RNZ feat. AKANAME - Gomora 3 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RNZ feat. AKANAME - Gomora 3

Gomora 3
Gomora 3
Ješte neviděli jejich oči,
Their eyes haven't seen it yet,
Celý jsou jako šílený
They're all crazy
Koušou se do rukou, nehty zatínají do žil
They bite their hands, their nails dig into their veins
A svým křikem trhají oblaka
And their screams tear the clouds apart
Maska na face
Mask on my face
Nech nevidím nič
I can't see anything
A oni nech netušia že mam pod jazykom príchuť olova.
And they don't know that I have the taste of lead under my tongue.
sa necítim safe počujem krik
I don't feel safe anymore, I hear screams
Opakovane otváram mesto hriechu ďalšia gomora
I open the city of sin again, another Gomora
Maska na face
Mask on my face
Nech nevidím nič
I can't see anything
A oni nech netušia že mam pod jazykom príchuť olova.
And they don't know that I have the taste of lead under my tongue.
sa necítim safe počujem krik
I don't feel safe anymore, I hear screams
Opakovane otváram mesto hriechu ďalšia gomora
I open the city of sin again, another Gomora
Maska na face
Mask on my face
Nech nevidím nič
I can't see anything
A oni nech netušia že mam pod jazykom príchuť olova
And they don't know that I have the taste of lead under my tongue
sa necítim safe
I don't feel safe anymore
Z diaľky počujem krik,
I hear screams from afar,
Opakovane otváram mesto hriechu ďalšia gomora
I open the city of sin again, another Gomora
Zajtra sa budeme pýtať či to za to stálo ale dneska ne
Tomorrow we'll ask if it was worth it, but not today
Asi nájazd, kope to ako stádo
It's probably a raid, it's kicking like a herd
Keď si tam nebol tak to nemôžeš chápať.
If you weren't there, you can't understand it.
V miestach kde ti nepomôže mapa
In places where a map won't help you
Na okolo sa všetko roztápa ludia sa zmenili na zvieratá
Everything around is melting, people have turned into animals
Skús to prežiť do rána
Try to survive until morning
Povedz mi čo sme to spáchali
Tell me what we did
Celú noc haldy a návali, na byte mŕtvoly
All night, piles and waves, corpses on the floor
Zistili sme aké to je byť dead
We found out what it's like to be dead
Ja neviem či sa zvládneme vrátiť späť
I don't know if we'll be able to get back
Keď sem niekto príde nech vykope hrob
If anyone comes here, let them dig a grave
Vo vzduchu je cítiť zlo
You can smell evil in the air
Na toto miesto nezavíta Boh
God won't visit this place
Nikto ho neprosil vypadni Arigato
No one asked him to leave, Arigato
Je to zbytočné beztak nezastavíš ten stav
It's pointless anyway, you can't stop that state
S úsvitom sa to samo prevalí cez nás
With the dawn, it will break over us
Preto aj bez vás dokážeme pochopiť že
Therefore, even without you, we can understand that
Sami sa vieme najlepšie trestať
We know how to punish ourselves best
Baby prosím zostaň ležať
Baby please stay down
Povedz mi že ťa mám rezať
Tell me that I should cut you
Držíme sa pod krkom, čakáme na konec a pritom si dávame
We're holding on to each other's necks, waiting for the end, and at the same time we're giving ourselves
Maska na face
Mask on my face
Nech nevidím nič
I can't see anything
A oni nech netušia že mam pod jazykom príchuť olova.
And they don't know that I have the taste of lead under my tongue.
sa necítim safe počujem krik
I don't feel safe anymore, I hear screams
Opakovane otváram mesto hriechu ďalšia gomora
I open the city of sin again, another Gomora
Maska na face
Mask on my face
Nech nevidím nič
I can't see anything
A oni nech netušia že mam pod jazykom príchuť olova.
And they don't know that I have the taste of lead under my tongue.
sa necítim safe počujem krik
I don't feel safe anymore, I hear screams
Opakovane otváram mesto hriechu ďalšia gomora
I open the city of sin again, another Gomora
(A bylo ticho mezi námi)
(And there was silence between us)

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