RL feat. Vanessa - Dalila 2da Parte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RL feat. Vanessa - Dalila 2da Parte

Dalila 2da Parte
Dalila Part 2
Ahh Entonces yo te llamo y te llamo y tu no me coges la llamada
Ahh So I call you and call you and you don't answer the phone
Pero ven aca mujer, Tu no ves que yo toy en pleno concierto
But come here woman, Don't you see I'm in the middle of a concert!
Te traje a tu hija pa que tu la veas!
I brought your daughter so you can see her!
Pero ven aca, Quien fue que dejo subir a esta Mujer a La Tarima
But come here, Who let this woman up on stage?
Esta mujer esta loca
This woman is crazy.
Yo soy una loca Ahora
I'm crazy now.
Oye pero Alguien que me baje a Estar Mujer de aqui
Hey, someone get this woman off of here.
No me Voy
I'm not leaving.
Hay Dios Mio!
Oh my God!
Por favor dalila vallase con eso
Please Dalila leave with that
Dios Mio Ayudame a salir de este proceso
My God, help me get out of this mess
Por favor dalila vallase con Eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
Dame lo de la leche o te voy a Meter Preso
Give me the milk money or I'm going to have you arrested.
Por favor dalilala vallase con eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
No seas tan mala por favor no me Haga eso
Don't be so mean, please don't do this to me.
Por favor dalila vallase con eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
Ahora yo toy en texaco y exel no toy en eso
Now I'm in Texaco and Excel, I'm not in that.
En verdad, Verdad tu tienes problemas, Cuantas veces vamos a hablar del miamo tema a ti te ha Dado con que esa muchacha es mia
Really, really you have problems, How many times are we going to talk about the same subject? You've been given that this girl is mine.
Estoy Hablando en Serio No Te rias
I'm talking seriously, don't laugh.
Es que tu opinion yo no la comparto, ya van 2 meses y tu no me has dado los cuartos
It's just that I don't share your opinion, it's been 2 months and you haven't given me the money.
Hay! Dalila tu me tienes harto
Oh! Dalila, you're driving me crazy.
Tu no decias eso cuando estabamos en mi cuarto
You didn't say that when we were in my room.
Estoy en la Tarima mujer, Callate la boca, No hagan caso mi gente esta tipa ta loca
I'm on stage, woman. Shut your mouth. Don't pay attention to my people, this chick is crazy.
Dame la manutencion ahora mismo si no hablo
Give me child support right now, if I don't speak
Hermano en comunion que se quiere mete el diablo, De tus amenazas ya me estoy cansando
Brother in communion that the devil wants to get into, I'm tired of your threats.
Como fue! Tu me esta amenanzando, Tu eres cristiano por si se te esta olvidando
What was that! You are threatening me, you are a Christian in case you are forgetting.
Si, Pero el brazo derecho ya se me esta descarriando
Yes, but my right arm is getting out of control.
Mejor Dame lo cuarto y evitate un problema tu hija esta pasando hambre, no te da pena! y se parece tanto a ti que casi se daña
Better give me the room and avoid a problem, your daughter is starving, don't you feel sorry for her? And she looks so much like you that she almost hurts herself.
En que esa niña y yo Nos parecemos?
How do that girl and I look alike?
En las pestañas! De tu mismo color mira, Tu no le llegas porque reconocerlo te da tanta pena, ella se siente mal cada vez que tu la niegas
In the eyelashes! The same color, look, you don't come to her because recognizing her gives you so much pain, she feels bad every time you deny her.
Que no nos parecemos mujer, Oh es que tu eres Ciega! Yo soy un tipo ordinario y moreno, Esa niña tiene ojos azules y hasta el pelo bueno. Eche pa aya que esa cotorra no la cojo
That we don't look alike, woman, Oh, are you blind! I'm an ordinary and dark-skinned guy, That girl has blue eyes and even good hair. Throw it over there, I don't take that parrot
Hay! Cuando niño tu era asi, Fue que te echaron mal de ojos
Oh! When you were a child you were like that, You were given the evil eye.
Por favor dalila vallase con eso
Please Dalila leave with that
Dios Mio Ayudame a salir de eate proceso
My God, help me get out of this mess
Por favor dalila vallase con Eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
Dame lo de la leche o te voy a Meter Preso
Give me the milk money or I'm going to have you arrested.
Por favor dalilala vallase con eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
No seas tan mala por favor no me Haga eso
Don't be so mean, please don't do this to me.
Por favor dalila vallase con eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
Ahora yo toy en texaco y exel no toy en eso
Now I'm in Texaco and Excel, I'm not in that.
Pero que lo que tu quieres!
But what do you want!
Que me de los cuarto si no llamo a una patrulla!
Give me the money or I'll call the police!
Tate quieta, no hagas tanta bulla
Be quiet, don't make so much noise
Es que como tu me dices que esa muchacha no es tuya?
It's just that how you tell me that girl is not yours?
Pero porque ella es tan blanca?
But why is she so white?
Que le dio la Chicunguya!
She got Chikungunya!
