Rakova - Poezie urbană (feat. Anonimu') - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rakova - Poezie urbană (feat. Anonimu')

Poezie urbană (feat. Anonimu')
Urban Poetry (feat. Anonimu')
UFO pe cer, nimeni nu-l vede
UFO in the sky, nobody sees it
In mijlocu′ strazii omuletu' verde
In the middle of the street, the green Martian
Nu suntem singuri, universu-i mare
We are not alone, the universe is big
Tot ce se-ntampla, nu-i pura-ntamplare
All that happens, is not pure coincidence
UFO pe cer, nimeni nu-l vede
UFO in the sky, nobody sees it
In mijlocu′ strazii omuletu' verde
In the middle of the street, the green Martian
Nu suntem singuri, universu-i mare
We are not alone, the universe is big
Tot ce se-ntampla, nu-i pura-ntamplare
All that happens, is not pure coincidence
Poate-am zis c-am renuntat, da uite nu-i asa
Maybe I said I gave up, but look, it's not true
Toata treaba nu e gata, pana n-o voi termina
The whole thing is not over, until I finish it
La fel de High ca la-nceput, cand o ard cu Alienii
As high as I was at the beginning, when I hung out with the Aliens
Un betivan poet, cand o ard cu pamantenii
A drunken poet, when I hang out with earthlings
Stau mana de mana cu doamna in negru
I hold hands with the lady in black
In stanga cu coasa, in dreapta cu micu'
In my left, the scythe, in my right, the young one
Mai cum sa scap mai cum sa ies
How can I escape, how can I get out
Mai cum sa fiu calm, mai cum sa n-am stres
How can I be calm, how can I have no stress
Doua lumi diferite privite din alta parte
Two different worlds seen from another angle
Doua vieti separate conectate-n aparate
Two separate lives connected in machines
Se traduc prin butoane fara sa treaca la fapte
They translate through buttons without going to actions
De la mare distanta stau inchise toate
From a great distance, they remain locked up
Trei sunt gandurile care tre sa iasa
Three are the thoughts that must come out
Au uitat combinatia si nu stiu ce sa faca
They forgot the combination and don't know what to do
Isi intra-n alta stare sa nu isi aminteasca
They enter another state so as not to remember
Stau inchise-n teasta si-ncep sa-l plictiseasca
They remain locked in their head and begin to bore it
UFO pe cer, nimeni nu-l vede
UFO in the sky, nobody sees it
In mijlocu′ strazii omuletu′ verde
In the middle of the street, the green Martian
Nu suntem singuri, universu-i mare
We are not alone, the universe is big
Tot ce se-ntampla, nu-i pura-ntamplare
All that happens, is not pure coincidence
UFO pe cer, nimeni nu-l vede
UFO in the sky, nobody sees it
In mijlocu' strazii omuletu′ verde
In the middle of the street, the green Martian
Nu suntem singuri, universu-i mare
We are not alone, the universe is big
Tot ce se-ntampla, nu-i pura-ntamplare
All that happens, is not pure coincidence
Ea imbracata in negru
She's dressed in black
Ea cu intunericul
She with the darkness
Ea totusi privind luna
Still, she looks at the moon
Numara stelele intruna
Counting the stars one by one
Vad somnul din geamuri de metrou
I see sleep from the windows of the subway
Evadarea prin stilou
Escape through the pen
Un stil nou pentru Treispe
A new style for Treispe
Cerul asta, art nouveau
This sky, Art Nouveau
Si un demon are constiinta
Even a demon has a conscience
Orasul are privire
The city has a face
Ma rog la ingeri de metal fara credinta
I pray to metal angels without faith
Cad in nestire
I faint
Noi nebuni precum genii
We are mad like geniuses
Neintelesi precum alienii
Misunderstood like aliens
Ne retragem in zona tacerii
We retreat into the silence zone
Shhh zenit!
Shhh, zenith!

Writer(s): Cosmin Andrei Mihalache

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