Rakova feat. Sizzurp & Six Wevil - Singur - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rakova feat. Sizzurp & Six Wevil - Singur

N-am nevoie de ajutor
I don't need help
Fac totu' singur
I do everything alone
Dar cateodata mor de dor
But sometimes I die of longing
N-am nevoie de ajutor
I don't need help
Fac totu' singur
I do everything alone
Dar cateodata mor de dor
But sometimes I die of longing
Acelasi drum de parca
The same journey as if
Sunt un masochist
I am a masochist
Singur pana in varful
Alone to the top
Muntelui, atat de trist
Mountain, so sad
Am avut o viziune
I had a vision
M-am vizualizat artist
I visualized myself as an artist
Atat de rau ca lumea
So bad that the world
Imi spunea Antihrist
Called me Antichrist
Asa am fost de mic
That's how I was as a child
N-am gasit oameni ca mine
I didn't find people like me
Doar persoane cu cat mai
Only people with the more
Discutam, si alea putine
We discussed, and those few
N-am energie sa mai
I don't have the energy to
Suport ceea ce vad
Support what I see
Atata multa durere
So much pain
Mai bine eram orb
I wish I were blind
Gluga pe cap
Hood on my head
12 noaptea in cartier
12 o'clock at night in the neighbourhood
Liniste deplina
Complete silence
Fum de tigara in aer
Cigarette smoke in the air
Ganduri de seara
Thoughts of the evening
Luna plina, parcul gol
Full moon, empty park
Nu o sa mentionez ce simt in interior
I won't mention how I feel inside
Singur, dar poate
Alone, but maybe
Asa e mai bine
It's better like this
Singur, nu-mi pierd
Alone, I don't lose
Increderea in mine
My confidence in myself
Stii bine ca in viitor vor
You know that in the future there will be
Fi si zile mai senine
There will also be brighter days
Insa pana atunci voi lupta
But until then I will fight
Doar pentru mine
Only for myself
N-am nevoie de ajutor
I don't need help
Fac totu' singur
I do everything alone
Dar cateodata mor de dor
But sometimes I die of longing
N-am nevoie de ajutor
I don't need help
Fac totu' singur
I do everything alone
Dar cateodata mor de dor
But sometimes I die of longing
Si dau repetat din cap
And I shake my head over and over again
Cand dau pe beat
When I hit the beat
De fapt incerc sa
In fact, I'm trying
Nu ma mai gandesc la infinit
I don't think about infinity anymore
Singur dar
Alone but
Nu ma refer la prietenii
I don't mean friends
Excuse me
Nu mai sunt pe fir
I'm not on the phone anymore
Faptul ca nu mai
The fact that I no longer
Gandesc, pe bune
Think, honestly
Sunt venit din alta
I come from another
Galaxie, se presupune
Galaxy, supposedly
Cat de des imi place sa ma ilud
How often I like to delude myself
Chiar acuma
Right now
Intr-o zi toti o sa stie al meu
One day everyone will know my
N-am nevoie de ajutor
I don't need help
Fac totu' singur
I do everything alone
Dar cateodata mor de dor
But sometimes I die of longing
N-am nevoie de ajutor
I don't need help
Fac totu' singur
I do everything alone
Dar cateodata mor de dor
But sometimes I die of longing
N-am nevoie de ajutor
I don't need help
Fac totu' singur
I do everything alone
Dar cateodata mor de dor
But sometimes I die of longing
N-am nevoie de ajutor
I don't need help
Fac totu' singur
I do everything alone
Dar cateodata mor de dor
But sometimes I die of longing

Writer(s): Cosmin Mihalache

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