RIP SLYME - ブロウ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RIP SLYME - ブロウ

Living life like a gust of wind blowing through
吹き荒れる嵐ん中のモーメント モーメント
Moments, moments within the raging storm
Living life like a gust of wind blowing through
Moments within the raging storm
Boom boom ぶっ飛んでる Uh ププッピドゥー
Boom boom, flying high Uh, pup-pi-doo
Boo Boo グチっちゃってブルーんなっちゃってる奴横目にスルー
Boo Boo, ignoring those who whine and turn blue
混沌とした街駆け抜ける 本当と冗談を嗅ぎ分ける
Running through the chaotic city, sniffing out truth and jokes
巻き上げる旋風 吹かすも吹かずも全部センス
Whipping up a whirlwind, blowing or not, it's all about style
飛ばされちまいな boy Yeah 乗っかっちまいな girl
Don't get blown away, boy Yeah, hop on board, girl
ヤマン! 風はFREEでいいぜ
Damn! The wind is free, that's how it should be
もっとイージー クールでブリージー...
More easy, cool, and breezy...
Zoom zoom zoom せまって
Zoom zoom zoom, getting closer
Let's ride the wind that steals everything away
数多 多く その他大勢の想像を絶する光景
A spectacle beyond the imagination of the many, the numerous, the masses
連れてってくれ 軽快なStepで
Take us there with a light step
誰もが見たコトない Next Levelな
To a next-level world that no one has ever seen
世界で デカイ スケール描いて
Draw a big scale in this world
スゲー アイデアと出逢いで
With amazing ideas and encounters
さぁ 黙って固まってないで思いっきりのけ反って上を見な
Come on, don't just stand there frozen, lean back and look up
What′s that 鳥じゃない 飛行機じゃない
What's that? It's not a bird, it's not a plane
It's something like a phenomenon
It's something like a phenomenon
Look with your eyes wide open
クルックルッと回るよ World goes around
The world goes around and around
Comes around. 最大瞬間の風速で 君ともっと遠くへ
Comes around. With the maximum instantaneous wind speed, let's go further with you
OK. 指さす延長線上へ
OK. To the point where my finger points
This passion that I yearn for
Just a little more to reach that summit
I want to ride the rising wind
With overflowing vibes, spilling images, and all the love I have
ありふれる退屈と思わぬ憂いを さぁ 明日へと吹き飛ばして
Let's blow away the ordinary boredom and unexpected worries into tomorrow
With overflowing soul, spilling jokes, and all the voice I have
The ordinary stimulation and unexpected tragedy
さぁ 明日へと吹き飛ばしていけ
Come on, let's blow it all away into tomorrow
Hey! How are you doing?
Hey! How are you doing?
僕は旅の途中 深くまた空気吸い込んで Go on my way
I'm on a journey, taking another deep breath and going on my way
どこまで行けるか もっと前へ (前へ)
How far can I go? Further ahead (ahead)
振り返っても同じ パッパッ
Even looking back, it's the same, pa-pa
切り替えてチョップするぜ Jump up
Switch it up and chop it up, Jump up
Keep flying and trying
ジェットでブーマー Windでblow my mind
Jet with a boomer, wind blow my mind
There may not be a clear, clearly visible world
だけど正解見つける風吹いちゃって Good bye day
But the wind blows to find the right answer, Good bye day
飛ばされて スーちゃん Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Blown away, Soo-chan Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Rolling, rolling, rolling
Rolling, rolling, rolling
また勝手に別れてる 道がっ!? もういいっ!
The road is splitting again!? Whatever!
Believing in my sixth sense, wishing, feeling, and heading forward without sulking!
さぁ~頑張れ~ 「ボクアキラメマセン」
Come on, do your best~ "I won't give up"
頑張れソング Thank you! Guys!
A song of encouragement, Thank you! Guys!
Besides going back and forth repeatedly,
Is there nothing else in the world!?
No! No! No!
No! No! No!
めんどくせーもん飛んで Jumping ヤンピ コンピ
Troublesome things fly away, Jumping yanpi konpi
ケセラセラ Booーーー!
Que sera sera Booーーー!
飛び込め 皆のおかげの自分 ザブーン!
Jump in, myself thanks to everyone, splash!
君の勢いは凄まじい 怒ってるとき、それも素晴らしい
Your momentum is amazing, when you're angry, that's also wonderful
1番ブロウでぶっとばそう 嵐のように激しいパワーで
Let's blow it away with the number one blow, with the fierce power of a storm
構わねぇ 見た目地味 下着派手
I don't care, plain appearance, flashy underwear
With the invincible power hidden within
果報はぶっ飛んで待つ 風まかせ...
Fortune is waiting to fly away, leaving it to the wind...
根をはって らしく花咲かせー
Take root and bloom as you are
いつか見つけられそう Blow my mind
I might find it someday, Blow my mind
飛んでいこう さぁ 派手に Blow your mind
Let's fly away, come on, flashily, Blow your mind
いつか見つけられそう Blow my mind
I might find it someday, Blow my mind
飛んでいこうかぁ Everything gonna be all right
Let's fly away, everything gonna be all right
With overflowing vibes, spilling images, and all the love I have
ありふれる退屈と思わぬ憂いを さぁ 明日へと吹き飛ばして
Let's blow away the ordinary boredom and unexpected worries into tomorrow
With overflowing soul, spilling jokes, and all the voice I have
The ordinary stimulation and unexpected tragedy
さぁ 明日へと吹き飛ばしていけ
Come on, let's blow it all away into tomorrow
行こう ずっと向こう 終わりのないストーリー
Let's go, far beyond, a never-ending story
Blow, blow, blow 果てしのない明日へ
Blow, blow, blow, into the endless tomorrow
行こう ずっと向こう 終わりのないストーリー
Let's go, far beyond, a never-ending story
Blow, blow, blow 果てしのない明日へ
Blow, blow, blow, into the endless tomorrow

Writer(s): Rip Slyme, rip slyme

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