Radikal feat. Martina Fabová - Keby... - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Radikal feat. Martina Fabová - Keby...

If Only...
Často premýšľam o tom, keby si neprišla,
I often think about what if you hadn't come,
Bol by som chladný, prázdny a bezcitný celý čas,
I would have been cold, empty, and emotionless all the time,
V láske sa nevyznám, ona sa nedá predvídať,
I don't understand love, it can't be predicted,
Zaklope keď ju nevítaš, strelí ťa ako devina.
It knocks when you don't welcome it, shoots you like a virgin.
Nikdy som ju nevnímal, no teraz vidím svet inak,
I never noticed it, but now I see the world differently,
A ty si pre mňa jediná, s ktorou ho chcem prežívať,
And you are the only one with whom I want to experience it,
nemám sedemnásť, nemilujem každú,
I'm not seventeen anymore, I don't love everyone,
A čím je človek starší, tým viac pochybuje v lásku.
And the older a person gets, the more they doubt love.
A čím si starší tým ťa unavujú samé párty,
And the older you get, the more tired you get of parties,
ľahké mravy, adrenalín, naháňačky za ženami,
Easy morals, adrenaline, chasing women,
A čím si starší, tak tým si viacej vážiš,
And the older you get, the more you appreciate,
To dievča čo ta ľúbi z lásky a nie pre to audi.
The girl who loves you for love and not for that Audi.
A nie pre tie prachy, a víkendy Paríž, Madrid,
And not for the money, and weekends in Paris, Madrid,
Ale preto že si pre ňu niečo ako svetlo za tmy,
But because you're something like a light in the darkness for her,
Keby si neprišla, nevznikli by tieto riadky,
If you hadn't come, these lines wouldn't have been written,
Si pre mňa klenot zafír, milión euro z banky.
You are a sapphire gem to me, a million euros from the bank.
Viem, že keď som s tebou,
I know that when I'm with you,
Nemám strach pred tmou,
I'm not afraid of the dark,
Dávaš mi všetko...
You give me everything...
Viem keď pri tebe spím,
I know when I sleep next to you,
Mám pokojné sny,
I have peaceful dreams,
Si môj vesmír...
You are my universe...
Keby si neprišla, svet by bol arktída,
If you hadn't come, the world would be an arctic,
Dávaš mi odvahu víťaziť, si ako Valkýra,
You give me the courage to win, you are like a Valkyrie,
Dobre vieš že ako jelavou nemusím love songy,
You know very well that as Jelavou I don't need love songs,
No kvôli tebe teraz bez hádok, predsudky zahodím.
But for you now, without arguments, I'll throw away prejudices.
Keby si neprišla, bol by som plný prázdnoty,
If you hadn't come, I would be full of emptiness,
Možno aj tvrdých narkotík, básnik samoty,
Maybe even hard drugs, a poet of loneliness,
Nebol by som na rovni, ale v iných končinách,
I wouldn't be on the level, but in other realms,
A stratil by som čo nevedia moje rýmy opísať.
And I would have lost what my rhymes can't describe.
Vďaka Bohu sme sa stretli, a veľa si vravela,
Thank God we met, and you said a lot,
A smiali sme sa akoby sme vdýchli celý Amsterdam,
And we laughed as if we had inhaled the whole of Amsterdam,
A keď máš úsmev na perách, tak celá zem je farebná,
And when you have a smile on your lips, the whole earth is colorful,
A je to iná planéta, úplne iná planéta.
And it's a different planet, a completely different planet.
Znamenáš tak veľa, že pre teba prenesiem hory,
You mean so much that I will move mountains for you,
Pre tie perfektné boky, pre tie zelené oči,
For those perfect hips, for those green eyes,
Nie si pre mňa posteľ, si hviezda ako Converse,
You are not a bed for me, you are a star like Converse,
Kilometer odo mňa, priamo z mojej rovne.
A kilometer away from me, straight from my level.
Viem, že keď som s tebou,
I know that when I'm with you,
Nemám strach pred tmou,
I'm not afraid of the dark,
Dávaš mi všetko...
You give me everything...
Viem keď pri tebe spím,
I know when I sleep next to you,
Mám pokojné sny,
I have peaceful dreams,
Si môj vesmír...
You are my universe...
Môj svet je tvrdý, pokiaľ môže chce mi ublížiť,
My world is harsh, it wants to hurt me as much as it can,
Si vykúpenie z rutiny, keď všade vidím ruiny,
You are redemption from routine, when I see ruins everywhere,
A možno preto žiarlim ako keby som bol malý,
And maybe that's why I'm jealous as if I were small,
Predátor si svoje chráni a všetko čo mu patrí.
The predator protects his own and everything that belongs to him.
Ak ti niekto niečo spraví, padne na neho klavír,
If someone does something to you, a piano will fall on him,
Ako balík si ťa zbalím, a zoberiem do tej Prahy,
I'll pack you up like a package and take you to Prague,
Možno sa všetko stratí, zostanú len tieto frázy,
Maybe everything will disappear, only these phrases will remain,
Ako dôkaz, že si bola pre mňa niekto vzácny.
As proof that you were someone precious to me.
Viem, že keď som s tebou,
I know that when I'm with you,
Nemám strach pred tmou,
I'm not afraid of the dark,
Dávaš mi všetko...
You give me everything...
Viem keď pri tebe spím,
I know when I sleep next to you,
Mám pokojné sny,
I have peaceful dreams,
Si môj vesmír...
You are my universe...

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