Rakova - Apogeu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rakova - Apogeu

Unutrei a disparut
I forgot it has disappeared
S-a stiut de la-nceput
It was known from the beginning
N-a lasat nici o urma
It left no trace
Refugiat poate dupa o umbra
Perhaps a refugee behind a shadow
E o identitate, doar un personaj
It is an identity, just a character
Dupa o masca niciun miraj
Behind a mask no mirage
O entitate, poate doar un nebun
An entity, perhaps just a madman
Cand stilou' leviteaza e ceva bun
When the pen levitates it's something good
Cine-i Treispe?
Who is Treispe?
Nimeni nu l-a vazut
No one has seen him
Nu l-a auzit, nu l-a ascultat de mult
Has not heard him, has not listened to him for a long time
Sau niciodata, 404, 404, 404, not found, not found
Or never, 404, 404, 404, not found, not found
Dincolo de fiecare rima, infern
Beyond each rhyme, hell
Dincolo de strofe, aproape suprem
Beyond the stanzas, almost supreme
Se refugiaza in texte ca sa se salveze
He takes refuge in texts to save himself
Ganduri ermetice, versuri complexe
Hermetic thoughts, complex verses
Cauta divinul in poezie
He seeks the divine in poetry
Numele sau e pura fantezie
His name is pure fantasy
Luna declara un anumit sfarsit
The moon declares a certain end
Simtind ca de pierdut nu mai e nimic
Feeling that there is nothing left to lose
Cine-i Treispe?
Who is Treispe?
Nimeni nu l-a vazut
No one has seen him
Nu l-a auzit, nu l-a ascultat de mult
Has not heard him, has not listened to him for a long time
Sau niciodata, 404, 404, 404, not found, not found
Or never, 404, 404, 404, not found, not found
Daca Treispe dispare, vocea lui nemuritoare
If Treispe disappears, his immortal voice
Apare imprimata pe fisiere muzicale
It appears imprinted on music files
Si rasuna, rasuna, rasuna
And it sounds, it sounds, it sounds
Din straturi de constiinta
From layers of consciousness
Pana la, pana la, pana la
Until, until, until
Tine direct in minte, fiinta
It holds directly in your mind, your being
Fiecare vers ascunde un mesaj
Each verse hides a message
Des despre esec sau nesucces, din peisaj
About of failure or failure, from the landscape
Cand deja a ajuns sa cuprinda ultimul apogeu
When he has already come to embrace the last apogee
Renaste prin piese ca un arhitect
He is reborn through pieces like an architect
Cine-i Treispe?
Who is Treispe?
Nimeni nu l-a vazut
No one has seen him
Nu l-a auzit, nu l-a ascultat de mult
Has not heard him, has not listened to him for a long time
Sau niciodata, 404, 404, 404, not found, not found
Or never, 404, 404, 404, not found, not found

Writer(s): Cosmin Andrei Mihalache

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