Y yo llegue a tu casa temblando de miedoY te pedi el perdon que yo nunca concedoTe confese que no consegui reemplazarteY penetre en tu alcoba despues de besarte
And I arrived at your house trembling with fear And I begged for your forgiveness that I would never give I confessed that I could not replace you And I entered your bedroom after kissing you
Tus besos eran soles, tus manos puÑalesTu sonrisa y la mia se dijeron 'te quiero'Y brotaron las frases poco tradicionalesEn una mujer libre y un hombre soltero
Your kisses were suns, your hands daggers Your smile and mine said 'I love you' And the words that came out were a bit unconventional From a free woman and a single man
Y esa fue la noche mas linda del mundoAunque nos durara tan solo un segundoMas no me arrepiento porque aquel momentoLo llevo grabado en mi pensamiento
And that was the most beautiful night in the world Even though it only lasted a second But I have no regrets because that moment I keep it engraved in my mind
Tu lecho en mi memoria, amigos ya viejosEl reloj de pared y la puerta de espejosNos vieron otra vez a los dos reflejadosCometiendo uno a uno nuestros siete pecados
Your bed in my memory, old friends The wall clock and the mirrored door Saw us again, the two of us reflected Committing one by one our seven sins
Me bebi de tu cuerpo la pal y la saviaCon una mezcla extraÑa de amor y de rabiaPrimero nos amamos y luego lloramosY al final por exceso de amor nos separamos
I drank the pal and the sap from your body With a strange mixture of love and rage First we loved each other, and then we cried And in the end, we parted ways because of too much love
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