QM - Unforgiven - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais QM - Unforgiven

나는 자랑스러운 태극기 앞에
Before the proud Taegeukgi,
자유롭고 정의로운 대한민국의 무궁한 영광을 위하여
For the endless glory of the free and just Republic of Korea,
충성을 다할 것을 굳게 다짐합니다.
I firmly pledge my loyalty.
초중고 십여 년간
For more than ten years in elementary, middle, and high school,
시키는 대로 다했던 작고 어린
I did everything I was told to do as a small and young child.
스무 살이 되어 술을 목구멍 털어 넣고
At the age of twenty, I emptied a bottle of alcohol down my throat,
스물두 밤을 자니까
I slept for twenty-two nights,
군대는 언제 거냐고 묻길래
When they asked me when I was going to the military,
이제 거라며 현관문에 소리치고 두시에
I yelled and said I was going soon at two in the morning,
다섯 병정도 비우고 컴퓨터를 켰네
I emptied about five bottles and turned on the computer.
철모를 호랑이가 두개로 보이네
The tiger with the helmet looks like two.
때는 크리스마스 다음날 기분은 사우나
The day after Christmas, the mood is like a sauna,
안에서 쉬는 기분이야 아무
The feeling of breathing inside is like any other day.
가면 어때 군대 그까짓 1월 11일
What if I go? The military is just like January 11th.
빌어먹을 군대 간다 이주 뒤에
Damn it, I'll go to the military in two weeks.
머리 밀러 가자 친구들아
Let's go friends, let's shave our heads.
원래 머리 빡빡 미는 이미 내가 고삼
I've always shaved my head really short.
때까지 원래 했던 머리니까
It's the hair I've always had until now.
근데 이렇게 어색해 눈물을 보니까
But why is this so awkward? I can see your tears.
쟤네가 가라
They tell you to go,
쟤네가 가라
They tell you to go,
Why me?
쟤네가 가라
They tell you to go,
쟤네가 가라
They tell you to go,
Why you?
거울을 보며 손을 올리며 충성
Loyalty while raising one hand looking in the mirror,
어색하네 부모님 갔다 올게 준성이
It's a little awkward, I'll go see my parents, Junseong.
수능 보라고 해주고
Tell them to do well on their college entrance exams,
친구들한테 편지 쓰라고 전해줘
And tell them to write letters to my friends.
옆자리 동기 이름은 한상철이
My bunkmate's name is Han Sang-cheol.
경호하다 왔다고 그건 놈이
He said he came to guard.
하는 아니냐 담배 피우며 눈치 보고
Isn't that what tall guys do?
이등병 좆같네 휴가는 언제 가고
Private first class sucks. When can I go on leave?
나가서 건지 말해봐
Tell me what you're going to do when you go out.
엄마 면회 오셨다고? 그래도 싸제담밸
My mom came to visit me? Well, that's still a waste.
에이 훈련 나가서 피자 대놓고 피면
Hey, if I go to training and eat pizza,
눈치 보이니까 조종수 특기도 아닌데 이번
You know, you're not a pilot, so why this time?
훈련 조종해 k 나인을
Drive the K9 during training.
포대장 진급 때문이라니
It's because of the promotion to sergeant,
사고는 약자의
Why are accidents always the responsibility of the weak?
항상 웃고 같이 공차던 넌데
You always used to smile and worked hard,
누워서 일어나질 못하는 건데
Why can't you get up and move?
쟤네가 가라
They tell you to go,
쟤네가 가라
They tell you to go,
Why me?
쟤네가 가라
They tell you to go,
쟤네가 가라
They tell you to go,
Why you?
힘내라며 치킨을 쥐어주시던
With the hand that used to give me chicken, saying, "Cheer up,"
손으로 동기 너희들은 앞으로 이런
With that hand, my comrade, you won't have this
없게 생활을 조심히
Kind of life in the military, so be careful,
하라며 우리들을 하나씩
And patted each of us
토닥이신 어머니
My mother
대신 나였다면
If it were you instead of me,
저기 울고 있는 사람은 우리 엄마였을까
The person crying over there, would it be our mother?
일병을 먼저 달어
Put on the private first class first,
저기 걸려있는 사진 속엔 내가 있을까
Will I be in the picture hanging over there?
간부들은 모여 심각해
The officers are gathered and looking serious.
하는 말은 사람은 살아야지
They say, "Those who should live should live."
순간 썩은 내가 진동해
At that moment, my rotten self vibrated.
나는 이등병 엄마한텐 절대로 말하지 말아야지
I'm a private first class. I should never tell my mother.
걱정하니까 지금 순간에도 상철이
Because she worries. Right now, at this moment, Sang-cheol,
뒤에 사람이 늘어가고 국민이
The number of people behind you is increasing. The people,
지켜야 4대 의무 교육 근로 납세 국방
The four major duties they must protect: education, work, taxes, and national defense.
씨발새끼들 좆까
Motherfuckers, I'll kill you.

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