RYO the SKYWALKER - Happy Life Tools - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RYO the SKYWALKER - Happy Life Tools

Happy Life Tools
Happy Life Tools
Herbalist!! Wi Jus Waan Happy Life
Herbalist girl!! We just want a happy life
酒は飲んでも飲まれるな 煙は吸っても吸われるなって
Drink alcohol, but don't let it drink you. Smoke, but don't let it smoke you.
Ah, everyone's getting caught up in it, so let me tell you something
もう巷も知ったかばっかで未だに麻薬といっしょくた (ええ!?)
The streets are full of know-it-alls, still equating it with narcotics (huh!?)
No Way 古来古今東西 活力与える神の×× (でも)
No way, since ancient times, it's been a divine gift that gives vitality (but)
単にダラダラ現実逃避のミーハースモーカーに 一喝や Cho
To the frivolous smokers who just want to escape reality, I say wake up! Cho
そうさコイツは手段 目的見失うんならすんな
This is just a tool, baby. If you lose sight of your goals, then don't do it.
Boom Baan!! て増えるエンドユーザー (おい) 飲み込まれるヤツWho Dat?
Boom Baan!! The number of end users is increasing (hey) Who's getting swallowed up?
そうさあがってく手段 食うたりぐうたらだけならすんな
This is a way to rise up, so don't just eat and laze around.
フンガー!! て怒るヘビーユーザー ちゃんと知ってるヤツらが噴火 (フンガー!!)
Hungah!! The heavy users are getting angry. Those who truly know are erupting (Hungah!!)
持つべきものは目的 示す態度で誤解は解くべき
What you should have is a purpose. Show your attitude and clear up misunderstandings.
真剣なまでの信念保って市民権 いつかMus Get It
Maintain a sincere conviction and one day, it will be accepted. Mus' Get It.
楽しむ裏でもまじめに できりゃ積んどけ学歴 職歴
Even while having fun, be serious. If you can, stack up your education and work experience.
僕的だらけて 匿名希望の 即席ボーイじゃ残せん足跡
Being a lazy, anonymous, instant boy won't leave a footprint.
時にChillしてRock Steady 油断してたら直撃
Sometimes chill and rock steady, but if you're careless, you'll get hit directly.
ヤーマン刑事が夜更けに 連れてかれて被告席
The Yardies will take you away late at night, and you'll be in the defendant's seat.
その数も記録的 (No!!) 天で祈るテリー 気づけば時代遅れに (Hey)
The numbers are record-breaking (No!!) Terry prays in heaven, realizing he's outdated (Hey)
やるもやらんも コイツを通して ホントのトコ知っとくべき
Whether you do it or not, you should know the real deal through this.
疑うことすら終始避けるから 何から何まで牛耳られる
Because you constantly avoid doubting, you're controlled by everything.
繊維 燃料 医療用 戦後 産業負けして非合法
Fibers, fuel, medical use. After the war, the industry lost and it became illegal.
誰かが何かを封じ込める けどオレらが暴いて曲に込める
Someone is suppressing something, but we're exposing it and putting it into our music.
要領よく生き残る武器は 相当飛ぶよな想像力 (Yo)
The weapon to survive cleverly is a pretty damn good imagination (Yo)
そうさコイツが手段 目的見失うんならすんな
This is just a tool, girl. If you lose sight of your goals, then don't do it.
Boom Baan!! て増えるエンドユーザー (おい) 飲み込まれるヤツWho Dat?
Boom Baan!! The number of end users is increasing (hey) Who's getting swallowed up?
そうさあがってく手段 食うたりぐうたらだけならすんな
This is a way to rise up, so don't just eat and laze around.
フンガー!! て怒るヘビーユーザー ちゃんと知ってるヤツらが噴火 (フンガー!!)
Hungah!! The heavy users are getting angry. Those who truly know are erupting (Hungah!!)
煙に揺られ瞑想 大地に感謝し心を清掃
Swaying in the smoke, meditating, giving thanks to the earth, and cleansing the mind.
深く根を張るRagga Meditation コラ! 子供は10年はねーぞ
Deeply rooted Ragga Meditation, hey! Kids, you've got 10 years to go.
ほんで巻いたらいきなり燃焼 誰が呼んだかHealing of the Nation
Then light it up and burn it down, who called it the Healing of the Nation?
Vibrationでなくなる戦争 こんな効能 知らされずどうも
War disappears with vibration, such an effect, somehow we weren't told.
もう どうしようもないほど 広がりだした誇大報道
