QM - Cashflow - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais QM - Cashflow

사람 나고 났지 나고 사람 났어?
People were born and then money appeared, or was money born and then people appeared?
이렇게 내며 따지고 들어 보란듯이
Why are you bringing it up like this, as if demanding an answer?
뿌리며 자랑하고 싶기는
I also want to brag about throwing money around
나도 마찬가진데 그것 때문에
but I don't feel like hanging myself over it
목매달기는 싫은 기분
Do you know what I mean?
말인지 알지
Muhammad Ali threw a punch
무함마드 알리가 주먹을 뻗으며
while calculating in his head
머릿속 계산기를 두들겼을까
Well, that's an instinct and I also rap
글쎄 그건 본능이고 역시 랩하며
but I don't think about money
돈을 떠올리진 않아 다시
떠올리지 않아
I don't think about it anymore
학생 제일 싫어하던 과목
My least favorite subject in school
그래 예상대로 수학
was, as you might've guessed, math
모두가 말해 함수 그런 크면 없다
Everyone says that functions and such are useless once you grow up
근데 이리 덧셈할 모두 눈이 커질까
But why do their eyes widen when it comes to addition?
탭탭탭 모두 두들기네 계산기를
Tap, tap, tap, they all pound on their calculators
얘네는 얼마 번데?
Which one of these guys is number one?
신문기사 장식한 세계 보유자산 순위
The newspaper article is adorned with the world's richest people
나보다 잘하는 사람 없네 무의미
There's no one among them that can rap better than me, it's pointless
Cash rules everything around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash flow around me
Cash flow around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash flow around me
Cash flow around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash flow around me
Cash flow around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash flow around me
Cash flow around me
원래는 같은
Money was never important to me
상관없다 말했거든 내가 번째로 뒀던 명예
I said it before, I prioritize honor
유명해지고 싶어서 관심 종자지
I wanted to be famous, that's the seed of interest
그러다 전쯤인가 엄마랑 전에
I think it was about six years ago, my mom and I
영화 보러 가던 길이었어
were on our way to see a movie
제목은 머니
It was called Moneyball
엄마는 입어야 좋을지 고민하시며 2년 할부로
My mom was thinking about what to wear and she picked up and put down
가방을 들었다 놨다 내가 엄말 존경하는
a bag that she had bought on a two-year installment plan, I respect my mom for
가방 할부 갚을 때까지 비닐 벗기시더라
not taking the plastic off the bag until she had paid it off
모습을 보며 손엔 잡은 채로 도어락
Watching her, with one hand on the door handle
엄마 아들이 많이 벌었으면 좋겠어?
Mom, I wish your son would make a lot of money?
아니 엄만 아들이 건강했으면 좋겠어
No, I wish your son would be healthy
건강하고 돈도 많으면 어때?
What if he's healthy and rich?
비닐을 벗긴 가방을 다시 내려놓곤 말하셨지
She put the bag back down, having just taken the plastic off
그건 좋네
That would be nice
그때부터였을 거야
That's when it must have started
내가 벌고 싶어 one for the money
Me wanting to make money, one for the money
그러다 보니 자꾸 조급해지더라고
And then I started to get impatient
물론 그땐 취업하려 했거든
Of course, I wanted to get a job then
너네가 모르는
What you don't know is
하기로 맘먹은
that I only decided to rap
2년밖에 안됐어 새끼들아 소름
two years ago, boy, that's scary
각설하고 마침 그때 본영화도 얘기더라고
Anyway, the movie we saw then was also about money
내가 지금 귀신이 씌었나
Am I possessed by the ghost of money?
그래 너희도 마찬가지겠지
Yeah, money, money, money, you're the same, aren't you?
우린 모든 핑계로 미쳐가
We use everything as an excuse to go crazy
Cash rules everything around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash flow around me
Cash flow around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash flow around me
Cash flow around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash flow around me
Cash flow around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash rules everything around me
Cash flow around me
Cash flow around me
그니까 되긴 싫어 돈의 노예
That's why I don't want to be a slave to money
곡이 굳이 없어도 노래가
My songs don't have to disappear, songs
노래방에 모래알처럼 흩어지는 꼴이
scattered like grains of sand in a karaoke bar
달갑진 않지만 계속 앨범을 보리
it's not so sweet, but I'll keep pushing out albums
내밀듯이 쌓다 보면 언젠가 되겠지
as if thrusting them out, and one day it will become a castle
같은 놈이 세상에 어디 있겠어?
Is there anyone else like me in the world?
냄새에 토할 때까지 벌어볼게
I'll make you vomit from the smell of money
변할까 걱정하지
Don't worry about me changing
어렸을 때부터 비위 약해서
I have a weak stomach since I was young
시골에 가는 안에서 토를 하곤 했지
I used to vomit in the car on the way to the countryside
돈은 똥과 같아서
Money is like shit
쌓아두면 악취를 풍기고 뿌리면 거름이 했어
It stinks when you keep it, and it's fertilizer when you spread it
이런 내가 이딴 쌓아두고 살겠어?
I'm like this, am I going to live my life hoarding this?

Writer(s): Si Hwan Kim, Qm Qm

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