No quiero estar pidiendote como un mendigo solo manten tu hija y seamos como amigos
I don't want to be begging you like a beggar, just support your daughter and let's be friends.
Que esa niña no es mia mujer vuelvo y te lo digo. Es mas tu Sabes Conta
That girl is not mine, woman, I tell you again. You know what, count.
No cuente conmigo!
Don't count on me!
Mira tu niña que linda esta!
Look at your daughter how beautiful she is!
Hay si que cosa linda pero buscale el papa
Yes, what a beautiful thing, but find her father.
Rl dime te me va a doblar
Rl, tell me, you're going to fold me over.
Tu molesta mas que una foto ajena etiquetada
You're more annoying than a tagged photo of someone else.
Vamos a hablar pongamonos deacuerdo
Let's talk, let's come to an agreement.
Es que de esa noche que tu habla, Yo no me acuerdo
It's just that the night you're talking about, I don't remember.
Que tu no te Acuerdas? a Mi no Me hable
That you don't remember? Don't talk to me.
Pero no te ponga Asi
But don't put yourself like that.
Asi son los hombres, Iresponsables!
That's how men are, irresponsible!
Tu me invitaste a tu casa Disque a Orar por ti, Me bebi un juguito y jamas supe de ti, y al otro dia tu me viene con un coro
You invited me to your house saying to pray for you, I drank a little juice and never heard from you, and the next day you come to me with a chorus
Que tu insinuas?
What are you insinuating?
No yo aqui hablando solo
No, I'm just talking here.
Tu quiere que le hagamo una prueba ahora mismo?
Do you want us to do a test right now?
Pero para que mas peueba si en el hospital lo vimos, Tu sabes que ella nacio con un poder divino
But why more proof if we saw it in the hospital, you know that she was born with a divine power
Poeque ella dijo primo y se muerieron los primo, Dijo abuela, abuelo, tio y sobrino y Todos ellos sufrieron el mismo destino, Mientras yo asustado porque pa donde mi ella vino y Cuando dijo PAPA se murio el vecino
Because she said cousin and the cousins died, she said grandma, grandpa, uncle and nephew and they all suffered the same fate, while I was scared because where did she come from and when she said DAD the neighbor died
Por favor dalila vallase con eso
Please Dalila leave with that
Dios Mio Ayudame a salir de eate proceso
My God, help me get out of this mess
Por favor dalila vallase con Eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
Dame lo de la leche o te voy a Meter Preso
Give me the milk money or I'm going to have you arrested.
Por favor dalilala vallase con eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
No seas tan mala por favor no me Haga eso
Don't be so mean, please don't do this to me.
Por favor dalila vallase con eso
Please Dalila, leave with that.
Ahora yo toy en texaco y exel no toy en eso
Now I'm in Texaco and Excel, I'm not in that.
Dalila reflexiona Deja tu engaño, Yo soy cristiano por favor no me haga daño, Dile a la gente que yo no soy el papa
Dalila think about it, stop your deception, I am a Christian please don't hurt me, Tell people that I am not the father
Ok. ta bien voy a decir la verdad
Ok. alright I'm going to tell the truth.
En realidad esa noche no paso nada, Ya yo sabia que yo estaba embarazada cuando te llame me sentia confundida por eso te puso una pastilla en la bebida, Porque queria que mi hija tenga un papa
Actually, nothing happened that night, I already knew I was pregnant, when I called you I felt confused, that's why I put a pill in your drink, Because I wanted my daughter to have a father
Tu Ves mucha novela!
You watch too much TV!
Dejame termina, Por favor perdoname entiendo que me pase
Let me finish, please forgive me, I understand that I went too far.
Pero quien es el papa
But who's the father?
En realidad no se, Quiza me Odias y tienes tus razones pero ojala que algun dia Dios me perdone, Porque yo se que hecho mucho mal, cometi miles de errores por mi forma de pensar, Pero enrealidad yo quisiera cambiar y caminar en la calle sin que alguien me mire mal, poder darle a mi hija una familia y un hogar que alguien me ayude Yo quiero ser normal!
I really don't know, maybe you hate me and you have your reasons but hopefully one day God will forgive me, because I know I've done a lot of wrong, I've made thousands of mistakes because of my way of thinking, But in reality I would like to change and walk down the street without someone looking at me badly, to be able to give my daughter a family and a home, that someone help me I want to be normal!
A veces las cosas no son como parecen mi gente quiza algunos de ustedes ya estaban señalando al varon y lo estaban juzgando, cuando en realidad las cosas no eran Asi, y En caso de que asi fuesen No estamos llamados a juzgar ni a Condenar, si no a restaurar y Darle la mano al que esta detras, Asi que ama a tu projimo como a ti mismo y en ves de condenarle, Ayudale a esos somos llamados
Sometimes things are not what they seem, my people, maybe some of you were already pointing at the man and judging him, when in reality things were not like that, and if they were, we are not called to judge or condemn, but to restore and lend a hand to the one who is behind, so love your neighbor as yourself and instead of condemning him, help him, that is what we are called to do

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