Radikal feat. Bio and S. Barracuda a Adyos - Spln - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Radikal feat. Bio and S. Barracuda a Adyos - Spln

Full Moon
Slnko zapadlo, nad hlavou, mesiac a mraky,
The sun has set, above our heads, the moon and clouds,
Kráčam nocou ako vampír, na ďalšiu anti-párty,
I walk through the night like a vampire, heading to another anti-party,
čierne šatky, čiapky, nike-y, temné farby,
Black scarves, hats, Nikes, dark colors,
Lepšie sa tak stratíš z mapy, za tmy pred majákmi,
It's easier to disappear from the map, hidden from the beacons in the darkness,
Sme tiene lampy, sídlisko je bodyguard,
We are shadows of the lamp, the housing estate is our bodyguard,
Vie nás ukryť, chrániť, keď chceme v kľude popíjať,
It can hide us, protect us, when we want to drink in peace,
Rozjímať nad životom, ktorý tu nikde nevedie,
To reflect on life, which leads nowhere here,
Toto je väzenie pre priemer, čo bude nevieme,
This is a prison for the average, what will be, we don't know,
Aj tak to jebeme, nechceme Mercedes,
We don't care anyway, we don't want a Mercedes,
Ku šťastiu nám stačí dobrá vodka a Jack Herer,
Good vodka and Jack Herer are enough for our happiness,
Dvadsať vlkov v svorke, na lavičkách bordel,
Twenty wolves in a pack, a mess on the benches,
študentky spité, ležia pod lavičkou v kóme,
Drunk students lie under the bench in a coma,
My sme zvery, ty si obeť, nechoď veľmi blízko omre,
We are beasts, you are the prey, don't come too close to the grid,
Tento revír je náš dvorec, ver mi môže ťa to bolieť,
This boulevard is our court, believe me, it can hurt you,
Sme frustrovaný, lebo denne sa tu stráca práca,
We are frustrated because jobs disappear here every day,
Na niekoho čaká basa, lebo chcel viac ako sa,
Someone is waiting for jail, because he wanted more than he could get,
Moji bratia hrajú vabank a tu plače každá mama,
My brothers are playing all-in and every mother cries here,
Prachy na gram, prachy na chlast, útočisko naša parta,
Money for a gram, money for booze, our gang is a refuge,
Táto noc, tento asfalt, malomestský lifestyle,
This night, this asphalt, small-town lifestyle,
Betón, lampa, skupinová terapia, krása.
Concrete, lamp, group therapy, beauty.
Sídlisková noc,
Housing estate night,
Vlci majú všetkú moc,
Wolves have all the power,
Zapíjame z tohto sveta v sebe veľkú zlosť,
We drink away the great anger of this world within us,
Sídlisková noc
Housing estate night,
Biznis a antipárty,
Business and anti-party,
Vodka, víno a gramy (yea),
Vodka, wine and grams (yea),
Sídlisková noc
Housing estate night,
Pochop že nás nevidíš,
Understand that you don't see us,
No my vidíme teba a dobre vieme kde ty spíš,
But we see you and we know well where you sleep,
Sídlisková noc
Housing estate night,
Ružomberok, Roveň,
Ružomberok, Roveň,
Adam Trajan, Piešťany a Ostrava v dome.
Adam Trajan, Piešťany and Ostrava in the house.
