Rakova - Anarhia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rakova - Anarhia

3 De 8, Crog
3 De 8, Crog
Suntem muzica din Romania
We are the music from Romania
Treaba asta pentru totdeauna
We'll do this forever
Suntem anarhia
We are anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy
3 De 8, Crog
3 De 8, Crog
Suntem muzica din Romania
We are the music from Romania
Treaba asta pentru totdeauna
We'll do this forever
Suntem anarhia
We are anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy
Inca o data WALP in casa
WALP is in the house again
E vorba de business, si tre' s-o facem mare
It's all about business, and we have to make it big
E vorba de business, de asta tragem tare
It's all about business, that's why we work hard
Peste 5 ani vreau sa merg la poligon
In 5 years I want to go to the shooting range
Pare grand theft auto cum ca as avea pistol
It sounds like Grand Theft Auto, like I have a gun
Nu ma multumesc daca succesul nu e in stoc
I won't be satisfied if success isn't in stock
Muzica asta eu nu o vad ca pe un joc
I don't see this music as a game
Sulgera peste mine ca zeus, vezi ca rimele le gandesc
Thunderbolt over me like Zeus, you see I think about the rhymes
Bine calculate le pictez, cand fac asta levitez
Well calculated, I paint them, when I do that I levitate
Eu de fapt nu stau deloc pe loc, nu ma joc, profet
In fact, I don't stand still at all, I don't play, prophet
Pentru succes, trebuie sa dau tot
For success, I have to give everything
Kova pe beat, baga pe cronometru
Kova on the beat, put it on the stopwatch
Ca eu nu ma opresc, de la amurg la rasarit
Because I don't stop, from dusk till dawn
La inceput a fost cuvantul, anonim a fost apusul
In the beginning was the word, the sunset was anonymous
Au crezut ca eu decad, dar s-a-ntimplat opusul, it's lit
They thought I was decaying, but the opposite happened, it's lit
3 De 8, Crog
3 De 8, Crog
Suntem muzica din Romania
We are the music from Romania
Treaba asta pentru totdeauna
We'll do this forever
Suntem anarhia
We are anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy
3 De 8, Crog
3 De 8, Crog
Suntem muzica din Romania
We are the music from Romania
Treaba asta pentru totdeauna
We'll do this forever
Suntem anarhia
We are anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy
Anarhia muzicala
Musical anarchy

Writer(s): Cosmin Mihalache

Rakova - Anarhia
date de sortie

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