QM - 100 - traduction des paroles en anglais
QM 100

QM - 100

Paroles et traduction en anglais QM - 100

화나콘다 힙플쇼 서고 오는
My path from Hongdae to Hwanakonda Hiphop
담배꽁초만 보이던 홍대 삼거리
Walk past the butts and cigarette ends in Hongdae’s three-way
다르게 보이네 술을 먹어서 그런가
Maybe it’s the alcohol, but this place feels new to me
네온사인에 취했나 홀로 3차까지
Neon signs have got me drunk; I’m alone, into my third drink
막걸리 아저씨는 오늘따라
The Makgeolli guy’s missing today
보이질 않네 근데 잠시 생각해보니까
But wait, let me think for a minute
오늘 공연한 상상마당이 내가 8년
It was at Sangsangmadang after a performance 8 years ago
화나 처음 봤을 형을 볼까 싶어서
When I first saw you, Hwana; I came to meet you that day
안양천을 한없이 걸었었는데 walk walkin dead
And walked endlessly by Anyangcheon Walk, walkin dead
같은 곡을 하고 나를 아끼는 동생이래
The man who performed the same song, he calls me his precious dongsaeng
미래가 이래 흘러갈 줄이야
Who would have thought I’d be here now
진짜 많이 돌아왔다 큐엠아 내가 미안
I’m so sorry to you, QM
나랑 기왕 시작한 끝까지 해보쟸던 놈들
For starting all this with you; let’s finish this
절반은 떴고 절반은 바닥을 떴네 모두
Some flew high and some hit rock bottom; we’re all
각자의 자리에서 힙합
In our own places, doing hiphop
내가 몫까지 해볼게 펜을 다시 잡았으니까
I’ll carry your share too; I’ve picked up my pen again
알바로 벌었던 월급 100만원
My first part-time job, I earned a million won
제피형이 싱글 내라고 준돈 100만원
Zephi-hyung gave me a million won for my single
소액 장학금 대출로 받은 100만원
A small scholarship loan, another million won
100만원 100만원 딥플로우형의 100만원
A million won, a million won, Deepflow-hyung’s million won
너네 손목에 감겨있는 100만원
The money wrapped around your wrist, a million won
조피디가 내민 계약금도 100만원
Zopedi’s deposit was a million won too
부모님한테 아직 드려본 100만원
A million won I haven’t given to my parents
100만원 100만원 딥플로우형의 100만원
A million won, a million won, Deepflow-hyung’s million won
올해만 하고 접자는 심정으로 뿌렸던
I had this idea to start this year to quit, and released songs
공개곡과 얼돼와 풀어냈던
To the public like crazy; I exposed my weaknesses
실타래는 풀려 딥플로우형에게 닿았고
But those threads reached you Deepflow-hyung
빅샤라웃과 함께 형과 같이 그려내는 나즈카
And with Bicksmile, I’m creating Nazca with you
그림을 그리고 있어
I’m drawing a big picture
영원한 햇빛에 공들이고 있어
Working under the eternal sunlight
내가 하는지 궁금하겠지만
You must be curious about what I’m doing
절대 지금은 없겠지
But you’ll never know now
형을 처음 만난 vmc
I first met you at VMC
작업실이었나 nope 맞다 퓨마 파티가
Was it a studio session? No, yeah, after the Puma party
끝나고 후에 큐엠아 진짜 멋있어
QM, you’re really cool
거야 나를 믿어봐 guaranteed
You’re gonna make it, you can trust me, guaranteed
계약이 풀려서 이번 앨범 나즈카가
My contract wouldn’t end, so this album Nazca
마지막 앨범일지도 모른단 말이 거의 올라
Might be my last one; it was almost over
왔는데 밤송이가 걸린 나오지 않더라고
But then Bamsong came out of the blue
헛기침 후에 정말이냐고
After a few coughs, I ask if it’s real
집에 가는
On my way home
심스랑 통화하며 듯한 기분이야 shit
Talking to Shim, I feel like I’m flying, shit
얘길 했더니 나보고
I told him this
그릇이 작다고 말한 씨발롬들아
And you motherfuckers said I was narrow-minded
그래서 너넨 꿈이 가요대전 나가는 거냐?
So is your dream to go on TV?
알바로 벌었던 월급 100만원
My first part-time job, I earned a million won
제피형이 싱글 내라고 준돈 100만원
Zephi-hyung gave me a million won for my single
소액 장학금 대출로 받은 100만원
A small scholarship loan, another million won
100만원 100만원 딥플로우형의 100만원
A million won, a million won, Deepflow-hyung’s million won
너네 손목에 감겨있는 100만원
The money wrapped around your wrist, a million won
조피디가 내민 계약금도 100만원
Zopedi’s deposit was a million won too
부모님한테 아직 드려본 100만원
A million won I haven’t given to my parents
100만원 100만원 딥플로우형의 100만원
A million won, a million won, Deepflow-hyung’s million won
엄마 개인 카페 하나 차려주고
I’ll buy a café for my mom
아빤 제일 비싼 차를 몰게 해주기
And the most expensive car for my dad
동생 사업 자금 대주고
I’ll pay for all of my dongsaeng’s business expenses
할아버지가 되더라도 끝까지 랩으로 벌기
And even if I become a grandpa, I’ll keep rapping for a living
알바로 벌었던 월급 100만원
My first part-time job, I earned a million won
제피형이 싱글 내라고 준돈 100만원
Zephi-hyung gave me a million won for my single
소액 장학금 대출로 받은 100만원
A small scholarship loan, another million won
100만원 100만원 딥플로우형의 100만원
A million won, a million won, Deepflow-hyung’s million won
너네 손목에 감겨있는 100만원
The money wrapped around your wrist, a million won
조피디가 내민 계약금도 100만원
Zopedi’s deposit was a million won too
부모님한테 아직 드려본 100만원
A million won I haven’t given to my parents
100만원 100만원 딥플로우형의 100만원
A million won, a million won, Deepflow-hyung’s million won
A million won

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