Rakova - Odihna - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rakova - Odihna

E acolo intins, A inteles linistea
He lies there stretched out, He understood the silence
Nu se mai intreaba de ce va fi dupa
He no longer asks why it will be after
Acum a aflat, nu mai e o lupta
Now he has found out, it is no longer a struggle
Acum e un corp fara esenta, acum stie doar de existenta
Now he is a body without essence, now he only knows of existence
Dar n-are suflet, nici nu se zbate
But he has no soul, nor does he struggle
Acum e sub pamant, isi lasa piese in spate
Now he is underground, he leaves pieces behind
Da, acum Treispe e underground
Yes, now Treispe is underground
Nu mai canta fiindca singurul sound ce asculta
He no longer sings because the only sound he hears
Acum e pacea eterna
Now is eternal peace
Prea departe si inchis ca sa auda lumea externa
Too far and closed to hear the outside world
Fara nicio grija sa caute divinul
Without any care to seek the divine
Domnu' nu-i prezent, iar se face absent
The Lord is not present, he is absent again
Si a-nteles ca la testu' vietii a ramas repetent
And he understood that he remained repeating the test of life
Esecul a disparut odata cu sufletul
Failure disappeared along with the soul
Odihna e vesnica, succesul n-are ecou
Rest is eternal, success has no echo
E indiferent, ce folos mai are, nimeni nu stie
It doesn't matter, what good is it anymore, nobody knows
Cine a fost Treispe
Who was Treispe
Un personaj lugubru
A lugubrious character
Foarte sumbru
Very somber
A trait in rime, a disparut in poze
He lived in rhymes, he disappeared in photos
Acum e prezent doar in boxe
Now he is present only in boxes
Si ramane o amintire, usor de sters
And remains a memory, easy to erase
Cand a inchis ochii, a oprit acest mers
When he closed his eyes, he stopped this journey
Dar traieste in muzica, si simt
But he lives in music, and I feel
Ca e cum a zis la sfarsitul strofei din piesa Labirint
That it's like he said at the end of the verse from the song Labyrinth

Writer(s): Cosmin Andrei Mihalache

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