Rap Tatsumi - Corona Virus - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rap Tatsumi - Corona Virus

Corona Virus
Corona Virus
Banyak orang-orang masih bahas corona
Many people are still talking about corona
Corona ini virus yang sangat berbahaya
This corona is a very dangerous virus
Tetap dirumah aja jangan kemana-mana
Just stay at home, don't go anywhere
Kalo kalian kena kalian bisa apa
What can you do if you get it?
Berdoa pada tuhan ibadah jangan lupa
Pray to God, don't forget to worship
Yang pulang luar kota tolong isolasinya
Those who are coming back from outside the city, please isolate yourselves
Jangan dulu berkumpul sama sanak saudara
Don't gather with your relatives yet
Nanti kita bersua setelah ini semua
We will meet again after all this
Tetap jaga diri dan juga olahraga
Take care of yourself and exercise
Jangan lupa pakai masker kalo kemana-mana
Don't forget to wear a mask when you go out
Jangan terburu-buru dan tergesa-gesa
Don't be hasty or rush
Inilah virus yang sangat bahaya
This is a very dangerous virus
Simpan egomu dulu demi ini negara
Put your ego aside for the sake of this country
Pak pemerintah sumbangan jangan lupa
Mr. Government, don't forget the donations
Buat korban dan medis biar bisa bekerja
For the victims and the medical staff so they can work
Jangan cuma-cuma pakai alat seadanya
Don't just use makeshift equipment
Nanti medis ikut tumbang, siapa lagi yang bekerja?
Then the medical staff will fall too, who else will work?
Terimakasih banyak-banyak buat medis yang setia
Thank you so much to the medical staff who are dedicated
Merawat pasiennya membunuh si corona
Taking care of their patients, killing the corona
Kami masyarakat kami bisa apa
We, the people, what can we do?
Cuman mematuhi semua aturannya
Just follow all the rules
Buat para seniman semua tetap berkarya
For all the artists, keep creating
Tapi dirumah aja jangan dimana-mana
But stay at home, not anywhere else
Tak dapat panggung ey tak apa-apa
No stage, no problem
Mending dirumah aja ikut challange ey semua
Just stay at home, join the challenge, you all
Ok yah, stay home don't go anywhere
Okay, stay home, don't go anywhere
Jangan pergi kemana-mana
Don't go anywhere
Sayangilah orang di sekitar kita
Love the people around us
Semua bumi ini cepat sembuh
Let this whole earth heal soon
Buat para medis tetaplah berjuang, semangat okey?
For the medical staff, keep fighting, okay?

Writer(s): Rap Tatsumi

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