Quim Barreiros - Recebi um Convite - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Quim Barreiros - Recebi um Convite

Recebi um Convite
I Received an Invitation
Pra passar uma noitada
To spend an evening out,
Eu recebi um convite
I received an invitation,
Pra passar uma noitada
To spend an evening out,
À casa de uma viuva
At the house of a widow,
Que estava reformada
Who was already retired,
Mas tinha uma filha linda
But she had a beautiful daughter,
Era dessa que eu gostava
It was her I liked.
À casa da viuvinha
To the little widow's house,
Preparei-me e então fui
I got ready and then went,
À casa da viuvinha
To the little widow's house,
Bati à porta da sala
I knocked on the living room door,
falaram-me da cozinha
Then they spoke to me from the kitchen,
Ninguém pode imaginar
No one can imagine,
A alegria que eu tinha
The joy I had.
Estavam ambas à fogueira
They were both by the fireplace,
Mandaram-me entrar pra dentro
They told me to come inside,
Estavam ambas à fogueira
They were both by the fireplace,
E eu como sempre gostei
And as I always liked,
E gosto da brincadeira
And enjoy a little fun,
Espetei três beijos na velha
I planted three kisses on the old lady,
Porque essa era a primeira
Because she was the first.
Quero-lhe o meu merecimento
I want my due,
Como se chama a sua filha?
What is your daughter's name?
Quero-lhe o meu merecimento
I want my due,
Não quero que ela aqui diga
I don't want her to say here,
Que eu venho com descaramento
That I come with shamelessness.
Olhe, chama-se Joaquina
Look, her name is Joaquina,
É única e é morgada
She's unique and an heiress,
Você não lhe deia' beijos
Don't give her kisses,
Que ela é muito envergonhada
She's very shy.
Você vai cear conosco
You'll have dinner with us,
Mas eu quero um favorzinho
But I want a little favor,
Vai com a Joaquina à adega
Go with Joaquina to the cellar,
Tirar uma caneca de vinho
To get a mug of wine,
Como sabe, não é longe
As you know, it's not far,
É perto e bom o caminho
It's close and the path is good.
Que havia na aldeia
There was in the village,
Era um costume antigo
An old custom,
Que havia na aldeia
There was in the village,
Ela à frente com a caneca
She went ahead with the mug,
E eu atrás com a candeia
And I behind with the lamp.
Que era aquilo que ela queria
That was what she wanted,
Quando chegamos à adega
When we got to the cellar,
Que era aquilo que ela queria
That was what she wanted,
E eu apaguei a candeia
And I extinguished the lamp,
Cas' escuras também via
I could see in the dark too.
Ela não era zarolha
She wasn't cross-eyed,
Começamos a apalpar
We started to feel around,
Ela não era zarolha
She wasn't cross-eyed,
Quando eu apalpei o pipo
When I felt the spigot,
ela tinha a mão na rolha
She already had her hand on the cork.
Que era de aproveitar
That was to be taken advantage of,
Começamos o trabalho
We started the work,
Que era de aproveitar
That was to be taken advantage of,
Porque era um pipo novo
Because it was a new spigot,
Que estava por encertar
That was yet to be adjusted.
Até as pedras se riram
Even the stones laughed,
Quando eu trabalhava
When I was working,
Até as pedras se riram
Even the stones laughed,
E eu tanto que apertava
And I pressed so hard,
Que até as borras saíam
That even the dregs came out.
A trabalhar com canseira
Working tirelessly,
A Joaquina começou
Joaquina began,
A trabalhar com canseira
Working tirelessly,
Porque ela, coitadinha
Because she, poor thing,
Ai, era muito trabalhadeira
Oh, she was such a hard worker,
Quando ela abria o pipo
When she opened the spigot,
Eu metia a torneira
I put in the tap.
Dizendo coisas sem jeito
Saying things awkwardly,
Nisto chegou a velhota
At this point, the old lady arrived,
Dizendo coisas sem jeito
Saying things awkwardly,
Mas eu não sou aldrabão
But I'm not a deceiver,
Queria o trabalho bem feito
I wanted the work done well.
Desculpe, minha senhora
Excuse me, madam,
Mas ainda não estamos fartos
But we're not full yet,
lhe tombei a vasilha
I've already tipped the container,
E agora aperto nos arcos
And now I'm tightening the hoops.
Faz coisas deseperadas
He does desperate things,
Sabemos que quem espera
We know that whoever waits,
Faz coisas deseperadas
He does desperate things,
Mas a Joaquina queria o pipo
But Joaquina wanted the spigot,
Com as leivas bem untadas
With the staves well greased.
Pois não houve malvadez
Well, there was no malice,
Pra a velhota ficar contente
To make the old lady happy,
Pois não houve malvadez
Well, there was no malice,
Eu peguei na minha gaita
I took my harmonica,
Ficamos dançando os três
The three of us stayed dancing.
Eu peguei na minha gaita
I took my harmonica,
Ficamos dancando os três
The three of us stayed dancing,
Eu peguei na minha gaita
I took my harmonica,
Ficamos dançando os três
The three of us stayed dancing.

Writer(s): Quim Barreiros

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