Geh
madl
stel
di
net
so
an,
du
waßt
ganz
genau
wir
zwa
san
net
zum
fernsehn
da.
Geh
bitte
gar
schön
drah
kan
film,
um
gottes
willn.
wü
mit
dir
net
Koatn
spün.
Zerst
in
der
Diskothek
da
hab
dir
no
gfalln,
dann
hob
i
dürfn
zohln,
sag
amoi
wüst
mi
rolln,
du
schnalln.
Glaubst
du
du
bist
so
sche
du
schiache
praterfee
zerst
sagst
du
stehtst
auf
mi,
jetzt
solln
nix
eine
gehn
du
weh.
Don't
act
so
innocent,
girl,
you
know
very
well
that
we're
not
here
to
watch
Please
don't
put
on
a
movie
for
God's
sake.
don't
want
to
play
cards
with
you.
At
first,
you
were
all
over
me
at
the
disco,
then
had
to
pay.
Tell
me,
do
you
think
I'm
an
idiot?
Do
you
think
you're
so
pretty,
you
stupid
Prater
fairy?
First,
you
say
you're
into
me,
now
you
don't
want
anything
to
do
with
me?
Ugh.
bitte
madl
sei
do
gscheit,
pfeif
auf
die
Leit,
dir
schadst
auf
kan
fall
und
mir
machst
a
freid,
geh
hör
ma
auf
mit
deine
Schmäh,
die
kenn
ma
eh,
mit
denen
kannst
dich
barusen
gehn.
Na
du
brauchst
ma
nix
erklären,
wü
nix
hörn,
geh
ham
und
hob
mir
gern.
Come
on,
girl,
be
reasonable,
don't
mind
the
others,
it
won't
hurt
you
and
you'll
make
me
happy.
Stop
with
your
excuses,
we
know
them
all,
you
can
go
and
annoy
someone
else
with
them.
No,
you
don't
have
to
explain
anything
to
me,
don't
want
to
hear
it.
Go
home
and
have
a
good
time
without
me.