Pyko Fatal - Promo (feat. Schyzo) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pyko Fatal - Promo (feat. Schyzo)

Promo (feat. Schyzo)
Promo (feat. Schyzo)
Dělat že jsi na vrcholu,novodobý promo
Pretending to be on top, modern-day promotion
V barech VIP, koks, tanečky a strobo
In bars VIP, coke, dances, and strobe lights
Když ti někdo pomohl, potom nasral si mu do bot
When someone helped you, then you shit in their boots
Zažil jsem to taky, tehdy letěl DJ Bobo
I experienced it too, when DJ Bobo used to be popular
Máš love, děvky, koks
You have money, bitches, coke
Hmm, to je toho
Hmm, that's about it
Posaď se tu u mě, dáš si čaj, máš pohov
Sit down here with me, have some tea, you can relax
Závodíte mezi sebou, hmm
You compete among yourselves, hmm?
Kdo s koho?
Who's better than who?
Jakoby tu ani jeden z vás nebyl kokot
As if neither of you were idiots
Máš ruce založený jako mistr proper
You have your arms crossed like Mr. Clean
Nevidíš ten pytel hoven, co se právě protrhl
You don't see that shit bag that just burst open
Tvý boys, ty jsou mimo roky čuchaj poppers
Your boys, they're out of it, snorting poppers for years
A když chce někdo pomoct, tak mu říkáš hezky popros
And when someone wants help, you tell them to ask nicely
Jednoho dne zmizíš jako všichni co jsou jako ty
One day you'll disappear like everyone who's like you
Zůstane tu jenom tichej svědek tvýho jekotu
Only a silent witness of your screams will remain
Propadneš se do pekla to všechno bylo jakoby
You'll fall into hell, it was all as if
Jenom ti to říkám,abych sejmul tvojí slepotu
I'm just telling you, to remove your blindness
Dělat že jsi na vrcholu,novodobý promo
Pretending to be on top, modern-day promotion
Nedávеj nám dealy,nevěřím ti ani slovo
Don't give us deals, I don't believe a word you say
To o čem nám povídáš,si nеměl ani skoro
What you're telling us, you barely had
Když jde tady o peníze,mění se to v horror
When it comes to money here, it turns into a horror
Slibovali, řikali, v klubu strobo blikalo
They promised, they said, the strobe lights flickered in the club
They didn't pay, they cried
Za cizí se sypalo
It was paid for with someone else's money
Simsalabim vim jak to vybavim
Simsalabim, I know how to fix it
Povídal mi týpek dřív než se vybarvil
A guy told me before he showed his true colors
Fakturu vystavil
He issued an invoice
Peníze vzal si sám, pak se vypařil
He took the money for himself, then disappeared
A kdyby si nelhal, myslím že by bylo líp
And if you hadn't lied, I think it would have been better
Mám pocit že si selhal
I have a feeling that you failed
Ten debil o kilo míň
That idiot is a kilo lighter

Writer(s): Jan Schyzo Janda, Jozef Marjak

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