The exaggerated reports have already spread uncontrollably.
偉そうなおっさんが登場 功罪問わずどっちが洗脳
A pompous old man appears, regardless of merits and demerits, who's brainwashing who?
彼が言うには吸ったら凶暴化 さらには幻想症状が
He says smoking makes you violent, and even causes hallucinations.
嘘八百ばらまく状況 暴動寸前 また今日も
Spreading lies, the situation is on the verge of a riot, again today.
間違った情報が錯綜 見逃さず見ろ いろんな角度
Misinformation is rampant, don't miss it, look from various angles.
好きずきでも心の薬草 解禁の前に偏見をなくそう
Even if it's a matter of preference, it's a herb for the mind. Let's eliminate prejudice before legalization.
まず自分が自立する活動 つまり仕事それぞれのAction
First, work on becoming independent, meaning, take action in your respective jobs.
Week DayこなすHardめなWorkも 合間に一服できれば楽勝
Even tough work during the week is a breeze with a smoke break in between.
そうさコイツは手段 目的見失うんならすんな
This is just a tool, baby. If you lose sight of your goals, then don't do it.
Boom Baan!! て増えるエンドユーザー (おい) 飲み込まれるヤツWho Dat?
Boom Baan!! The number of end users is increasing (hey) Who's getting swallowed up?
そうさあがってく手段 食うたりぐうたらだけならすんな
This is a way to rise up, so don't just eat and laze around.
フンガー!! て怒るヘビーユーザー ちゃんと知ってるヤツらが噴火 (フンガー!!)
Hungah!! The heavy users are getting angry. Those who truly know are erupting (Hungah!!)
働かざる者吸うべからず 掟つらぬく愛煙家
Those who don't work, shall not smoke. The smokers' code of honor.
サイレンが鳴る街で再点火 集まる間違いないメンバー
Reignite in the city where sirens blare, the members will surely gather.
Big Up Herbalist, Wee Is Life 酒タバコよりはいいはずだが
Big Up Herbalist, Wee Is Life. It should be better than alcohol and cigarettes, but
調子に乗っていきがるな 日本もいまだイリーガルや
Don't get carried away and cocky, it's still illegal in Japan.
(A-ah) でも 何をやるかでなくどうやるか
(A-ah) But it's not about what you do, it's about how you do it.
(A-ah) 何を見るかでなくどう見るか
(A-ah) It's not about what you see, it's about how you see it.
(A-ah) またまた 懲りずに巻き出すRollin Time
(A-ah) Once again, it's Rollin Time, without giving up.
(A-ah) 来たるべき Happy Lifeを目指して
(A-ah) Aiming for the Happy Life that is to come.
そうさコイツは手段 目的見失うんならすんな
This is just a tool, girl. If you lose sight of your goals, then don't do it.
Boom Baan!! て増えるエンドユーザー (おい) 飲み込まれるヤツWho Dat?
Boom Baan!! The number of end users is increasing (hey) Who's getting swallowed up?
そうさあがってく手段 食うたりぐうたらだけならすんな
This is a way to rise up, so don't just eat and laze around.
フンガー!! て怒るヘビーユーザー ちゃんと知ってるヤツらが噴火 (フンガー!!)
Hungah!! The heavy users are getting angry. Those who truly know are erupting (Hungah!!)
Ah, everyone's getting caught up in it, so let me tell you something
もう巷も知ったかばっかで未だに麻薬といっしょくた (ええ!?)
The streets are full of know-it-alls, still equating it with narcotics (huh!?)
No Way 古来古今東西 活力与える神の×× (でも)
No way, since ancient times, it's been a divine gift that gives vitality (but)
単にダラダラ現実逃避のミーハースモーカーに 一喝や Cho
To the frivolous smokers who just want to escape reality, I say wake up! Cho
そうさコイツは手段 目的見失うんならすんな
This is just a tool, baby. If you lose sight of your goals, then don't do it.
Boom Baan!! て増えるエンドユーザー (おい) 飲み込まれるヤツWho Dat?
Boom Baan!! The number of end users is increasing (hey) Who's getting swallowed up?
そうさあがってく手段 食うたりぐうたらだけならすんな
This is a way to rise up, so don't just eat and laze around.
フンガー!! て怒るヘビーユーザー ちゃんと知ってるヤツらが噴火 (フンガー!!)
Hungah!! The heavy users are getting angry. Those who truly know are erupting (Hungah!!)

Writer(s): Ryo The Skywalker, Mighty Crown, ryo the skywalker, mighty crown

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