Rand Slam & Insthinc - Terus Terang - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rand Slam & Insthinc - Terus Terang

Terus Terang
Be Frank
Dengarkan kawan
Listen girl
Ini suara di pojokan kota gotham
This is the sound from the corner of Gotham
Panggil semua yg mengaku lawan
Call all that claim opponents
Aku bawakan empat kepalan berisi pitam
I bring four fists full of knockout
Rima yg terus terang
Honest rhymes
Di hari-hari yg menagih kelam untuk datang
In the days that charge gloom to come
Metafor ku pajang telanjang di atas ranjang
I expose my metaphor naked on the bed
Jangan tunggu lama-lama jek
Don't wait too long, jerk
Instrumental sudah becek
The instrumental is already wet
Hantam dengan dialek barisan pesolek
Hit with the dialect of the slick line
Sumbu pendek intelek cetek yg pamer kontol lembek
Short-tempered shallow intellects flaunting soft cocks
Ya, kalian kawanan penjilat pantat
Yes, you bunch of ass kissers
Kerabat penikam punggung
Ini undangan untuk kombat
This is an invitation to combat
Perang urat, syaraf mu yg tersayat saat randslam melaknat
Battle of nerves, your exposed nerves when Randslam curses
Kalian tau kalian tamat tak selamat cepat tobat
You know you're finished, not safe, repent quickly
Sebut insthinc di mulut mu macam aurat
Say Insthinc in your mouth like an obscenity
Simpan di bara jimat sampai kau masuk di kantong mayat
Keep it in your amulet ember until you're in a body bag
Ku layat dengan ayat yg di tulis di bulan ke empat
I pay my respects with verses written in the fourth month
Mengalir dengan satir, amatir berharap mereka tak pernah lahir
Flowing with satire, amateurs wish they were never born
Ini takdir aku sentir ayo mampir
This is destiny, I flick, come on over
Sini ku bayar skill mu harga grosir
Here I pay your skill at wholesale price
Lunas depan kasir
Pay at the cashier
Takbir hiphop dalam wujud paling mutahir
Hip hop greatness in its most advanced form
Paksa kalian buka tabsir mimpi mu ku buat anyir
Force you to open the vision of your dreams, I make it pungent
Dengan atau tanpa masalah
With or without issues
Aku tak pernah suka kau punya wajah jadi percuma
I never liked that you had a face that was useless
Sikap mu menular membusuk minta di hajar
Your infectious attitude stinks, begging to be beaten
Ini waktu mu belajar
This is your time to learn
Dengar, kita selesai kan di luar
Listen, we're done outside

Rand Slam & Insthinc - Rimajinasi
date de sortie

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