu' si sa-mi duc gunoiu'
But my job is to make my bed and take out my trash
Jobul tau daca esti femeie poate-ncepe cu
Your job, if you're a woman, might start with a
Blow, sau nu e nou jobu' de patruped la birou
Blow, or it's not a new job, being a quadruped at the office
Oricum ar fi,
Either way,
Daca muncesti n-ai timp sa faci malai,
If you work, you don't have time to make money,
Si poti sfarsi, singur cu lama fara dalai
And you can end up alone with the blade, without the Dalai
Ca ai sau n-ai, ma doare la p,
Whether you have or you don't, I don't give a f,
Tot te iau in tenesi, sau daca nu te bag in seama inseamna ca sunt
I'll still pick you up in sneakers, or if I don't pay attention to you, it means I'm

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