Radikal Chef - Britanny Murphy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Radikal Chef - Britanny Murphy

Britanny Murphy
Britanny Murphy
Ak to chceš tak mi to rovno povedz (povedz)
If that's what you want, tell me straight (tell me)
A potom sa pekne rovno zovleč (zovleč)
And then take it off straight (take it off)
Žiadna ôsma míla, Travis ani pokec (pokec)
No 8 Mile, Travis, or chat (chat)
Žiadna zbytočná romantika vôbec (vôbec)
No unnecessary romance at all (at all)
Ak to chceš tak mi to rovno povedz (povedz)
If that's what you want, tell me straight (tell me)
A potom sa pekne rovno zovleč (zovleč)
And then take it off straight (take it off)
Žiadna ôsma míla, Travis ani pokec (pokec)
No 8 Mile, Travis, or chat (chat)
Žiadna zbytočná romantika vôbec (vôbec)
No unnecessary romance at all (at all)
Prevediem ťa nocou ako čierny havran (krá, krá)
I'll guide you through the night like a black raven (king, king)
Keď si sama len pozeráš na Instagram
When you're alone, just looking at Instagram
Zážitky so mnou lepšie ako Aupark (Aupark)
Experiences with me better than Aupark (Aupark)
Celý víkend športujeme ako v Alpách
We exercise all weekend like in the Alps
Chceme nebo, ale vždy nás nájde peklo (peklo)
We want heaven, but hell always finds us (hell)
Zima v očiach, no po gine silné teplo (Grécko)
Winter in the eyes, but after gin, strong warmth (Greece)
Vo výťahu trháš zo mňa Nike dresscode (Nike)
In the elevator, you tear the Nike dress code off me (Nike)
Si môj morfín, ja Elliot Alderson (Eliot)
You're my morphine, I'm Elliot Alderson (Eliot)
Ak to chceš tak mi to rovno povedz (povedz)
If that's what you want, tell me straight (tell me)
A potom sa pekne rovno zovleč (zovleč)
And then take it off straight (take it off)
Žiadna ôsma míla, Travis ani pokec (pokec)
No 8 Mile, Travis, or chat (chat)
Žiadna zbytočná romantika vôbec (vôbec)
No unnecessary romance at all (at all)
Ak to chceš tak mi to rovno povedz (povedz)
If that's what you want, tell me straight (tell me)
A potom sa pekne rovno zovleč (zovleč)
And then take it off straight (take it off)
Žiadna ôsma míla, Travis ani pokec (pokec)
No 8 Mile, Travis, or chat (chat)
Žiadna zbytočná romantika vôbec (vôbec)
No unnecessary romance at all (at all)
Hello Kitty, Hello, Hello Kitty, stereotyp zabíja naše city
Hello Kitty, Hello, Hello Kitty, stereotype kills our feelings
Aspoň sa hádajme no nebuďme tichý
At least argue, but let's not be silent
Potom sa milujme, počúvajme vzdychy (ja)
Then let's make love, listen to the sighs (I do)
A potom nočná Praha, nekonečný Freeride (freeride)
And then night Prague, endless Freeride (freeride)
Vdýchneš dym a pustíš Lil Babyho Freestyle (freestyle)
You take a breath of smoke and let go of Lil Baby's Freestyle (freestyle)
Sme jak Cardi B a Offset, lovestory aj kríza
We're like Cardi B and Offset, love story and crisis
Ranný uber domov a v posteli flaša vína
Morning Uber home and a bottle of wine in bed
A okolo postele rozhádzané handry
And around the bed are scattered clothes
French Montana vibe No Stylist
French Montana vibe No Stylist
A okolo postele prachy, zlato, flašky
And around the bed are money, gold, bottles
French Montana vibe No Stylist
French Montana vibe No Stylist
Ak to chceš tak mi to rovno povedz (povedz)
If that's what you want, tell me straight (tell me)
A potom sa pekne rovno zovleč (zovleč)
And then take it off straight (take it off)
Žiadna ôsma míla, Travis ani pokec (pokec)
No 8 Mile, Travis, or chat (chat)
Žiadna zbytočná romantika vôbec (vôbec)
No unnecessary romance at all (at all)
Ak to chceš tak mi to rovno povedz (povedz)
If that's what you want, tell me straight (tell me)
A potom sa pekne rovno zovleč (zovleč)
And then take it off straight (take it off)
Žiadna ôsma míla, Travis ani pokec (pokec)
No 8 Mile, Travis, or chat (chat)
Žiadna zbytočná romantika vôbec (vôbec)
No unnecessary romance at all (at all)

Writer(s): Radikal Chef

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