Radikal Chef - Sokrates - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Radikal Chef - Sokrates

Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Ostalo pri mne len par bratov
Only a few of my brothers stayed by my side
Ostatní pekne fuck off
The rest of you, fuck off, that's right
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Ostalo pri mne len par bratov
Only a few of my brothers stayed by my side
Ostatní pekne fuck off
The rest of you, fuck off, that's right
Viem aké to je keď si outsider (outsider)
I know what it's like to be an outsider (outsider)
Viem aké to je cítiť sa jak amatér (shit)
I know what it's like to feel like an amateur (shit)
Viem aké to je keď si lídrom
I know what it's like to be a leader
Aké to je mat pre hip hop prínos
I know what it's like to make a contribution to hip hop
Viem aké to je mat úplnú bezmoc
I know what it's like to be completely helpless
Keď ti špinia meno a ty cítiš sa jak fake boy
When your name is being dragged through the mud and you feel like a fake boy
Viem aké to je makať cez noc
I know what it's like to work through the night
Veriť tomu čo tvoríš, aj keď máš za to len par euro
To believe in what you're creating, even if you only get a few euros for it
Viem aké to je pocuť mamu plakať
I know what it's like to hear my mother cry
A zas nemôžem zaspať
And not be able to fall asleep again
Viem aké to je keď si mladý slovak
I know what it's like to be a young Slovak
Vydre tie tisíce a nie iba par stovák. (Nórsko)
To earn thousands and not just a few hundred. (Norway)
Viem aké to je zažívať ten fame
I know what it's like to experience fame
A skrývať sa pred fans ako Kurt Cobain
And to hide from fans like Kurt Cobain
Viem aké to je dotýkať sa smrti
I know what it's like to touch death
Aké to je byť legendou svojej štvrti
I know what it's like to be a legend in your own neighborhood
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Ostalo pri mne len par bratov
Only a few of my brothers stayed by my side
Ostatní pekne fuck off
The rest of you, fuck off, that's right
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Ostalo pri mne len par bratov
Only a few of my brothers stayed by my side
Ostatní pekne fuck off
The rest of you, fuck off, that's right
Viem aké to je od dvadsiatich bývať sám
I know what it's like to live alone from the age of twenty
Platiť účty, byť na všetko iba sám
To pay the bills, to be alone with everything
Viem aké to je keď ta nechce ta čo chceš
I know what it's like when the one you want doesn't want you
A keď ťa chcú tie ktoré zaspávajú na nich je tvoj merch
And when those who want you fall asleep while wearing your merch
Viem aké to je cestovať, spoznávať moria
I know what it's like to travel, to see the seas
Piť na plážach s pohárom veľkých ako Soulja
To drink on the beaches with a glass as big as Soulja's
Viem aké to je si to rozdať na narodky
I know what it's like to party on your birthday
S tými ženskými najlepšia Švédska trojka
With the best Swedish trio as the women
Viem aké to je mať len číňany
I know what it's like to wear only Chinese brands
A mať boty o ktorých som sníval vždy
And to have the shoes I've always dreamed of
Viem aké to je skúsiť všetky drogy
I know what it's like to try all the drugs
Tou najlepšou je žena s ktorou chodíš
The best one is the woman you're dating
Viem aké to je snívať nočné mory
I know what it's like to have nightmares
Chcieť sa s rapom rozísť
To want to break up with rap
Aj keď mesto kričí "nesmieš skončiť"
Even when the city is screaming "don't stop"
Viem aké to je patriť medzi vzory
I know what it's like to be a role model
Aj keď moja duša v pekle zhorí
Even if my soul burns in hell
Viem aké to je hľadieť na polárnu žiaru
I know what it's like to look at the polar lights
Hľadieť nechápavo do tých tvári tisícovému davu
To stare in disbelief at the faces of a thousand-strong crowd
Viem aké to je rozlúčiť sa s otcom
I know what it's like to say goodbye to your father
A nedať mu pri tom osobne zbohom
And not be able to say goodbye to him in person
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Ostalo pri mne len par bratov
Only a few of my brothers stayed by my side
Ostatní pekne fuck off
The rest of you, fuck off, that's right
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Toto všetko je za mnou
All that is behind me now
Ostalo pri mne len par bratov
Only a few of my brothers stayed by my side
Ostatní pekne fuck off
The rest of you, fuck off, that's right
A na tele často zažívam ten mráz
And on my body I often experience the cold
Moja cesta ma priveľa jám
My path is riddled with pits
Jak Vigo Mortensen prejdem to dám
Like Vigo Mortensen, I will overcome it
Prejdem to dám, prejdem to dám
I will overcome it, I will overcome it
A na tele často zažívam ten mráz
And on my body I often experience the cold
Moja cesta ma priveľa jám
My path is riddled with pits
Jak Vigo Mortensen prejdem to dám
Like Vigo Mortensen, I will overcome it
Prejdem to dám, prejdem to dám
I will overcome it, I will overcome it

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