RADWIMPS - Ms. Phenomenal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RADWIMPS - Ms. Phenomenal

Ms. Phenomenal
Ms. Phenomenal
Truths that seem like lies,
In a world that keeps chewing them up,
Lies that seem like truths,
抱えた君は窮屈そうに 笑った
You held them, looking cramped, and smiled.
When I get tired of this overly energetic body,
And get a fever,
For some reason, I feel strangely happy,
大きな声で 母の元へと駆けた
And run to my mother's side with a loud voice.
心の色、形 まるで違う
The colors and shapes of our hearts are completely different,
When two souls mix,
I wonder what will happen.
あといくつ心臓があれば 僕は君の手を掴んで
How many more hearts would I need to grab your hand
この胸の中に 攫えるだろう
And steal you away into my chest?
今や人類はこの地球を 飛び出し火星を目指す
Humanity is now leaving Earth, aiming for Mars,
なのに僕は20センチ先の 君の方が遠い
But you, just 20 centimeters away, feel further.
On your small back,
You carry such a large destiny,
I try to lend a hand, saying "I'll carry it too,"
この手すり抜け 主の元へと帰る
But my hand goes right through, returning to its master.
If I take my eyes off you, even for a moment,
My cells, which had just started snoring,
Are awakened by you.
あといくつ心臓があれば 君にこの気持ちを
How many more hearts would I need to convey these feelings to you,
過不足なく僕は 伝えられるのだろう
Without excess or deficiency?
今や人類を超える知能が 生まれているのに
Intelligence surpassing humanity is being born,
僕の言葉は足踏みを ただ繰り返す
Yet my words just keep stumbling.
If I could take 10 minutes of lifespan from every person on Earth,
君の中どうにか 埋め込めやしないのかい
Couldn't I somehow embed them into you?
それか僕の残りの 命を二等分して
Or could I divide my remaining life in two,
かたっぽをあなたに 渡せやしないのかい
And give one half to you?
そしたら「せーの」で 来世に 乗れる
Then we could say "Ready, set, go!" and board the next life together.
あといくつ心臓があれば 僕は君の手を掴んで
How many more hearts would I need to grab your hand
この胸の中に 攫えるだろう
And steal you away into my chest?
今や人類はこの地球を 飛び出し火星を目指す
Humanity is now leaving Earth, aiming for Mars,
だけど僕は20センチ先の 君だけを目指す
But I'm only aiming for you, just 20 centimeters away.
This single heart of mine screams at the top of its lungs,
「あなたは私がこの世界に 生きた意味でした」
"You were the reason I lived in this world."

Writer(s): Noda Youjirou

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