Tad sam bio mali i jos sasvim mladak, Zivio sam ja na selo, malo pjeske od grada
When I was a young lad, a mere stripling, I lived in the countryside, a short walk from the city
I bio sam, ono sto se kaze, pjesak djak
And I was, as they say, a bright student
Lak mi je bio svaki zadatak
Every task came easy to me
U skolu sam im'o ja petice sve
I had straight A's in school
U skolu sam im'o ja petice sve
I had straight A's in school
Samo iz vladanja bogami ne! U to vrijeme bese popularan Halid Invalid Hari, Bijase pjev'o neki' vrlo popularni' stvari
Except for conduct, by God, not that! At that time, Halid Invalid Hari was popular, He sang some very popular songs
Stara mi obeca ic' na njegov koncert
My mom promised to take me to his concert
Ako iz vladanja zasluzim pet
If I earned an A in conduct
Smesta sam prest'o cackat uho-grlo-nos, Da zajebavam ucitelje i u skolu hodam bos
Immediately, I stopped picking my nose, Messing with teachers and going to school barefoot
Prije i posle jela poceo sam ruke prati
I started washing my hands before and after meals
A bez da me na to opominje maaatiiiiii...
And without my mom reminding me...
I bogami nalepise plakate po selu
And by God, they put up posters around the village
Lijepo Halid Invalid Hari u zlatnom odijelu
The handsome Halid Invalid Hari in a golden suit
A ispod je pis'o bijeli sitan tekst"U nedjelju, u mjesnu, pocetak u sest! Ulaz je dinara 42, djeca i vojnici pola od toga!"Aman
- cest usklik u sevdalinkama...
And below it was written in small white text "Sunday, at the community center, starting at six! Entrance is 42 dinars, children and soldiers half price!" Aman
- a common exclamation in sevdalinka songs...
Da bi majka obecanje ispunila sinu, Tog smo jutra ranije namirili zivinu
So that mother could fulfill her promise to her son, That morning we took care of the poultry early
Poveli smo i Mehovu stariju cerku, A starome presuli sarmu u najmanju serpu
We also took Meho's older daughter, And transferred the leftover sarma for grandpa into the smallest pot
Kamenko je rek'o bice kisni dan, Svratili smo kod strika i pozajmili kisobran ...
Kamenko said it would be a rainy day, We stopped by my uncle's and borrowed an umbrella ...
- cest usklik u sevdalinkama...
- a common exclamation in sevdalinka songs...
Kupili smo karte i seli u drugi red, Stara je zapalila cigar, a mi jeli sladoled
We bought tickets and sat in the second row, Mom lit a cigarette, and we ate ice cream
A onda je na daske koje zivot znace, Izasla neka fukara i pocela da skace: Drka drka djon drka drka djon
And then onto the stage that means life, Some bum came out and started jumping around: Drka drka djon drka drka djon
Drka drka djon drka drka djon ...
Drka drka djon drka drka djon ...
Raja je pocela da se pali i zhari ...
The crowd started to get excited and fired up ...
Raja je pocela da se pali i zhari (aplauz...)Jer to je bio glavom i bradom Halid Invalid Hari! Ja sam se njemu obradov'o jako, I pitao: Majko, ocu l' i ja ovako? A majka me u glavu kisobranom osine
The crowd started to get excited and fired up (applause...) Because that was Halid Invalid Hari in person! I was very happy to see him, And I asked: Mom, will I be like this too? And mom whacked me on the head with the umbrella
I ljutito viknu: 'Oces kurac, sine... (pssss...)Halid Invalid, prijatelju stari, Pit'o bi te neki' privatnije stvari
And angrily shouted: 'Like hell you will, son... (pssss...) Halid Invalid, old friend, I'd like to ask you some personal things
Ja sam ti ove alternative sit, I htio bih da napravim jedan pravi hit, Za staru majku, surnjaju i snaju-- da pjevaju me svi u mome zavicaju
I'm tired of these alternatives, And I want to make a real hit, For my old mother, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law -- so everyone in my hometown sings me
Da i mene ko i tebe raja vazda trazi
So that the crowd always wants me like they want you
Kurve na plazi i vojnici na strazi.
The girls on the beach and the soldiers on guard.
I da za mnom vicu on pravi nas je babo, I da za mnom vicu AMADEUS RAMBO, I da za mnom vicu on pravi nas je babo, AMADEUUUS RAMBOOOO! Da zaradim i ja sto pe's 'iljada svajcaraca, Da kupim sebi raznih dzirlo kuraca-palaca, Za staru majku zube od crncada lakse moze orase da krca"Pa Rambo jebote sto mi se odma' nisi javio! Ja bi' ti vala dzaba jedan hit napravio, Ti si interpretator zgodan i vrijedan, Evo ti hit 'jedan kroz jedan'"Volio bih da te ne volim
And to have them shout after me that I'm their real daddy, And to have them shout AMADEUS RAMBO, And to have them shout after me that I'm their real daddy, AMADEUUUS RAMBOOOO! So I can earn some fifty thousand Swiss francs, To buy myself various trinkets and whatnot, For my old mother to get teeth made of ebony so she can crack nuts easier"Well Rambo damn it why didn't you contact me earlier! I would have made you a hit for free, You're a talented and hardworking performer, Here's a hit for you 'one through one'"I wish I didn't love you
Volio bi' a mozda i ne bi! Volio bih da te ne volim
I wish I did, but maybe I don't! I wish I didn't love you
Volio bi' a mozda i ne biiiiii..."
I wish I did, but maybe I don't..."
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