Rakova - Civilizaţie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rakova - Civilizaţie

Acolo afara, te fac sa crezi ca asta e progres
Out there, they make you believe that this is progress
Si acesta este mers
And this is the way to go
Acolo afara, se detoneaza bombe
Out there, bombs are detonated
Si arunca soldati in catacombe
And soldiers are thrown into catacombs
Acolo afara, razboi e mandrie
Out there, war is pride
Si pacea e vazuta ca manie
And peace is seen as fury
Acolo afara, se face terorism in tv
Out there, terrorism is done on TV
Si explodeaza in minti
And explodes in minds
Daca iisus ar fi viu, ar fi o stafie
If Jesus was alive, he would be a ghost
Zdruncinat de kalash, rastignit pe fasie
Shaken by a Kalashnikov, crucified on a strip
Ajungem la un stadiu in care ne ucidem pentru o hartie
We get to a stage where we kill each other for a piece of paper
Fel de fel de imagini la televizor
All kinds of images on TV
Fac din lumea asta un abator
Make this world a slaughterhouse
For now
Frigul darama un zid si razboiul rece nu s-a terminat niciodata
The cold brings down a wall, and the cold war never ended
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Implicati mereu in acest razboi
Always involved in this war
Politica este doar a 2-a cauza
Politics is only the second cause
Statul joaca fara nici o pauza
The state plays without any break
Apoi aceasta lume deseori intrece filmele de groaza
And this world often surpasses horror movies
Acolo afara, se trimit avioane
Out there, they send planes
In pentagoane si cladiri
Into pentagons and buildings
Acolo afara, zi de zi
Out there, every day
Atentate catre omenire la stiri
Attacks on humanity in the news
Acolo afara, mass media provoaca teroare
Out there, the mass media provokes terror
Si ii da mare amploare
And gives it great scope
Acolo afara, e o logica ce eu
Out there, there's a logic that I
N-am tupeu sa traiesc, nu
Don't have the guts to live, no
Ca stii, deseori, n-am cum sa ma incred
Because you know, often, I can't trust myself
S-au inventat multe arme in Belle Epoque
Many weapons were invented in the Belle Epoque
Am incercat sa dau mana cu acest sistem
I tried to shake hands with this system
M-am ars c-am aflat ca nu-i deloc un joc
I got burned because I found out it's not a game at all
Luna pare asa de scumpa,
The moon seems so expensive
Fara bariere, asa de departe
Without barriers, so far away
Fara atmosfera, lafel ca Marte
Without atmosphere, just like Mars
Asa de perfecta
So perfect
Acolo niciun divin
There, no divine
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Implicati mereu in acest razboi
Always involved in this war
Politica este doar a 2-a cauza
Politics is only the second cause
Statul joaca fara nici o pauza
The state plays without any break
Apoi aceasta lume deseori intrece filmele de groaza
And this world often surpasses horror movies
Traind in minciuni ce ascund adevaruri amare
Living in lies that hide bitter truths
Institutile indoctrineaza cu alta realitate
Institutions indoctrinate with a different reality
Si vor sa ne dezbine
And they want to divide us
Si nu e de ajuns, o mai facem si noi, probabil nu-i bine
And it's not enough, we do it ourselves too, probably not good
Am ajuns sa veneram munca
We have come to worship work
Nobilizand interese bancare, atuncia
Nobilizing banking interests, then
Suntem siguri cautand un dumnezeu
We are sure searching for a god
Stiind ca nu apare, venerat ca un trofeu
Knowing that he doesn't appear, worshipped like a trophy
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Implicati mereu in acest razboi
Always involved in this war
Politica este doar a 2-a cauza
Politics is only the second cause
Statul joaca fara nici o pauza
The state plays without any break
Apoi aceasta lume deseori intrece filmele de groaza
And this world often surpasses horror movies
Acolo afara, te fac sa crezi ca asta e progres
Out there, they make you believe that this is progress
Si acesta este mers
And this is the way to go
Acolo afara, se detoneaza bombe
Out there, bombs are detonated
Si arunca soldati in catacombe
And soldiers are thrown into catacombs
Acolo afara, razboi e mandrie
Out there, war is pride
Si pacea e vazuta ca manie
And peace is seen as fury
Acolo afara, se face terorism in tv
Out there, terrorism is done on TV
Si explodeaza in minti
And explodes in minds
Daca iisus ar fi viu, ar fi o stafie
If Jesus was alive, he would be a ghost
Zdruncinat de kalash, rastignit pe fasie
Shaken by a Kalashnikov, crucified on a strip
Ajungem la un stadiu in care ne ucidem pentru o hartie
We get to a stage where we kill each other for a piece of paper
Fel de fel de imagini la televizor
All kinds of images on TV
Fac din lumea asta un abator
Make this world a slaughterhouse
For now
Frigul darama un zid si razboiul rece nu s-a terminat niciodata
The cold brings down a wall, and the cold war never ended
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Ce s-a-ntimplat cu noi
What happened to us
Implicati mereu in acest razboi
Always involved in this war
Politica este doar a 2-a cauza
Politics is only the second cause
Statul joaca fara nici o pauza
The state plays without any break
Apoi aceasta lume deseori intrece filmele de groaza
And this world often surpasses horror movies

Writer(s): Cosmin Andrei Mihalache

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