梁文音 - 愛其實很殘忍 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 梁文音 - 愛其實很殘忍

Love Is Actually So Cruel
離開你的城市 迴避你的忽視
I've left your city, avoiding your neglect
只願記得你每次 像很在乎我的樣子
I only want to remember the times, when you seemed to care so much about me
那些愛不膩的日子 你送我的生日戒指
Those days when love never faded, the birthday ring you gave me
每當想起一次 都是生命巨大的諷刺
Every time I think of it, it's a huge irony in my life
誰明白愛其實很殘忍 勉強抱著卻覺得更冷
Who understands that love is actually so cruel, holding on reluctantly only makes me feel colder
曾那麼熾熱 到頭來不聞不問
Once so ardent, but now so indifferent
How can I admit the hurt?
The cruelest thing is when love fades away
Still holding onto the memories, refusing to let it go
最溫柔的 都冷淡了
The gentlest things have all turned cold
成了你的局外人 最遠的那一個
I've become an outsider to you, the most distant one
這樣一個人的日子 偶爾隱隱作痛的刺
These days on my own, there's an occasional stabbing pain
每當夜裡痛醒 安慰自已哭過就沒事
Whenever I wake up in pain at night, I comfort myself by saying it'll be okay after I cry
Who understands that love is actually so cruel
Holding on reluctantly only makes me feel colder
曾那麼熾熱 到頭來不聞不問
Once so ardent, but now so indifferent
How can I admit the hurt?
The cruelest thing is when love fades away
Still holding onto the memories, refusing to let it go
最溫柔的 都冷淡了
The gentlest things have all turned cold
成了你的局外人 最遠的那一個(喔喔喔喔)
I've become an outsider to you, the most distant one (Oh oh oh oh)
說好要一輩子 親密淡成影子
We promised to be together forever, but our intimacy has faded into a shadow
眼淚提醒我該 到此為止
Tears remind me it's time to end this
我的感情用事 你的無法解釋
My emotions are out of control, but you can't explain
Finally, we've lost each other
The love you gave me was actually so cruel
The fall from heaven to hell was so hard
曾那麼熾熱 熾熱到難以負荷
Once so ardent, ardent to the point of being unbearable
Even your lies were so sincere
Why has love already faded away?
Yet the memories still linger in my heart
最親愛的 最冷漠了
My dearest, you've become the coldest
我們不再擁抱了 永遠的陌生了
We no longer embrace, forever strangers
最親愛的 最冷漠了
My dearest, you've become the coldest
最愛的總最殘忍 永遠的陌生了
The one you love the most is always the cruelest, forever strangers

Writer(s): Lin Jian Liang, Teo Khee Chern

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