Rake - ランナーズ愛-album ver.- - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rake - ランナーズ愛-album ver.-

ランナーズ愛-album ver.-
Runner's Love -Album Ver.-
ランナーズ愛 -Album Ver.- - Rake
Runner's Love -Album Ver.- - Rake
I'm running with you now
A strange power overflows
ただ真っすぐに 走り続けよう
Let's just run straight ahead
How do you want to live?
Surely there is not just one answer
笑っていたい らしくいたい
I want to laugh, I want to be myself
I want to deliver my unadorned thoughts
“It's okay not to change,”
The words you said
一番嬉しくて僕は変ったよ 強くなれたよ
Made me the happiest and changed me, I became stronger
空も海も風も花も 輝く街の灯りさえも
The sky, the sea, the wind, the flowers, and even the lights of the city
明日(あす)を夢見たなら 眩しい世界 だから
If you dream of tomorrow, it will be a dazzling world
Morning and night, wherever you are
I want to see your sparkling smile
僕がここにいる 共に走り出そう
I'm here, let's start running together
素直になること恐れ ぶつかってはまた涙した
I was afraid to be honest, I stumbled and wept again
“Thank you” and “I'm sorry” make the bond stronger each time
Always smiling in my heart, my precious person
あなたがいて僕がいる それが僕の見つけた答え
You exist and I exist, that is the answer I found
憧れを抱いたから 高鳴る胸のトキメキ
Because I had a dream, my heart beats with excitement
心はいつも感じてる 大丈夫一人じゃないと
My heart always feels that I'm not alone
君と今を走ってるんだ がむしゃらにただ前だけを見て
I'm running with you now, desperately looking only forward
この身をかけてずっと 守りたい だから
I want to protect you with all my might, so
君と今を信じてるんだ 不思議とチカラ溢れ出して来る
I believe in you now, a strange power overflows
ただ真っすぐに 走り続けよう
Let's just run straight ahead
僕ら一緒にじゃなきゃ 見えない景色がある
There are scenes that we can't see unless we're together
不器用なままでかまわない いつまでも走り続けよう
It doesn't matter if we're clumsy, let's keep running forever
空も海も風も花も 輝く街の灯りさえも
The sky, the sea, the wind, the flowers, and even the lights of the city
明日(あす)を夢見たなら 眩しい世界 だから
If you dream of tomorrow, it will be a dazzling world
朝も夜もどこにいたって 煌めく君の笑顔見ていたい
Morning and night, wherever you are, I want to see your sparkling smile
僕がここにいる 共に走り出そう
I'm here, let's start running together
僕ら一緒にじゃなきゃ 見えない景色見に行こう
Let's go see the scenery that we can't see unless we're together
不器用なままでかまわない いつまでも走り続けよう
It doesn't matter if we're clumsy, let's keep running forever

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