Vitaj v Transylvánii, chytrák, balím gramy, pálim tabak,
Welcome to Transylvania, smartass, I'm packing grams, smoking tobacco,
Som z družiny Alibaby, čo cez víkend slávi sabat,
I'm from Alibaba's crew, celebrating the Sabbath over the weekend,
Diabol je sparing parťák,
The devil is my sparring partner,
Nosím malých demónov vo svojom vnútri,
I carry little demons inside me,
Musím dnes v noci dať im nažrať,
I have to feed them tonight,
Kým puberťáci tancujú v podnikoch, okupujeme schodisko,
While teenagers dance in clubs, we occupy the stairwell,
A blúdime sa s opicou jak Donkey-Kong,
And we wander around with a monkey like Donkey Kong,
Stresmeter na maximum po tých dňoch,
Stress meter to the max after these days,
Toto je best-seller jak Pulp-fiction totižto,
This is a best-seller like Pulp Fiction because,
Pred piatimi minútami s kuriérom hovorili sme,
Five minutes ago we were talking to the courier,
Teraz vyrážame ako gorily v hmle,
Now we're setting off like gorillas in the fog,
Mobily zvonili, no sorry ja som v rauši,
Mobiles were ringing, but sorry I'm high,
Nepomáham s drogami,
I don't help with drugs,
Prečo by malo trápiť či niekto zháňa kokain?
Why should I care if someone is looking for cocaine?
Okamih, pozor na nočný kľud, jaký nočný kľud?
Wait a minute, watch out for the night peace, what night peace?
Máme byť potichu aj keď všetkým je do výbuchu?
Should we be quiet even when everyone is about to explode?
Môžme jebať lebo my sme nočný kult,
We can fuck because we are a night cult,
Kde nikdy nie je dosť decibelov, dosť deci, fellov a promiskuit.
Where there are never enough decibels, enough deci, fellows and promiscuity.
Sídlisková noc,
Housing estate night,
Vlci majú všetkú moc,
Wolves have all the power,
Zapíjame z tohto sveta v sebe veľkú zlosť,
We drink away the great anger of this world within us,
Sídlisková noc
Housing estate night,
Biznis a antipárty,
Business and anti-party,
Vodka, víno a gramy (yea),
Vodka, wine and grams (yea),
Sídlisková noc
Housing estate night,
Pochop že nás nevidíš,
Understand that you don't see us,
No my vidíme teba a dobre vieme kde ty spíš,
But we see you and we know well where you sleep,
Sídlisková noc
Housing estate night,
Ružomberok, Roveň,
Ružomberok, Roveň,
Adam Trajan, Piešťany a Ostrava v dome.
Adam Trajan, Piešťany and Ostrava in the house.
Můj život je postaven na kriminalitě,
My life is built on criminality,
žiju v Ostravě tak mi nemluv o brigádě.
I live in Ostrava so don't talk to me about a part-time job.
Běhal jsem v noci s canama,
I used to run around at night with cans,
Nebyla to žádná hra,
It wasn't a game,
Dneska rapy v klubu s kurvama,
Today I rap in the club with bitches,
Furt hazard yeah.
Still gambling yeah.
To jsou ty dlouhé noci,
These are the long nights,
Co mi nedávaj spát,
That keep me awake,
Balím brko do listiny svoboda práv.
I roll a joint into the list of freedom rights.
Chodím po ulici, není čeho se bát,
I walk down the street, there's nothing to be afraid of,
Na hlavě kapuci prachy se musí vydělávat.
With a hood on my head, money has to be earned.
Nevěsty mi mávaj z privátu,
Brides wave to me from the brothel,
štětky těhotné na heráku,
Pregnant whores on heroin,
Fetky a kolem plno nastřelených poláků,
Junkies and a bunch of shot-up Poles around,
Jezdí pro trávu,
They come for weed,
Z kapsy putujou ty prachy do mojeho rukávu,
The money travels from their pockets to my sleeve,
Fízl jezdí kolem, dělá že nevidí,
The cop drives by, pretending not to see,
Zkurvysyn se mi taky dva krát nelíbí.
I don't like the motherfucker twice either.
Zmrdi se tváří jako zákon,
He stinks like the law,
Ale jsou jako tma, co patří mafii,
But they're like the darkness that belongs to the mafia,
Kdyby museli za, ty samý prachy by zabili.
If they had to, they would kill you for the same money.
Piker chce za sklo kouřit,
The snitch wants to smoke behind glass,
Kopačka do huby žádný soucit, né,
A kick in the mouth, no mercy, no,
Od půlnoci do půlnoci prachy se musí točit.
From midnight to midnight the money has to spin.

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