Rambo Amadeus - Budala - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rambo Amadeus - Budala

"Bez muke nema nauke"
"No pain, no gain"
Čujem iz gomile tupave jauke
I hear stupid cries from the crowd
A kome je korist da se nauka
But who benefits from knowledge
Pretvori đaku u bauka?
Turning into a bogeyman for the student?
Pametniji popušta
The smarter one gives in
Pa glupljem kormilo prepušta
And hands the steering wheel to the fool
Eto začas karnevala
Here comes the carnival
Na brodu budala
On the ship of fools
"Bez muke se sablja ne sakova"
"Without effort, a sword cannot be forged"
"Bez muke se pjesma ne ispoja"
"Without effort, a song cannot be sung"
Od rada svima pripada muka
From work, everyone gets pain
Iskonski strah od kuluka
A primal fear of forced labor
Pametniji popušta
The smarter one gives in
Pa glupljem kormilo prepušta
And hands the steering wheel to the fool
Eto začas karnevala
Here comes the carnival
Na brodu budala
On the ship of fools
"Sit gladnome ne vjeruje"
"The full doesn't trust the hungry"
Na koga ova mudrost djeluje?
Who does this wisdom affect?
Da'l sitom crijevo protjeruje?
Does it make the full one's gut churn?
Gladan sitom vjeruje manje
The hungry one trusts the full one less
Što mu je govno tanje
The thinner his shit is
"Ćutanje je zlato"
"Silence is golden"
To zvuči svima poznato
That sounds familiar to everyone
Al' zašto nam je onda uopšte
But then why do we even have
Umijeće govora dato?
The gift of speech?
"Uzdaj se u se i u svoje kljuse"
"Trust in yourself and your horse"
Slučajno nemoj u druga do se
Don't accidentally trust another
Ima odma da vas proglase za
They'll immediately call you
"Dva loša što ubiše Miloša"
"Two bad ones who killed Miloš"
"Veži konja đe ti gazda kaže
"Tie your horse where your master tells you
Makar konj od toga i crko"
Even if the horse dies from it"
Poslušnik olako pravi štetu
The obedient one easily causes damage
Da ga gazda slučajno ne bi drk'o
So the master wouldn't accidentally screw him
Pametniji popušta
The smarter one gives in
Pa glupljem kormilo prepušta
And hands the steering wheel to the fool
Eto začas karnevala
Here comes the carnival
Na brodu budala
On the ship of fools
"Sreća prati hrabre"
"Fortune favors the bold"
Smislile barabe
Conceived by scoundrels
Što sjede u kanabe
Sitting in pubs
Za topovsko meso
For cannon fodder
Salatu u ratu
Salad in war
"Boj ne bije svijetlo oružje
"The fight isn't won with bright weapons
Već boj bije srce u junaka"
But the fight is won with the heart of a hero"
Pa ti daju pušku M-48
So they give you an M-48 rifle
Da pucaš na "Tomahavka"
To shoot at a "Tomahawk"
Pametniji popušta
The smarter one gives in
Pa glupljem kormilo prepušta
And hands the steering wheel to the fool
Eto začas karnevala
Here comes the carnival
Na brodu budala
On the ship of fools
"Dok jednom ne smrkne
"Until one's day gets dark
Drugom ne svane"
Another's doesn't dawn"
Jel ova mudrost možda unosi
Does this wisdom perhaps bring
Ljubav i slogu međ' građane
Love and harmony among citizens?
"Strpljen, spašen"
"Patience is a virtue"
Sjedi, zapali cigar, sačekaj
Sit down, light a cigar, wait
Možda će požar postati
Maybe the fire will become
Sam ugašen
Extinguished on its own
"Batina je iz raja izašla"
"The stick came out of paradise"
Pa se bitangama u ruci našla
And ended up in the hands of scoundrels
Ali ko zna zašto je to dobro
But who knows why that's good
Tješi se svaki naivni pobro
Every naive brother consoles himself
Ne lipši magarče
Don't be prettier, donkey
Do zelene trave
Than green grass
Za tebe se ove mudre
These wise sayings are
Poslovice prave
Made for you
Pametniji popušta
The smarter one gives in
Pa glupljem kormilo prepušta
And hands the steering wheel to the fool
Eto začas karnevala
Here comes the carnival
Na brodu budala
On the ship of fools
Pametniji popušta
The smarter one gives in
Pa glupljem kormilo prepušta
And hands the steering wheel to the fool
Eto začas karnevala
Here comes the carnival
Na brodu budala
On the ship of fools
Pametniji popušta
The smarter one gives in
Pa glupljem kormilo prepušta
And hands the steering wheel to the fool
Eto začas karnevala
Here comes the carnival
Na brodu budala
On the ship of fools
Pametniji popušta
The smarter one gives in
Pa glupljem kormilo prepušta
And hands the steering wheel to the fool
Eto začas karnevala
Here comes the carnival
Na brodu budala!
On the ship of fools!

Writer(s): Antonije Pusic, Vojno Dizdar

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