Puya - Nimic Nu E Nou - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Puya - Nimic Nu E Nou

Nimic Nu E Nou
Nothing Is New
Nimic nu e nou
Nothing is new
Nimic nu e nou
Nothing is new
Nimic nu e nou
Nothing is new
Nimic nu e nou
Nothing is new
Multă plictiseală, oboseală,
Much boredom, fatigue,
Seri cu multă machială
Evenings with lots of makeup
Timpul zboară, banii întârzie s-apară
Time flies, money's slow to appear
Aştepţi o schimbare ca pe o zi de vară
You wait for a change like a summer day
Restul se mişcă rapid, din timp,
The rest move quickly, in time,
Pun mâna pe câştig, îţi zic
They get their hands on the winnings, I tell you
Încercările tale s-au izbit de un zid
Your attempts have hit a wall
Şi te-ai resemnat subit, te-ai oprit în timp
And you've resigned yourself suddenly, stopped in time
Da, şi nimic nu e nou,
Yeah, and nothing is new,
Când tot ce schimbi e doar dealerul tău
When all you change is just your dealer
Te întrebi oare de ce-ţi merge aşa rău?
Do you ever wonder why things are going so badly?
În loc fii high eşti tot timpul low
Instead of being high you're always low
Iubita-i tot mai capricioasă, falsă
Your girlfriend is getting more capricious, fake
Vine tot mai târziu acasă, e groasă
Comes home later and later, she's thick
Rutina a înlocuit iubirea
Routine has replaced love
Scandalul armonia, pierdeţi cu firea
Scandal, harmony, you're losing your temper
Secundele trec, dar nimic nu e nou
Seconds pass, but nothing is new
Şi orice ar face, nimic nu e nou
And whatever she does, nothing is new
Priveşte în jur, va fi bine din nou
Look around, it will be good again
E doar un moment, nimic nu e nou
It's just a moment, nothing is new
Secundele trec, dar nimic nu e nou
Seconds pass, but nothing is new
Şi orice ar face, nimic nu e nou
And whatever she does, nothing is new
Priveşte în jur, va fi bine din nou
Look around, it will be good again
E doar un moment, nimic nu e nou
It's just a moment, nothing is new
Da, şi nimic nu e nou
Yeah, and nothing is new
Eşti ca într-un hău, zău, e greu cu bro
You're like in an abyss, man, it's tough with bro
Stai cu ai tăi la vârsta ta
You stay with your folks at your age
Cauţi altceva, dar e nasol aşa
You're looking for something else, but it's rough like this
Acelaşi loc de muncă, zero bani în pungă
Same job, zero money in your pocket
Puteai fii altcineva şi banii să-ţi ajungă
You could have been someone else and had enough money
Te simţi o slugă, ai da o fugă
You feel like a servant, you'd make a run for it
Acolo unde inima vrea te ducă
To where your heart wants to take you
Dar eşti prins într-o cursă,
But you're caught in a race,
Nu ştii cum
You don't know how to
Ieşi din starea asta confuză
Get out of this confused state
Viaţa ta nu este dusă,
Your life isn't led,
E doar un moment, nu îţi caut nicio scuză
It's just a moment, I'm not making excuses for you
Toţi trecem prin aşa ceva,
We all go through something like this,
Dacă vei scăpa, experienţa te va ajuta
If you escape, the experience will help you
Capul sus, nu dispera
Head up, don't despair
Nu uita, ăsta e doar un moment, nu e viaţa ta
Don't forget, this is just a moment, it's not your life
Secundele trec, dar nimic nu e nou
Seconds pass, but nothing is new
Şi orice ar face, nimic nu e nou
And whatever she does, nothing is new
Priveşte în jur, va fi bine din nou
Look around, it will be good again
E doar un moment, nimic nu e nou
It's just a moment, nothing is new
Secundele trec, dar nimic nu e nou
Seconds pass, but nothing is new
Şi orice ar face, nimic nu e nou
And whatever she does, nothing is new
Priveşte în jur, va fi bine din nou
Look around, it will be good again
E doar un moment, nimic nu e nou
It's just a moment, nothing is new
Nimic nu e nou
Nothing is new
Nimic nu e nou
Nothing is new
Nimic nu e nou
Nothing is new
Nimic nu e nou
Nothing is new
Ce faci bine, te va ajuta
What you do well will help you
Şi ce faci rău, se va întoarce împotriva ta
And what you do wrong will turn against you
Când treci peste încercările din viaţa ta
When you overcome the trials in your life
Ieşi din ele mai puternic, nu uita
You come out of them stronger, don't forget
Am rămas lefter după ce am câştigat mulţi bani
I was left broke after making a lot of money
Fără am succes, mi-au trecut mulţi ani
Many years passed without success
Şi iubita mea a fugit cu altul
And my girlfriend ran off with someone else
Şi mie mi-a plăcut să-mi rup capul
And I liked to break my head
A durat mult până îmi iau o casă
It took a long time to get a house
Radiourile îmi ziceau "rapp-ul e varză"
The radios told me "rap is crap"
Pân' la "Undeva-n balcani" a fost cam groasă
Until "Somewhere in the Balkans" it was pretty rough
Era doar un moment, zici c-a fost o farsă
It was just a moment, it seems like it was a prank
Secundele trec, dar nimic nu e nou
Seconds pass, but nothing is new
Şi orice ar face, nimic nu e nou
And whatever she does, nothing is new
Priveşte în jur, va fi bine din nou
Look around, it will be good again
E doar un moment, nimic nu e nou
It's just a moment, nothing is new
Secundele trec, dar nimic nu e nou
Seconds pass, but nothing is new
Şi orice ar face, nimic nu e nou
And whatever she does, nothing is new
Priveşte în jur, va fi bine din nou
Look around, it will be good again
E doar un moment, nimic nu e nou
It's just a moment, nothing is new
Secundele trec, dar nimic nu e nou
Seconds pass, but nothing is new
Şi orice ar face nimic nu e nou
And whatever she does, nothing is new
Priveşte în jur, va fi bine din nou
Look around, it will be good again
E doar un moment, nimic nu e nou
It's just a moment, nothing is new
Secundele trec, dar nimic nu e nou
Seconds pass, but nothing is new
Şi orice ar face nimic nu e nou
And whatever she does, nothing is new
Priveşte în jur, va fi bine din nou
Look around, it will be good again
E doar un moment, nimic nu e nou
It's just a moment, nothing is new

Writer(s): Dragos Gardescu

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